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“Udhar tum, idhar hum”: When Bhutto pushed Bangladesh to the edge of Pakistan

That's what RAW intended. To deny us a common working language. Urdu isn't my first language either you know.
We did not demand Bengali as the only national language. We demanded both Bengali and Urdu. You guys were uneducated in Urdu back then. Most of the Punjabis and Pathans I have met speak their mother tongue when with their own people.

Urdu was native to only the Muhajir community because of its birthplace in Lukhnow/Delhi belt. A common language requires a common and intact land, you have to understand this. Even a small country like Switzerland with intact land has four national languages: German, French, Italian, and Rumantsch. Now, what are you going to do about that country? Impose Urdu upon it? English was supposed to be the common language of Pakistan and not Urdu.
wo hamsafar tha was poem written by a a pakistani poet for bangalis, tht's how a common pakistani feel about you
Nice song but I understood it partly, not fully !
Don't have urdu song collections. Just used to listen some old hindi movie songs that was a blend of Urdu and Hindi!
Bhai, there's nothing wrong with speaking native tongue. Urdu was needed to create a bridge between your kids and my kids.

We did not demand Bengali as the only national language. We demanded both Bengali and Urdu. You guys were uneducated in Urdu back then. Most of the Punjabis and Pathans I have met speak their mother tongue when with their own people.

Urdu was native to only the Muhajir community because of its birthplace in Lukhnow/Delhi belt. A common language requires a common and intact land, you have to understand this. Even a small country like Switzerland with intact land has four national languages: German, French, Italian, and Rumantsch. Now, what are you going to do about that country? Impose Urdu upon it? English was supposed to be the common language of Pakistan and not Urdu.
Both Bhutto and Majeeb were communist rats and counter revolutionaries.

Communists/Socialists are cats, not rats.

Also, isn't Islamabad paying the price for supporting the NATO project in Afghanistan in the 80s ?? The TTP, Lal Masjid and other problems would not have been there if Islamabad had supported the Afghan government of the 80s.

They set the Muslim project started by Jinnah in South Asia by at least five decades.

What is the Muslim project ??
Throughout the history, many countries collapsed but this was the first time how nature had destroyed all those characters Bhutto, Mujeeb and Indra who were involved in breaking the largest Islamic state. No one died natural death. This is an evidence that Pakistan is among secrets of Allah. And there are glad tidings of saints about future of Pakistan.
because of the same reason that u are using english not bengali on this forum.

Don't bring nonsense argument. Why is India with numerous ethnicity and languages thriving without having to impose one language over everybody? They recognized a number of languages. They did not end up genociding each other, and far more united and successful than Pakistan.

Communists/Socialists are cats, not rats.

Also, isn't Islamabad paying the price for supporting the NATO project in Afghanistan in the 80s ?? The TTP, Lal Masjid and other problems would not have been there if Islamabad had supported the Afghan government of the 80s.

What is the Muslim project ??

He is probably talking about establishing a strong Islamic State in the subcontinent which was Pakistan which in my opinion is not a bad idea by the way. Pakistani people think it was the civilian leadership who were mostly responsible for the woes of Pakistan, they still don't know the true culprit. The real culprit is the military, they are the ones responsible for the feud between west and east and eventual breakup of Pakistan.
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Don't bring nonsense argument. Why is India with numerous ethnicity and languages thriving without having to impose one language over everybody? They recognized a number of languages. They did not end up genociding each other, and far more united and successful than Pakistan.
Well thats correct, they never killed people because of language or ethnicity like bengalise did.
Secondly, India have official languages too.
Nobody asked any Pakistani to stop talking in his native tongue, but some language is needed to interact with each other. Instead of lerning different languages with many accents, learn a standard urdu language to communicate with each other.
Well thats correct, they never killed people because of language or ethnicity like bengalise did.
Secondly, India have official languages too.
Nobody asked any Pakistani to stop talking in his native tongue, but some language is needed to interact with each other. Instead of lerning different languages with many accents, learn a standard urdu language to communicate with each other.
India has 17 official language, Small Switzerland has 4, even Canada has 2 official language.Many other countries have more than one official language. West Pakistani elite's refusal to give official status of the language of majority people was nothing other than arrogance. And contempt for Bengali language and culture as 'Hinduaized'
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I actually agree with Bhutto. He was right.

Mujib was a RAW agent who was willing to sell Kashmir to India for peace.

If you think Mujib was not talking with RAW before elections, you are mistaken.

Such a man could never be trusted with the premiership of Pakistan.

Bengalis themselves hunted his family and slaughtered them due to their autocratic rule.
I want to slap in the face of those Pakistanis with this article who keep repeating the broken records of ''Bengalis are traitor'' ''Mujib is traitor''.

you are a traitor when you conspire with enemy, no one calls Jaye Sind traitor but BLA is traitor
Who cares now. Bangladesh has its independence now.

But a little extreme for Bangladeshis to do Bengali language movement.

Anyways what is done is done. Time to move on now. Bangladesh is a separate nation.

that's true .
Bhai, there's nothing wrong with speaking native tongue. Urdu was needed to create a bridge between your kids and my kids.
yet there was all the wrong reasons for it to be a tool to conversation between each other's kids...
Jinnah chose a non majority language and tried to impose it upon all which tbf wouldn't have work, didn't work... in europe either.
IF unity was sought, they should have introduced a language like English which would have been easily adopted by all because the sheer number of people who speak in it throughout the world... and wouldn't have been bad either since british educated people would be teaching the masses.

you are a traitor when you conspire with enemy, no one calls Jaye Sind traitor but BLA is traitor
the right side depends on which side you stand on... and tbf policies that worked well in the west shouldn't have been expect to work in the east that was apart by miles and miles of another country

imo the six points of Mujib was fair... and would have benefitted pakistan... had pakistan had it's main naval presense or atleast another eastern HQ in bd... India wouldn't have the capacity to fight a two front war... same goes with air force.... main land force could have well stayed in pakistan but AF and navy presence in the west was much needed
That's what RAW intended. To deny us a common working language. Urdu isn't my first language either you know.

Do you mean to say it was never by natural design?? :disagree::disagree::disagree:

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