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Featured UAE suspends issuance of visit visas to 12 countries including Pakistan, says FO

Aerospace in China....Lol...
Aerospace in India ? When the Chandrayan dived into the moon's surface right in front of Mr. 56" and the ISRO Director burst into tears?
Btw the whole world knows what Pakis do in China. they are nothing more than bonded labour.
The world knows the plight of Indian laborers in the UAE, Oman, Bahrain, and Saudi Arabia better working as janitors and street cleaners. Yet the lines of visa seekers at the consulates in Mumbai grow ever longer.
Dont mind, but do you find anyone in Pakistan ever speaking bad about china sen after they are building public toilets over mosques. Down believe. Simply google.
At least they build toilets instead of having a billion people squatting by the roadside with little brass pots. The stink from India can be smelt all the way to Dubai when the wind blows west.
So stop ranting about Hinduism, first have the guts to reply to China and if you can stop the mosque to toilet conversion. At the rate Pak is borrowing from china, soon China will take over Pak and maybe convert all mosques to toilets.
First bother about your own toilets and stop pasting pictures of deities on your walls so that people don't " water " them or spit on them.
If that is the only way you can prevent your people from. defiling the walls then shame on you.
Have more respect for your Celestials. You have too many temples and far less toilets. If you can demolish a few temples and build a few toilets the image of Hindus and Indians in the world would vastly improve and perhaps match the image of China, with whom India hopes to compete.
Also may I remind you that Pakis who run away from Pak never ever want to go back. I have a colleague who was born in Karachi but abuses Pak each day and will never ever go back. This is just an example, I am sure there will be tons more like this and why not? So stop the hatred focus on real development and for God sake or Islam's sake stop relying on China.
Yeah.. We know Indians where Indians run away to work as janitors and why they don't want to back. They can clean toilets in Dubai where nobody knows their caste but to return home and do the same job in front of their community? They would rather commit suicide than insult their caste.
I have an Indian colleague who has converted to Islam because his own religion did not give him the respect back home. There ate tons of examples of Hindus in the Saudi Arabia and abroad converting, The anti-conversion laws of the " world's most popular democracy" are not applicable abroad. I also know a female Hindu colleague of mine who wed my Pakistani friend and converted. Again this was back in India she would be subject to the Love Jihad laws.
Many of the young Pakistani do visit to find a job

The whole world is open these days for jobs, our young people should not go to tyrant babies who start to cry if you don't sit with them at lunch table for once. Canada is open for jobs, I am sick of looking at new comers Indians why don't Pakistani youth apply for jobs here, only met one Pakistani so far who came on work visa.
We all know how Pak sells girls and donkeys to china.

Pakistan and it's people do no such thing. These were Christian Pakistani girls duped into marriage by certain pimps.
Rather than wasting your time with posts like this why don't you contribute to the effort to stop such evil?
Both nations have such issues.



When the Chandrayan dived into the moon's surface right in front of Mr. 56" and the ISRO Director burst into tears?

Atleast we tried. Unlike Pakistan that has nothing except stolen missiles and an aero complex that manufacures JF17 a Chinese jet that China itself refuses to use. What does that say?
The world knows the plight of Indian laborers in the UAE, Oman, Bahrain, and Saudi Arabia better working as janitors and street cleaners. Yet the lines of visa seekers at the consulates in Mumbai grow ever longer.
Yeah, so what do you think Pakistani's do in UAE. Own oil wells. Lol. Plus now you guys have been banned from these countries too.
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Atleast we tried. Unlike Pakistan that has nothing except stolen missiles and an aero complex that manufacures JF17 a Chinese jet that China itself refuses to use. What does that say?
Shrimanji, keep trying. As you "try" with your Arjun tank, Tejas, INSAS rifle, HAL LCH helicopter ( dumped in favor of Apache), the Indian taxpayers will be very happy. Kindly keep trying and buy more Rafale's that are costlier than an F-35 and that was rejected by NATO and every Western country. Even Qatar and Egypt have not placed further orders.
JF-17s ? Yeah.The JF-17 should not bother you as it did on 27th February 2019 launching stand off weapons into your brigade headquarters. Your HAL built Mig 21s equipped with Israeli built Elletra EW suits should be enough to take care of them. Right? So why do you need Rafales if your Desi Mig 21s are so good. If 300 of the 900 built have crashed you can build some more . Right ?
Yeah, so what do you think Pakistani's do in UAE. Own oil wells. Lol. Plus now you guys have been banned from these countries too.

