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Uighur Activist Accuses China of Covering Up Xinjiang Killings

India is perform religion dilution in Kashmir, basically they want to get rid of muslim in the region and replace with Hindu majority and perform genocide against poor slum Indians and make India 2030.

And this plan would have to wait until rupee is stabilized. Because they do not have money to import the kerosene that is needed to burn churches and mosques.
The population of Uyghurs grew from 1 million in the 1950s to 10 million today.

tell us about the percentage of Uyghurs and Han Chinese in Xinjiang in 1949 and 2013. Han Chinese who were 4% of Xinjiang's population in 1949 are in majority now in Xinjiang.

India needs over 600,000 non-Kashmiri troops in Kashmir

That's an exaggerated figure used for propaganda purpose by Pakistan. Indian government never released that figure.
And this plan would have to wait until rupee is stabilized. Because they do not have money to import the kerosene that is needed to burn churches and mosques.

you kidding me right... Theree is a law in place to keep kashmir as is it is. Unlike the great invation of Tibet and Ugirstan by the Han's. Don't worry about the shortage of kerosene in our churches and mosques because unlike chinese athiests. We Indians make sure our religious places are well lit more than our houses. Another moronic comment from you, as i assumed from a 50 cent army.
tell us about the percentage of Uyghurs and Han Chinese in Xinjiang in 1949 and 2013. Han Chinese who were 4% of Xinjiang's population in 1949 are in majority now in Xinjiang.

That's an exaggerated figure used for propaganda purpose by Pakistan. Indian government never released that figure.

you kidding me right... Theree is a law in place to keep kashmir as is it is. Unlike the great invation of Tibet and Ugirstan by the Han's. Don't worry about the shortage of kerosene in our churches and mosques because unlike chinese athiests. We Indians make sure our religious places are well lit more than our houses. Another moronic comment from you, as i assumed from a 50 cent army.

The Han population in Xinjiang is in Dzungharia (northern Xinjiang), where Uyghurs are also immigrants. Dzunghars are the natives there. the Uyghur homeland of the Tarim Basin (southern Xinjiang) is Uyghur majority, over 90% and in some places 99%.

It was China who moved Uyghurs from the Tarim to settle in Dzungharia.

you kidding me right... Theree is a law in place to keep kashmir as is it is. Unlike the great invation of Tibet and Ugirstan by the Han's. Don't worry about the shortage of kerosene in our churches and mosques because unlike chinese athiests. We Indians make sure our religious places are well lit more than our houses. Another moronic comment from you, as i assumed from a 50 cent army.

India is suppose to be fair to all religious group and people. But we know that religious minorities are prosecuted. So don't act as if Indians people are all tolerant. Some Indians even admit that Indians are the most racist people out there.
The Han population in Xinjiang is in Dzungharia (northern Xinjiang), where Uyghurs are also immigrants. Dzunghars are the natives there. the Uyghur homeland of the Tarim Basin (southern Xinjiang) is Uyghur majority, over 90% and in some places 99%.

It was China who moved Uyghurs from the Tarim to settle in Dzungharia.


So basicly you tossed your Muslim population around to finally vacate the Muslims from the land you settled them to begin with. In your logic it serves the chinese the right to vacate the now residents to reclaim the land to be claimed by Han's to vacate the Muslims. Hummmmm the green flags are still keeping there hypocritical behinds shut. It's all well as long as green flag lover get there weapons from the enemy of their great enemies.:pakistan:

So basicly you tossed your Muslim population around to finally vacate the Muslims from the land you settled them to begin with. In your logic it serves the chinese the right to vacate the now residents to reclaim the land to be claimed by Han's to vacate the Muslims. Hummmmm the green flags are still keeping there hypocritical behinds shut. It's all well as long as green flag lover get there weapons from the enemy of their great enemies.:pakistan:

Knowing damn well all they going to get is forplay from chinese. What a lovely brotherly, benefital, friendship.
Some Indians even admit that Indians are the most racist people out there.
really, last time i remember it was you chinese who were following black people around there dollar store, everywhere. You racist bigot you don't even forgive dogs.
So basicly you tossed your Muslim population around to finally vacate the Muslims from the land you settled them to begin with. In your logic it serves the chinese the right to vacate the now residents to reclaim the land to be claimed by Han's to vacate the Muslims. Hummmmm the green flags are still keeping there hypocritical behinds shut. It's all well as long as green flag lover get there weapons from the enemy of their great enemies.:pakistan:

Knowing damn well all they going to get is forplay from chinese. What a lovely brotherly, benefital, friendship.

Uyghurs in Dzungharia are not being vacated. What happened was that more Han people were settled in Dzungharia, which is the native land of the Dzunghars, and both Han and Uyghurs are migrants to that land.
really, last time i remember it was you chinese who were following black people around there dollar store, everywhere. You racist bigot you don't even forgive dogs.

