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ÜIke Yönetimi

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Kaynak: https://odatv.com/yol-yaptik-yol-diye-ovunenlere-bu-haberi-gosterin-2806171200.html

Metin Feyzioğlu Osmangazi Köprüsü'nün Maliyetini Bilal'e Anlatır Gibi Anlattı ''

Az kaldı herkes uyanıyor, çok az ;)

Sen emekliyi süründür, 1 litlre süte, peynire muhtaç et, yandaş firmalara milyarlarca dolar bayıl.
Önümüz aydınlık inşallah

Korku mu sardı? Aç tavuk kendini buğday ambarında sanarmış. Kendi kendilerine birşeyler sallayıp duruyorlar. Zeki halk kısmına sen kendini mi katıyorsun? Umarım ciddi değilsindir. Akp Fetöcüler ile cirit atarken hain diyordunuz Fetöcüler ile bugün siz kol kolasınız fetö artıkları yürekli oldu ve onu ssvunanlarda zeki oldu.

sana yine aynı videoyu atıyorum. Varsa kanıtın, hiç durma savcılığa

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Korku mu sardı? Aç tavuk kendini buğday ambarında sanarmış. Kendi kendilerine birşeyler sallayıp duruyorlar. Zeki halk kısmına sen kendini mi katıyorsun? Umarım ciddi değilsindir. Akp Fetöcüler ile cirit atarken hain diyordunuz Fetöcüler ile bugün siz kol kolasınız fetö artıkları yürekli oldu ve onu ssvunanlarda zeki oldu.

Yeniyim ve şunu söyliyim buraya geldiğimden beri iyi parti fetöcü diyenler bırakın troll'ü artık be kardeşim. Kimse yemiyor o numaraları artık. Banada boşuna cevap vermeyin troller
Tayyip fanboys be like: Meral Aksener is a proven Gulenist. On 2 november 2006 she said hello to a person, who's cousin's sister's neighbour is fetocu.
Tayyip fanboys be like: Meral Aksener is a proven Gulenist. On 2 november 2006 she said hello to a person, who's cousin's sister's neighbour is fetocu.
I mean, you literally have no difference than hülocuğs. Lets fact check;

1) Both you and hülocuğs lie
2) Both you and hülocuğs lick other people
3) Both you and hülocuğs defend terrorists
4) Both you and hülocuğs blame other criminals to justify the criminal you/hülocuğs support.

Same quality of intellectuality for sure o_O
I mean, you literally have no difference than hülocuğs. Lets fact check;

1) Both you and hülocuğs lie
2) Both you and hülocuğs lick other people
3) Both you and hülocuğs defend terrorists
4) Both you and hülocuğs blame other criminals to justify the criminal you/hülocuğs support.

Same quality of intellectuality for sure o_O

I believe that the comment you quoted explained it pretty obvious. Those hüloğs who supported terrorists Bülent Arınç, Bekir Bozdağ, Melih Gökçek has no difference than those who support terrorist Meral Akşener.

They literally have same level of intellectuality, if not less.
I believe that the comment you quoted explained it pretty obvious. Those hüloğs who supported terrorists Bülent Arınç, Bekir Bozdağ, Melih Gökçek has no difference than those who support terrorist Meral Akşener.

They literally have same level of intellectuality, if not less.
Your arguments are pathetic. Stop it, get some help
I guess you don't get it. There was no argument in first place, it was a statement o_O ?

Oh god. Just stop whatever you are doing. you are not helping anyone. People like you are the problem in this country because you wont change your side. And you will keep saying the same wrong thing again and again. And think you are right. Which is worst. Why are you doing this? care to tell us? whats your point? what are you trying to achieve by doing this?

Like why do you repeat meral akşener is a terrorist when she is obviously not. You know it too. Do you want people to vote for the real terrorists? Why?
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