No, we don't own oil wells and we don't bum-suck the Arab camel jockeys either . Our presence there is different from Indian janitor work force, We have our boots on the ground, Pakistani pilots fly their fighter jets, man their tanks and artillery, maintain and run their coastal naval vessels, and also operate their radar and air defenses, This is because these ragheads are too ill educated to manage the military toys they have purchased with their oil moolah.
We have stationed tens of thousands of troops and saved their rear from their own tribal infighting and perpetual fear of Iraq and Iran. Oh yes, our pilots shot down your buddy Israel's fighter jets too.
We refuse to fight their tribal wars anymore, so we have given these Arabs a kick in the rear, and are going home. Our armed forces are needed back home to support our ally China as they kick your rear.
It doesn't matter how many parade contingents the UAE, and Saudi Arabia send to Pakistan's national day parades. We are done with their tribal wars. Yes we will sell them our weapons like K-8 trainer aircraft and JF-17s.
Meanwhile they can come and march in our parades.

Do these countries march in your republic day parade and salute your tiranga dhwaj and shout " Bande Mataram"?
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Yes, as of date Pakistan has 700 million USD of foreign reserves. The other 2 billion USD is a loan from China. Pak still owes 3B USD to Saudi, 2B to UAE and 2B to Qatar, apart from the 8B it owes to China that they have lent you only in the last 3 years. China otherwise has loaned you 53B USD at a 6.9% annual interest rate.

While India has 590B USD Of foreign reservers. India has infra loans from France and Japan 34Billion USD at 0.02% interest repayable after 25 years.

Whom do you think has more money to buy weapons? and to which country the world will be ready to sell weapons.

Btw if you look at history, a little homework. Google up India's and Pak's economic status in 1971 when Bangladesh was created. You will know history is about to repeat itself.

I now certify you are genius in economic and complex geo political affairs and your predictions about Pakistan will come true very soon.

So stop ranting about Hinduism

Why ?.. hinduism is a horrible religion and it's ill effect still plagues Pakistani society. It must be wiped out
Plus now you guys have been banned from these countries too.

we are banned?...


then how am I still here?
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It was tend to happen. PM IK was saying in some interview that their is tremendous pressure on us to accept Israel. UAE have too many Pakistani working their, Refusal or ban on visa will hit us very badly. There is need for us to revive industries so that people can be employed at home. This is nothing new and as far as changing our alliance is concerned what have Pakistan done to UAE or for that instance to any other Arab country for them to act like this other than not sending troops in Yemen.
Things are going to get worst before we could see some good time. BTW USAF is now stationing their Airforce in UAE after moving them from Germany. This already highly dangerous zone is getting more dangerous. They will never ban Indian.
I now certify you are genius in economic affairs and complex geo political affairs and your predictions about Pakistan will come true very soon.

Why ?.. hinduism is a horrible religion and it's ill effect still plagues Pakistani society. It must be wiped out

We all know how China is cleaning up Islam by building toilets over mosques, so dont be disrespectful of other religions. Infact India is still paying the price, for having pigs as their neighbors.

And if you must get to the facts, here it comes. If Prophet preaches marrying an 8 year old - which is what he did and you follow Islam and think it is great, why dont you marry your daughter to your father. can you do that. Stop preaching and look at yourself first. Religion is for betterment and not for stupid ideological wars like the ones Pakistan has been falsely wagging. It is time, china will dis-own you soon like your Middle eastern friends.

Want to know more -
Saudi asked for money back (I billion which Pak had to beg for from China) with immediate effect
Qatar refused to pay Imran Khan's hotel bill in NY. Pak embassy couldn't afford hosting your own PM :) lol, says a lot about your finances.
MBS had loaned his flight to IK for travel to NY but soon called it back leaving IK stranded in NY without a hotel or flight. After the Pak envoy pleaded to Qatar they gave a return ticket to Ik and gang. So we all know who is leading where.

we are banned?...


then how am I still here?
Iditot , banned from the UAE for applying new visa's. Do you not read the news or cant read at all.
Shrimanji, keep trying. As you "try" with your Arjun tank, Tejas, INSAS rifle, HAL LCH helicopter ( dumped in favor of Apache), the Indian taxpayers will be very happy. Kindly keep trying and buy more Rafale's that are costlier than an F-35 and that was rejected by NATO and every Western country. Even Qatar and Egypt have not placed further orders.
JF-17s ? Yeah.The JF-17 should not bother you as it did on 27th February 2019 launching stand off weapons into your brigade headquarters. Your HAL built Mig 21s equipped with Israeli built Elletra EW suits should be enough to take care of them. Right? So why do you need Rafales if your Desi Mig 21s are so good. If 300 of the 900 built have crashed you can build some more . Right ?

