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Uighur Activist Accuses China of Covering Up Xinjiang Killings

So, we can conclude, the Uyghur's last week were shot because of the Soviets. Or because of a photo op with Bush Jr.?


Clash with Uygurs leaves 21 dead in Xinjiang | South China Morning Post

So, this Kadeer road you are trying to steer me on, ain't gonna work. As i understand it she is classed the same as Dalai Lama by the CCP. That's a good thing in my book. And noone so far is connecting her to this but you.

So, the infrastructure to import "things" is already in place. ;)

Go read her autobriography yourself, I provided the page numbers on that thread, specifically page 9. And the Dalai Lama has been hosted by India- the same country allied to the Soviet Union in the Cold War.

China exports bombs, tanks, planes and planes to the Pakistani military, we don't import weapons.
Yes I agree with you, he is true to his words unlike many others who choose neither to condone the death of Uighurs nor expressed their happiness that China got rid of those scums.

It's India which compels Pakistan to look other way while China butchers their umma brothers right next to their border.

You should be more concern of how Maoist butchers the poor indians policeman and political figures within your nation :coffee:, The more India slums, the more maoist can recrue these poor people to fight for their cause, it's been over 30 years your so call mighty Indian army couldn't do a sh1ts to them...and be prepared for the insurrection of these slum people and eventually balkanizing the entire India.

Maoist rebels kill 5 soldiers in eastern India - Las Vegas Sun News
:lol: that's the best you got to stir up trouble between China and Pakistan? We toke care of these people not because we hate muslim but terrorist who kill innocent peoples on street. any muslim countries will do the same to these outlaws. You Indian of course are exception, you kill muslim or Christian and discriminating them for political reason to show your hindu supremacist.

Muslims being Abused and discrminated in India - YouTube

Hindu Nation: India's Religious Cleansing - YouTube

High on weed ??:omghaha:

We as Sanatan Dharmi are most accommodating but same couldn't be said about Buddhist who are cleansing minority muslims in Myanmar, Sri-Lanka and China.

You should be more concern of how Maoist butchers the poor indians policeman and political figures within your nation :coffee:, The more India slums, the more maoist can recrue these poor people to fight for their cause, it's been over 30 years your so call mighty Indian army couldn't do a sh1ts to them...and be prepared for the insurrection of these slum people and eventually balkanizing the entire India.

Maoist rebels kill 5 soldiers in eastern India - Las Vegas Sun News

Dumbastard we are not like you and so we don't let loose our Army on our own people and that mean no tanks on our own , go back and mug up more from net and comeup with better argument.
High on weed ??:omghaha:

We as Sanatan Dharmi are most accommodating but same couldn't be said about Buddhist who are cleansing minority muslims in Myanmar, Sri-Lanka and China.

The only people you could accomodate are slum Indians because that's the way to perform genocide without being held as criminal, I guess that the way of eliminate porverty in India, you just let them die of desease in the slum. you Hindu are the worst amount other religions.

Hindu Nazi inspired terrorists in india killing christans muslims and sihks
Hindu Nazi inspired terrorists in india killing christans muslims and sihks - YouTube
High on weed ??:omghaha:

We as Sanatan Dharmi are most accommodating but same couldn't be said about Buddhist who are cleansing minority muslims in Myanmar, Sri-Lanka and China.

Dumbastard we are not like you and so we let loose our Army on our own people, go back and mug up more from net and comeup with better argument.

The population of Uyghurs grew from 1 million in the 1950s to 10 million today. India needs over 600,000 non-Kashmiri troops in Kashmir just to stop the population from rising up from your most accomodating country, and the Assam Rifles in Manipur. And the AFSPA because simply so many massacres take place.
The only people you could accomodate are slum
Issues with english ??
Indians because that's the way to perform genocide without being held as criminal, I guess that the way of eliminate porverty in India, you just let them die of desease in the slum
. How many died of hunger or diseases in slums , provide stats to back your rants or keep your trap shut.
you Hindu are the worst amount other religions.

I think nobody told you that we invented your religion as a religion of peace but you disfigured it, morons.
Hindu Nazi inspired terrorists in india killing christans muslims and sihks
PM of India is Sikh, Defence minister of India is Christian, Foreign minister is muslim.Did that give you any ideas you 50 cent looser.

Hindu Nazi inspired terrorists in india killing christans muslims and sihks - YouTube[/QUOTE]
Issues with english ?? . How many died of hunger or diseases in slums , provide stats to back your rants or keep your trap shut.

I think nobody told you that we invented your religion as a religion of peace but you disfigured it, morons.

PM of India is Sikh, Defence minister of India is Christian, Foreign minister is muslim.Did that give you any ideas you 50 cent looser.

Hindu Nazi inspired terrorists in india killing christans muslims and sihks - YouTube

Majority of Chinese are not Buddhist, and we don't know even one word of Sanskrit.
As usual Chibots are trying to divert the thread with off topic posts. :lol:
The population of Uyghurs grew from 1 million in the 1950s to 10 million today. India needs over 600,000 non-Kashmiri troops in Kashmir just to stop the population from rising up from your most accomodating country, and the Assam Rifles in Manipur. And the AFSPA because simply so many massacres take place.

India is perform religion dilution in Kashmir, basically they want to get rid of muslim in the region and replace with Hindu majority and perform genocide against poor slum Indians and make India 2030.
WTF are people responding in this thread? I mean those Indians are so concerned about our minorities in China, lol. Either they are trolls or they just want to stir up some stupid controversies.

Radio Free Asia? What the heck? This name reeks neo-colonialism. Yeah, right we Asia need to be freed. /rolleyes.
The population of Uyghurs grew from 1 million in the 1950s to 10 million today. India needs over 600,000 non-Kashmiri troops in Kashmir just to stop the population from rising up from your most accomodating country, and the Assam Rifles in Manipur. And the AFSPA because simply so many massacres take place.

There are more than 100,000 Kashmiri police force who bare the brunt of stone pelters in Kashmir. Try asking a Kashmiri police officer how things are and he'll surly Awake you with a tight slap cross your face without flinching. I said the following because Chinese only understand the language of brutal force given their bloody history. China was built on the pillars of mass genocide on their own people.
Population of muslims in India grew from 40 million in 1951 to 180 million in 2011, does that tell you something about our discrimination against them ??

As per Kashmir, it has undemarcated border with Pakistan as well China, so you know why there is such a significant presence of security personel, it's nothing against any religion and by the way of those 600000 , more than 100000 are from Kashmir police who are Muslims themselves.

Now try harder.Truth will remain truth.

You claimed "Buddhists" in China were "cleansing" them, when neither the Chinese population is majority Buddhist nor are they being cleansed. What did I say about cleansing of Muslims in India?
Yes - any rational being can see the similarities between the Taliban/Al Qaeda and the followers of the Dalai Lama - am just surprised the Americans still don't have drones deployed to smoke out those Buddhist monks. LOL

A Chinese's grasp of the world - lol.
Yes - any rational being can see the similarities between the Taliban/Al Qaeda and the followers of the Dalai Lama - am just surprised the Americans still don't have drone to smoke out those Buddhist monks. LOL

A Chinese's grasp of the world - lol.

By the way - in my opinion the education and political system in the Tarim Basin (southern Xinjiang) should be returned to the mullahs like it was during the Qing dynasty and Governor Yang Zengxin's rule. The Mullahs supported the government against separatists, they controlled the subjects being taught in schools and enforced dress codes like the veil, there were no nationalists, or knife and axe wielding people or bombmakers.
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