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Featured UAE suspends issuance of visit visas to 12 countries including Pakistan, says FO

Have the Zionist Arabs suspended visas for their new bum chum Israel as well???

Lol... Losers.
Calm down Clutch, we ain't buying your anti-Israel stuff, you are and always will be a Zion poodle.
Brother you are wrong.

GNA+ Turkiye have already defeated Haftar + Egypt + Russia + France in Libya.

Turkiye has defeated Russia +Arabs + Kurds + Iran in Syria

Turkiye + Pakistan have defeated Russia + Iran in Azerbaijan

Turkiye has defeated France + Greece in East Mediterranean

Pakistan + Taliban have defeated US in Afghanistan

Islam is back with a bang thanks to the leadership of Turkiye and Pakistan.

China is the superpower of the 21st Century while US is a declining power.

China + Turkiye + Pakistan will rule the world in the 21st century.
LOL. What do you smoke. How high are you. China is nothing but a nation that knows how to copy. And thanks to COVID, industries are moving en-masse out of China. Pakistan is doomed economically and soon in a matter of months will have unserviceable debt. US might be declining but is not a fool to let China become a super power. It will go all out and never let that happen.
Brother you are wrong.

GNA+ Turkiye have already defeated Haftar + Egypt + Russia + France in Libya.

Turkiye has defeated Russia +Arabs + Kurds + Iran in Syria

Turkiye + Pakistan have defeated Russia + Iran in Azerbaijan

Turkiye has defeated France + Greece in East Mediterranean

Pakistan + Taliban have defeated US in Afghanistan

Islam is back with a bang thanks to the leadership of Turkiye and Pakistan.

China is the superpower of the 21st Century while US is a declining power.

China + Turkiye + Pakistan will rule the world in the 21st century.
Ahh. Glas not even half hull
Like your brain totally empty
Lol ...at one point we love to critcize them and then cry if they banned visas for Pakistan.. isn't it good new then
China is nothing but a nation that knows how to copy. And thanks to COVID,

coming from a nation that copies Pakistani national songs?... you hendooo RSS are funny
industries are moving en-masse out of China.

non sense...
Pakistan is doomed economically and soon in a matter of months will have unserviceable debt.


I assume you have done a thesis in economics?
US might be declining but is not a fool to let China become a super power.

And who do you suppose it will stop china?.... ask India?...o_O
coming from a nation that copies Pakistani national songs?... you hendooo RSS are funny

non sense...


I assume you have done a thesis in economics?

And who do you suppose it will stop china?.... ask India?...o_O
LOL. What do you smoke. How high are you. China is nothing but a nation that knows how to copy. US might be declining but is not a fool to let China become a super power. It will go all out and never let that happen.
Which nation does NOT copy.
Like the USA did not copy German technology during and after World War 2 , or the Japanese and South Koreans did not copy European technology from 1950-1980?
Or the Soviet Union did not copy US defense technology ( and vice versa) during the Cold War ?
How about India that keeps giving mythological Sanskrit names to poor copies of Soviet Union's reverse engineered air-to-air, air-to-ground, and surface-to-air, missiles ?
The difference in the copying the rest of the world does ,and India's is that the others copy competently with improvements and keep improving onwards. India's copies don't work. India ultimately ends up spending money copying and buying expensive new weapons which it again attempts to copy.
The other countries hit by the UAE government's fresh visa directives include Turkey, Iran, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Somalia, Libya, Kenya and Afghanistan.

Seems political to me. You just have to look at the rates of COVID amongst countries.
can I get a source on it ?

I have seen 10 countries.. According to media reports, the UAE government has also suspended the issuance of visit visas to Turkey, Iran, Yamen, Syria, Iraq, Somalia, Libya, Kenya and Afghanistan among others. All airlines have been informed about the decision. https://tribune.com.pk/story/227270...of-visit-visas-to-pakistan-11-other-countries

So the above are 9+1=10

I don't know about the 2 remaining countries but to be honest , I don't think this is covid related.

All these countries have cases that are not even close of western and indian infection rate. I think the reason is something else which FO is not telling .

Economic times says 12 countries while not mentioning the other 2 countries

besides, why do Pakistanis need to visit UAE anyways....the only ones who visits dubai are corrupt politicians.
The United Arab Emirates has temporarily suspended the issuance of visit visas to a dozen countries, including Pakistan, until further notice, Foreign Office Spokesperson Zahid Hafeez Chaudhri confirmed on Wednesday.
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This is big 😳

It is only appropriate, that Pakistan should make it mandatory for alla foreigners to obtain a visa (charge really high fees) for Emirates. Also ban all "Falcon Hunting" and any other thing these Emirati elite engage in Pakistan for.
Leaving west bloc comes with more pain then help for Pakistan.

Really? What about the billions of dollars worth of investment from China on CPEC? What about China's South East Asian Trade Deal, which will indirectly benefit Pakistan. And what about Pakistan Navy's procurement of 8 AIP Submarines, 4 Type-054P and FACs. Not to forget that China has assisted Pakistan in achieving MIRV capable Missiles.

What has america done? Refused to make good on FMS for additional Block-52s. Refused AH-1Z Gunships. Instead they dangled carrots of half promises in exchange for Afghan Peace Deal.

I wonder time to rethink foreign policy. Other camp is too weak and future seems very timid as well. I personally support to ally with West ditch sinking China and Turkey.

Well it's good that you're not in charge of foreign policy for Pakistan. Both China and Turkey have been strong allies for Pakistan. It would be a shame to see Pakistan reverse it's foreign policy to pivot back to america. Particularly when america's economic collapse is imminent.
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