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Uighur terrorism is going global

We believe in meritocracy in China. Uighur have more rights than other minorities and majority Han but they failed to integrate and be productive. No offense, but it's due to Uighur unwillingness to read /write Chinese is their own fault. Majority of them go to religious schools and learn their language. Don't expect a good job from that.
Most people around the world are sick of entitlements and free handout.
For once, work on betterment of oneself and quit attending useless religious schools that will not get you a good job.

I have met Uighurs below 30 who are working in foreign companies, govt. institutions and doing business, all are fluent in Chinese. May be they are exceptions because they are from good educated families. And all of them had no problem getting drunk and having fun.

The other issue is negative inducement. Positive inducement is a much better method to get people away from undesirable behavior:
Contemporary Issues in Public Policy: Inducements

From babies to adults, the more we try to force people's behavior in a certain way, it usually has the opposite effect, they try to cling to those undesirable behavior even more, the attraction of the forbidden fruit:
Forbidden fruit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

From what I have seen, Uighurs are capable people, they have a wonderful cuisine, their dance and music is exquisite and I absolutely adore their dance and traditional music. Just because they follow a certain religion, it should not automatically make them less capable of being productive citizens. Their biggest drawback is that Chinese is not their mother tongue, which they have to learn and master, which is not the case with majority population and most other minorities.

As for entitlement and affirmative action, yes for an economy like the US or EU, I don't support them at all, as it makes people lazy, but I think you have a slightly different situation in Xinjiang. It will be good for Chinese state to use positive inducement to get majority Uighurs on their side and identify the traitor bad apples, who I believe are traitors not just for Chinese state, but Uighur people as well. When the Chinese state will have the 99.99% Uighur's loyalty and gratitude then it becomes a very easy job to find the traitors. The 99.99% Uighurs will then find the other 0.01% for you.

I support a strong security state, as I do not think developing countries have much alternative for that to maintain peace and stability, but at the same time there has to be other ways to induce people to earn their loyalty and gratitude.

I do not mean to interfere in other state's affairs, but just answering your post with my opinion.
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@Pak-one I applaud that you didnt act like a hypocrite and Chinese Chaplus like some of the Pakistani members here. :)
Terrorism is going to last until 2020-2025 at the most. By then Xinjiang will be fully developed, Tarim Basin which most Uighur's reside in is still poor.

The Central Asian countries are also on China's side, most are wary of terrorism, just recently Kyrgyzstan killed 11 Uighur's, Uzbekistan fought the Uzbek Islamic movement, Tajikistan fought a civil war against Islamic militants and Liberals.

As for the OIC or Arab league condemning China they're already dealing with their own problems most cooperate with China in fact many have aided us in the fight against Uighur Terrorism. The OIC and Arab League have failed to stop Israel in the West Bank and from controlling Jerusalem(holy site of Islam) now they are secretly cooperating with Israel against a Muslim country Iran. So for those calling on the Muslim countries to condemn us feel free to Muslim Brotherhood is only on paper reality it's everyone for their own interests.

Finally most Uighur's want to remain with China and they themselves are the biggest victims of terrorism, only solution is integration of the Uighur's into Chinese society. Terrorists will continue to die.
Full-blown insurgency??? That won't happen.

They will be fxxked so badly that any of their remaining generations will be praying to their god that they wanted to take back what they have done.

Don't trust me??? :rofl:

Bring it on!!!

You've missed out the most important country that's going to be affected by this terrorism, and that is, China. You're well on the way to facing a full blown insurgency in the next 5 years or so.

If it isn't nipped in the bud now, it would be too late.
finally china govt must give full human rights to Uyghurs
I think any sensible person that know the facts on the ground would see that the Uighur separatist has NOT a chance in a million to achieve their stated goal.
Then, why would foreign state still actively support them?
Do these supporter actually care that Uighur is ultimately the biggest sufferer?
Are they part of the solution to whatever problems that exist or are they part of the problem?
no one born as terrorist. why china restrict providing passport to Uyghurts
without passport, how we could say there is human right. yesterday I ask local authority to make passports for my kids, they said ok next two week the passports would be deliverred at my home
finally china govt must give full human rights to Uyghurs
Terrorists in Britain and Germany have human rights as well, yet they still killed local cops and recruited by terrorist groups.
dont consider dozen million of Uyghurs as terrorists
I think any sensible person that know the facts on the ground would see that the Uighur separatist has NOT a chance in a million to achieve their stated goal.
Then, why would foreign state still actively support them?
Do these supporter actually care that Uighur is ultimately the biggest sufferer?
Are they part of the solution to whatever problems that exist or are they part of the problem?

Sponsors of terrorism do not care for the Uighur. Their goal is to destabilize China and create internal strife through divide and conquer.
The fight against xinjiang terrorist is not about Han Chinese vs Uighur, those who follow the news of police crackdown on terrorist movement shld know that Uighur policemen are among those who brought the terrorist to justice, just as there many Uighur serving in the PLA as well. The proof is in the pudding on the ground, go see for yourself in xinjiang before passing judgement.
This self praising cartoon looks like a joke.
Sorry i deleted my post....
You keeps on changing your Avatar (kishore -> Written text-> Angry bird)
I assume your Star element is Air?? .....:what:
We do not.

We still think most uighurs are moderate and consider themselves as Chinese.

Those who join terrorist groups are only minority in Uighurs. We treat these two type of uighur people way differently.

dont consider dozen million of Uyghurs as terrorists
uiui terrorism is globalist in nature, not because uiuis are often moslems, but because uiuis are all panturkicists. their turkichood is their inborn criminality, just like all other panturkicists
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