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ÜIke Yönetimi

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What side? o_O What you are talking about lmao

I know

I think you keep quoting wrong person? Or are you just trolling?

You are a terrorist. See nothing happens

Which side? The side who thinks aksener is a terrorist maybe? I think its obvious which side that is.

Stop saying people are terrorists. That doesnt help
Which side? The side who thinks aksener is a terrorist maybe? I think its obvious which side that is.
It obviously isn't. There is no homogenous group who says the fact that Akşener is a terrorist scum. There are Kemalists who say that, there are AKP supporters who say that, there are liberals who say that, there are even communists who say that. There are dozens of different groups who say that.

Stop saying people are terrorists. That doesnt help
It does help a lot actually. Why you are scaring so much to see that Terrorists are being tagged out? Akşener is a Fethollah terrorist scum just like Bülent Arınç, Ahmet Davutoğlu, Abdullah Gül, Melih Gökçek.
It obviously isn't. There is no homogenous group who says the fact that Akşener is a terrorist scum. There are Kemalists who say that, there are AKP supporters who say that, there are liberals who say that, there are even communists who say that. There are dozens of different groups who say that.

It does help a lot actually. Why you are scaring so much to see that Terrorists are being tagged out? Akşener is a Fethollah terrorist scum just like Bülent Arınç, Ahmet Davutoğlu, Abdullah Gül, Melih Gökçek.

YOU HAVE NO PROOF OF IT HELLO. I think you want a civil war? because all it does is seperate people even more. you just can take how she is gaining popularity right? why would you try to sell a lie otherwise. I should probably stop replying to people like you. You keep telling that she is a terrorist. What if she wins the elections? what will you do then? oh god you cant think.
I actually proved that all those Bülent Arınç, Sezgin Tanrıkulu, Meral Akşener, Melih Gökçek, Ahmet Davutoğlu, Abdullah Gül are Fethollah terrorist scums, in this topic. Just because you lack with using search feature of this forum platform doesnt mean it does not exist :lol:

You keep telling that she is a terrorist.
Of course, calling terrorists out is the main responsibility of the Citizens of the Republic of Turkey. Wait, do you support terrorist scums Bülent Arınç, Meral Akşener, Melih Gökçek? o_O

What if she wins the elections?
Well, in 2002, one terrorist won the election. I am used to see terrorists winning elections in Turkey. But luckily those days are over, we dont hesitate to "neutralise" terrorists in this new era, if you know what i mean :)
I actually proved that all those Bülent Arınç, Sezgin Tanrıkulu, Meral Akşener, Melih Gökçek, Ahmet Davutoğlu, Abdullah Gül are Fethollah terrorist scums, in this topic. Just because you lack with using search feature of this forum platform doesnt mean it does not exist :lol:

Of course, calling terrorists out is the main responsibility of the Citizens of the Republic of Turkey. Wait, do you support terrorist scums Bülent Arınç, Meral Akşener, Melih Gökçek? o_O

Well, in 2002, one terrorist won the election. I am used to see terrorists winning elections in Turkey. But luckily those days are over, we dont hesitate to "neutralise" terrorists in this new era, if you know what i mean :)

Bülent Arınç, Ahmet Davutoğlu, Abdullah Gül, Melih Gökçek are all former akp members. akşener is not.

akp itself is feto. i dont care what you call them. but you cant call all the voters terrorists even on akps case.

Well, in 2002, one terrorist won the election. I am used to see terrorists winning elections in Turkey. But luckily those days are over, we dont hesitate to "neutralise" terrorists in this new era, if you know what i mean :)

so you support the current government?
Bülent Arınç, Ahmet Davutoğlu, Abdullah Gül, Melih Gökçek are all former akp members. akşener is not.
Who talks about AKP? And why you removed the name of Sezgin Tanrıkulu from my list? Fethollah scum indeed operated inside AKP, CHP and others, but also MHP and government institutions which meant to be neutral.

so you support the current government?
So i say "one terrorist won the election in 2002", and you are asking me that "do i support current government?" o_O

You look like a new account, but i am going to assume that you followed this forum for a long time before you register, also i am gonna assume that you followed Ülke Yönetimi topic specially in past, since this is the only topic you write since you registered.

So you probably already know that i support "Non-Partisan direct democracy". You are asking me that if i support AKP.

Flash news: Akp is a political party :lol:

You are asking one non-partisan democracy supporter that if he is a party supporter or not lmao.
Who talks about AKP? And why you removed the name of Sezgin Tanrıkulu from my list? Fethollah scum indeed operated inside AKP, CHP and others, but also MHP and government institutions which meant to be neutral.

