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UAE to rethink on ties with Pakistan post killing of five diplomats

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I get a feelling that some one govt sponsored feeds press stories.... like this one... whom i dont know... but this one unlikely indian source
UAE to rethink on ties with Pakistan

Some things in this world are simply impossible, this is one of these. Though it can remain a wishful thinking of some elements (Indians, Iranian mulla and their Pakistani puppies )

post killing of five diplomats

Afghan Taliban have denied any role in killings of diplomats. The only beneficiaries of this cruel act are above mentioned groups and UAE govt knows that very clearly.
Irish Sun (ANI) Friday 13th January, 2017.
Isn't ANI an Indian media source? It is common that to diversify their content, a newspaper re-publishes an article that has already been published on another site. However, such articles have the standard of publishing of the original source and are not re-edited for the new site. It would make more sense of the tone involved.

Dubai [United Arab Emirates], Jan. 13 (ANI): The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is reported to be seriously having a rethink on its relations with Pakistan post the killing of five of its diplomats and six senior Afghanistan Government officials in a brutal terror attack inside the Kandahar Governor's compound on January 10 this year.

Following the attack in Kandahar, which is indirectly being blamed on Islamabad, the writing on the wall is clear, that Pakistan would need to and must take immediate steps to use its influence with terror groups such as the Haqqani Network, to stop these terror-related strikes if it wants to maintain its diplomatic relevance and utility with key countries such as the UAE.

Tuesday's blast in Kandahar was one among three terror attacks that took place in Afghanistan, all on the same day. The other two attacks, in Kabul and Herat, resulted in the death of 38 and 11 people respectively.

Interestingly, the Afghan Taliban took responsibility for the Kabul and Herat attacks, but denied having any role in the Kandahar incident, blaming it instead on what it called ''internal local rivalry''.

The UAE delegation, led by Ambassador Juma Mohammad Abdullah Al Kaavi, was in a meeting with Kandahar Governor Humayun Azizi when the bomb, suspected to have been hidden in a sofa, detonated.

Kandahar's Police Chief Abdul Raziq, however, told media categorically that Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) and the Haqqani Network were behind the incident.

It is a well known fact that Haqqani network leaders have been provided sanctuary by the Pakistani security agencies and that this is one of the reasons for ties between Pakistan and the United States souring, with the latter charging the Pakistani military leadership of dragging its foot insofar as taking action against the Haqqani network in Afghanistan.

Sheikh Mohammad Bin Rasheed Al Maktum, the Prime Minister of the UAE and Dubai's ruler, while offering condolences to the families of the dead, said, ''There is no human, moral or religious justification for the bombing and killing of people trying to help others.''

This was the first time UAE nationals were targeted inside Afghanistan, and therefore, has raised questions about why the UAE continues to invest so much in its relations with Pakistan, both politically and economically.

The UAE has always been among the first countries to deliver humanitarian relief and assistance to Pakistan in times of need. In 2011, it launched the Pakistan Assistance Programme for building schools, colleges, hospitals etc. in Pakistan.

Simultaneously, entrepreneurs from Pakistan are warmly welcomed in the UAE, with many of them having prospered in the country's favourable business environment.

Recently, the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development funded UAE-Pakistan Friendship Road, linking North and South Waziristan, was also inaugurated in FATA. The list is long.

In return, Pakistan's commitment to the relationship has been less forthcoming, especially in the last few years. In 2013, the UAE government was taken aback when Pakistan did not support Dubai's bid to host the EXPO 2020 inspite of receiving official assurances to this effect from Islamabad. In 2015, Pakistan refused to join the Saudi-led operations in Yemen. This suggested that as far as the Gulf region is concerned, Pakistan could not be trusted to provide support in times of need, even if it compromised the security of its allies. (ANI)
sanoo ki .....like Pakistan handle all Afghan Taliban ..its UAE job to open investigation with Afghan govt and catch the culprits behind the incident. Sad news , but lots of anti Pakistan elements are working from Afghanistan. Is that simple, whenever any terrorist incident in Afghanistan , next minute accuse Pakistan.
The report is coming from ANI, an Indian news agency and its about Pakistan and you can imagine how credible India is when it comes to Pakistan.