Indian racism can be exemplify by the India superpower 2030 movie. Its pathetic and outrageous at the same time. And that movie brought some folks from storm front here. Of course to talk about how Indians are superior Aryans. :rofl:
Go read her autobriography yourself, I provided the page numbers on that thread, specifically page 9. And the Dalai Lama has been hosted by India- the same country allied to the Soviet Union in the Cold War.

oh, so an autobiography published i don't know when is proof for an event that's happened last week?

China exports bombs, tanks, planes and planes to the Pakistani military, we don't import weapons.

You didn't really understand what i meant. To help you in your understanding of subtle sarcasm, you still won't be importing weapons, only they will be importing into China. ;)
oh, so an autobiography published i don't know when is proof for an event that's happened last week?

TITLE Dragon Fighter: One Woman's Epic Struggle for Peace with China

AUTHOR: Rebiya Kadeer


In order to help fulfill his dream of an independent Uyghur nation, my father reached for his gun....In July 1944, the Uyghurs... called for an independent republic...our leaders conducted meetings with the Chinese Central Government under Chiang Kai Shek while also secretly receiving weapons and counsel from the Soviet Union.

On page 13, Kadeer writes her sob story on how the local Russian engineers and other Russians were their family friends and friendly to the Uyghurs, and how some Uyghurs even though Russian culture was more advanced than their own and went to the Russian school.

And even though they were white Russians who fled from the Russian Civil War, the White Russians allied with the Soviets in Xinjiang after Sheng Shicai took power and took orders from Moscow. The White Russians served in the Ili National Army alongside rebel Communist Uyghurs under Ehmetjan Qasim and his Soviet masters. They had fought alongside the Soviet Red Army in Xinjiang in 1934 against Ma Zhongying's 36th division.

On page 14, she neglects to mention that the executed Kazakh freedom fighter Osman Batur had turned against the East Turkestan Republic, and fought against the Soviet backed Uyghurs while writing his eulogy.

The Soviet educated, Stalinist stooge, Soviet Communist Party member, Uyghur separatist Ehmetjan Qasim and his Soviet backed "rebellion". He was the boss of Rebiya Kadeer's father.



At this time, Stalin had butchered thousands of Chechen, Ingush, and Tatar Muslims, and Kadeer is proudly admitting they received Soviet help and that they thought the Russians in Xinjiang were their "friends".

You didn't really understand what i meant. To help you in your understanding of subtle sarcasm, you still won't be importing weapons, only they will be importing into China. ;)

Yeah, Chinese border officials allow random people with RPGs, AK-47s and tanks to roll accross the border after stamping their passports. I fully understood the meaning of your post, I also fully understand that you have no affect on real world affairs and that you are just another troll on the internet.

Which brings us to the end of this discussion.
TITLE Dragon Fighter: One Woman's Epic Struggle for Peace with China
AUTHOR: Rebiya Kadeer

That still isn't evidence that could stand on its own in any court other then the sham scripted CCP courts. That's just a recollection of actions. Please point me in the direction where Ms.Kadeer can by implicated in last weeks incident through the writings in this autobiography.

We both know you can't and you're just full of paid for propaganda.

Yeah, Chinese border officials allow random people with RPGs, AK-47s and tanks to roll accross the border after stamping their passports. I fully understood the meaning of your post

No, you didn't, but that's not surprising. No insurgent supplier will supply his customers by treading through a high security border. Obvious, i guess not to some.

I also fully understand that you have no affect on real world affairs and that you are just another troll on the internet.

LOL! What effect do you have? hahahahaha, You're a kid posting for scrap change, not an authority on anything and you don't have any effects on real world affairs also. Grow up kid.
Oh and, better troll then a 50 cent tool!

Which brings us to the end of this discussion.

This is just an excuse because you have no valid arguments. And because you suck. :lol:
tell us about the percentage of Uyghurs and Han Chinese in Xinjiang in 1949 and 2013. Han Chinese who were 4% of Xinjiang's population in 1949 are in majority now in Xinjiang.

That's an exaggerated figure used for propaganda purpose by Pakistan. Indian government never released that figure.

Math is not your strong side, right.

Uighurs and China's Xinjiang Region - Council on Foreign Relations

The increasing number of jobs in Xinjiang has meant rising levels of migrant workers to the region, many of whom are ethnically Han. The Chinese government does not count the number of workers that travel to Xinjiang, but reports say the Han population has risen dramatically, from 6.7 percent (220,000) in 1949 to 40 percent (8.4 million) in 2008.

I will think moving around because of jobs isnt something bad. After all it is their country.
Nowadays, Uighur Activists, a.k.a. pan-turkistan islam terrorists/extremists/fundamentalists, are simply a joke.

China does not have to cover anything. If we catch them, we will kill them as well.
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