So i say "one terrorist won the election in 2002", and you are asking me that "do i support current government?" o_O

You look like a new account, but i am going to assume that you followed this forum for a long time before you register, also i am gonna assume that you followed Ülke Yönetimi topic specially in past, since this is the only topic you write since you registered.

So you probably already know that i support "Non-Partisan direct democracy". You are asking me that if i support AKP.

Flash news: Akp is a political party :lol:

You are asking one non-partisan democracy supporter that if he is a party supporter or not lmao.

What is this new era you are talking about then?

And what do you think about Ali Türkşen being in the ip?

Btw i am a young fella trying to understand things. I might have come off as a little agressive, sorry for that. And yes i lurked this forum for a bit but i dont wanna write in the other topics because i dont think i bave enough knowledge to do so.
And what do you think about Ali Türkşen being in the ip?
I trust him, he is probably there to hijack political party when the true time comes and pull Fethollah terrorist Meral down. That is why i don't recognise Meral as a threat, her party already infiltrated by real patriots.

Nonetheless, i support non-partisan democracy, and that means i wouldn't support IP even if Ali Türkşen was the founder and ruler, since IP is a political party as well and i oppose the existance of political parties even if the head of party is perfectly good person.

Citizens should be able to elect their own MPs, not being dictated by political parties. MPs should be independent from any authority other than laws and constitution, otherwise Executive power and Legislative power shall not be divided.
tizens should be able to elect their own MPs, not being dictated by political parties. MPs should be independent from any authority other than laws and constitution, otherwise Executive power and Legislative power shall not be divided.
Then they will be just too populist! Populism in politics will be maximized! That is an economic suicide for a country!

Look at Venezuale and see what populism leads to!
WTF.. ! :rofl:


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Then they will be just too populist!
Opposite, populism increases when there is no other voice. In political party dictatorships, all MPs are sheeps and slaves of political party dictators, so there is a limitless populism.

You can shut your slaves' mouth up, but you cannot silence free people.
In political party dictatorships, all MPs are sheeps and slaves of political party dictators, so there is a limitless populism.
Haha what no! That is not what populism is about! Populism essentially is following policies that the nation wants rather than what the nation needs.

And the wants and the needs of a nation tend to be the direct opposite of each other!

You shouldnt expect delusional and lunatic people with low IQ, education, knowledge and experience (the people that make up a nation) to make the right decisions for themselves and for the country's future.

The more democracy you give to the people, the more of a failed state it will become.

That is why countries like Russia, USA and China are not democracy.

The concept of party should remain to rid the country of lunatism.
Haha what no! That is not what populism is about! Populism essentially is following policies that the nation wants rather than what the nation needs.
I know the definition of populism, i explained how can populism increase and decrease. With much free speech of parliament, you will have huge back-fire when you go empty populism since people will just open their mouths and will criticize you freely.

If there is an elective dictatorship system (just like we have) where both Legislative and Executive powers belong to one party dictator, then nobody will dare to open his/her mouth to criticize dictator, but obey his/her populist bs.

That is why democracy is important in first place, people can slap those who hold the power in their hands if they dare to do stupid things for their own benefits, let it be populism to increasing his popularity in election.
İlgilenenlerin okuması gereken kıymetli bir araştırma.

Türkiye'de Kutuplaşmanın Boyutları
Bilgi Üniversitesi (5 Şubat 2018)

  • Suriyeliler Ülkelerine Geri Gönderilmeli mi? “Evet” Diyenlerin Oranı (Suriye’deki savaş bittiğinde bütün Suriyeliler ülkelerine geri gönderilmelidir)
  • AK Parti %83.2
  • CHP %92.8
  • HDP %75.9
  • MHP %88.9
  • İYİ Parti %94.9
  • Genel %86.2
Kaynak: https://goc.bilgi.edu.tr/media/uplo...erkezi-kutuplasmanin-boyutlari-2017-sunum.pdf

- Diğer partiler ile kıyaslandığında İyi Parti Seçmen Profili:

  • 18-29 Yaş: %41.8 (En yüksek)
  • Yüksek Öğretim: %24.8 (En yüksek)
  • Parti Tabanı: Eğitimli, Modern İnsanlar( En yakın); CHP(Laik, Atatürkçü, Alevi) ile AKP ve MHP ( Muhafazakar,Milliyetçi, Ülkücü, Türkler) ortasında
Kaynak: https://goc.bilgi.edu.tr/media/uplo...erkezi-kutuplasmanin-boyutlari-2017-sunum.pdf
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