While reading the report without knowing its Indian source, I knew from the biased inflection of the article, its written by an Indian.

Just to reiterate to Indian idiots, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Pakistan were the only three governments that recognized Taliban government in Kabul. UAE had been hosting Taliban leaders and facilitating their rapprochement with American occupiers and Kabul puppet government.
this is indian cheap policy to conduct attract then blame on others it's old indian cheap doctrine lolzz
UAE has been one of the funding countries against Pakistan, especially Balochistan to jeopardise CPEC. Their people killed in Afghanistan, where warlords still rule. And they blame Pakistan. Our rulers are idiots to accept these tough gins from them. They squeeze much more out of Pakistan against what they give to Pakistan. Just look at their attitude with Pakistanis in UAE, they have forgotten that first masons to build UAE were from Pakistan. Time when there was nothing but desert there and there were not BMWs, but donkeys.
I have heard this kind of claims / accusations a lot of times before too but none has come forth with some evidence. Is it possible that we are buying into some propaganda by our ill-wishers so that we have more enemies than friends?
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Dubai [United Arab Emirates], Jan. 13 (ANI): The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is reported to be seriously having a rethink on its relations with Pakistan post the killing of five of its diplomats and six senior Afghanistan Government officials in a brutal terror attack inside the Kandahar Governor's compound on January 10 this year.

Following the attack in Kandahar, which is indirectly being blamed on Islamabad, the writing on the wall is clear, that Pakistan would need to and must take immediate steps to use its influence with terror groups such as the Haqqani Network, to stop these terror-related strikes if it wants to maintain its diplomatic relevance and utility with key countries such as the UAE.

Tuesday's blast in Kandahar was one among three terror attacks that took place in Afghanistan, all on the same day. The other two attacks, in Kabul and Herat, resulted in the death of 38 and 11 people respectively.

Interestingly, the Afghan Taliban took responsibility for the Kabul and Herat attacks, but denied having any role in the Kandahar incident, blaming it instead on what it called ''internal local rivalry''.

The UAE delegation, led by Ambassador Juma Mohammad Abdullah Al Kaavi, was in a meeting with Kandahar Governor Humayun Azizi when the bomb, suspected to have been hidden in a sofa, detonated.

Kandahar's Police Chief Abdul Raziq, however, told media categorically that Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) and the Haqqani Network were behind the incident.

It is a well known fact that Haqqani network leaders have been provided sanctuary by the Pakistani security agencies and that this is one of the reasons for ties between Pakistan and the United States souring, with the latter charging the Pakistani military leadership of dragging its foot insofar as taking action against the Haqqani network in Afghanistan.

Sheikh Mohammad Bin Rasheed Al Maktum, the Prime Minister of the UAE and Dubai's ruler, while offering condolences to the families of the dead, said, ''There is no human, moral or religious justification for the bombing and killing of people trying to help others.''

This was the first time UAE nationals were targeted inside Afghanistan, and therefore, has raised questions about why the UAE continues to invest so much in its relations with Pakistan, both politically and economically.

The UAE has always been among the first countries to deliver humanitarian relief and assistance to Pakistan in times of need. In 2011, it launched the Pakistan Assistance Programme for building schools, colleges, hospitals etc. in Pakistan.

Simultaneously, entrepreneurs from Pakistan are warmly welcomed in the UAE, with many of them having prospered in the country's favourable business environment.

Recently, the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development funded UAE-Pakistan Friendship Road, linking North and South Waziristan, was also inaugurated in FATA. The list is long.

In return, Pakistan's commitment to the relationship has been less forthcoming, especially in the last few years. In 2013, the UAE government was taken aback when Pakistan did not support Dubai's bid to host the EXPO 2020 inspite of receiving official assurances to this effect from Islamabad. In 2015, Pakistan refused to join the Saudi-led operations in Yemen. This suggested that as far as the Gulf region is concerned, Pakistan could not be trusted to provide support in times of need, even if it compromised the security of its allies. (ANI)
why would they do so with out any proofs?
why would they believe afghanistan,knowing their enmity towards Pakistan?
why would they do it when they themselves support taliban?
why would they do it when both countries have historic brotherly relations?
One has to know that just like ANY other nation in the world, the UAE has various centers of power and influence. Whilst the Royal family has one head, there are various princes and voices within it. Not so much bickering as much as projecting one's own interests(or potential business links).

There are both Pro-Pakistan & Anti-Pakistan voices within the UAE and not all anti-Pakistan voices are from India.
I am sure the needful was done when needed.

If at all you want to help, you should tell your government to treat Pakistanis with respect. Pakistan was there to help when UAE was building itself. I in no way want to defend those who are miscreants but give them some respect at the airports. Westerners do whatever they want and yet they are treated with respect whereas Pakistanis are being looked down upon.

You don't have to defend UAE on social forums but create an environment where people dont bad mouth you. Respect others and get the respect. I am sure those who are expats in your country from Pakistan would never speak so openly as they are scared to get thrown out. Command respect not by iron hand but by giving respect.

We all due respect we are treated good even in bad times or good times. It's our own Pakistan's who spoiled their Image they were the first to be given opportunity especially by the late sheikh zayed May Allah bless him. Many of my friends are in jail or deported. In high profile case money exchange robbery etc. Or drugs realted. We shoot ourselves in the foot and blame others. My own people represent themselves in negative away what more can i complain. ANDnd wether you agree or disagree its up to you + i was born and raised here. Lastly the beauty of a person should be judge by its tongue which as a Pakistani we lack
I am pretty sure that in the time of Need Pakistan will be the first Country to send its troops to defend UAE ( may God Forbid ) , but i am myself a witness of how Emarati people Treated Pakistani .. but i have seen Respect for Pakistani Soldiers i once see a High level Soldier in PA uniform at Ibn-e-Batoota mall , and with him there were some Officials of UAE and Military professionals there i see that, but i just wish that local population of UAE respect Pakistani as their brothers .. or at least equals . rest i have no problems with UAE as far as they are not hostile towards us .
Eh? What we are their bodyguards? They can go **** themselves... I 'd wish our army is deployed at schools and border to first protect us.... APS boils my blood... I hate our Army guarding any other country , i'd wish they never come back if they do...and the one ordering our Army doing this job should live like Abdul Qadir khan....
Hate on baradar islami mulk? Not cool
UAE has been one of the funding countries against Pakistan, especially Balochistan to jeopardise CPEC. Their people killed in Afghanistan, where warlords still rule. And they blame Pakistan. Our rulers are idiots to accept these tough gins from them. They squeeze much more out of Pakistan against what they give to Pakistan. Just look at their attitude with Pakistanis in UAE, they have forgotten that first masons to build UAE were from Pakistan. Time when there was nothing but desert there and there were not BMWs, but donkeys.

There is a very convenient fact that you missed in your post, the reason our rulers accept diktat from UAE in many matters is because UAE provides them sanctuaries and safe havens when accountability comes knocking. UAE has been creating a mess in Baluchistan for the last many decades, Dubai specially, and understandably too. I mean, honestly, when Gawadar becomes the next Singapore, only bigger and better, what will be the use of Dubai to the world?

That becomes especially true if Gawadar is made totally autonomous, provides visa free travel to many countries, has top notch infrastructure, security and crime free environment conducive to trade and business. The location is more convenient than Dubai. The pros are just too much for Dubai to be able to compete and hence their reactions.
There is a very convenient fact that you missed in your post, the reason our rulers accept diktat from UAE in many matters is because UAE provides them sanctuaries and safe havens when accountability comes knocking. UAE has been creating a mess in Baluchistan for the last many decades, Dubai specially, and understandably too. I mean, honestly, when Gawadar becomes the next Singapore, only bigger and better, what will be the use of Dubai to the world?

That becomes especially true if Gawadar is made totally autonomous, provides visa free travel to many countries, has top notch infrastructure, security and crime free environment conducive to trade and business. The location is more convenient than Dubai. The pros are just too much for Dubai to be able to compete and hence their reactions.
You have taken Gawadar all in one direction and That is of Dubai and Singapore but you forget that the situation of Gawadar is different that that of Singapore and Dubai. they are small countries with very less production of domestic goods and countries like such mostly go for tech goods or tourism but Pakistan will use Gawadar as hub for distribution. Gawadar is less threat for Dubai than it is for the countries in SCS as Russians and Chinese will both use this route and middle east requires this route.
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