No, we don't own oil wells and we don't bum-suck the Arab camel jockeys either . Our presence there is different from Indian janitor work force, We have our boots on the ground, Pakistani pilots fly their fighter jets, man their tanks and artillery, maintain and run their coastal naval vessels, and also operate their radar and air defenses, This is because these ragheads are too ill educated to manage the military toys they have purchased with their oil moolah.
We have stationed tens of thousands of troops and saved their rear from their own tribal infighting and perpetual fear of Iraq and Iran. Oh yes, our pilots shot down your buddy Israel's fighter jets too.
We refuse to fight their tribal wars anymore, so we have given these Arabs a kick in the rear, and are going home. Our armed forces are needed back home to support our ally China as they kick your rear.
It doesn't matter how many parade contingents the UAE, and Saudi Arabia send to Pakistan's national day parades. We are done with their tribal wars. Yes we will sell them our weapons like K-8 trainer aircraft and JF-17s.
Meanwhile they can come and march in our parades.

Do these countries march in your republic day parade and salute your tiranga dhwaj and shout " Bande Mataram"?
Lol that is not how it works. Idiot it is not about buying one piece of machinery it is about adopting the ecosystem. Get your facts right. The F-35 wouldnt come with war time guarantees like the Rafale does. US is smart and only plays for money, but guess what Pak has no money to offer. Back to Rafale, how smartly did France refuse Pak any upgrades to Mirages and the Submarines. So now you are left with machines you cant use.

Dont go around giving this bullshit that Pak has boots on the ground. That was the early 2000s'. Pak has to unwillingly support the evil deeds of the ME, because they are under debt from ME.

Dont be proud of shooting Isareli jets, with UAE and Saudi making peace with Israel, soon this monster will eat up Pak. You have no money neither support from your Muslim brotherhood friends and China is only looking to encroach territory and not be your all weather friend. China knows where the money is.
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Iditot , banned from the UAE for applying new visa's. Do you not read the news or cant read at all.

Lol that is not how it works. Idiot it is not about buying one piece of machinery it is about adopting the ecosystem. Get your facts right. The F-35 wouldnt come with war time guarantees like the Rafale does. US is smart and only plays for money, but guess what Pak has no money to offer. Back to Rafale, how smartly did France refuse Pak any upgrades to Mirages and the Submarines. So now you are left with machines you cant use.

Dont go around giving this bullshit that Pak has boots on the ground. That was the early 2000s'. Pak has to unwillingly support the evil deeds of the ME, because they are under debt from ME.

Dont be proud of shooting Isareli jets, with UAE and Saudi making peace with Israel, soon this monster will eat up Pak. You have no money neither support from your Muslim brotherhood friends and China is only looking to encroach territory and not be your all weather friend. China knows where the money is.
For your education:
India has:
-The largest population of illiterates. 35% of the world's illiterate population is in India.
-The largest population of lepers
-The largest population of blind
-The largest population of underage sex workers.
-The largest population of street beggars (85,000 in Kolkata alone)
- The largest population of open
AND the world's largest slum.
You can continue to buy your Rafale's that no other country will buy. We will shoot THEM down too when they come over. We shot down your buddies Soviet Union and Afghan airforce Mig 23s, Su 25s and Su 22 in the 80s as well and their local fighter wing Commander Alexander Rutskoi was our guest sampling our famous tea. He stayed a lot longer than Abhinandan along with his buddies. He must have liked it.
Your new buddy Israel doesn't scare us anymore than the Soviet Union did. Unlike the Soviet Union and your Bharat, Israel is far wiser and knows better than to mess with us.
Fix your sinking economy, 6 million white collar jobs lost, unemployment at a 40 year high, 1000 sq kms lost to China, ( in addition to the 38,000 sq kms lost 60 years back.), before spending money on exotic arms to fight China and Pakistan together.
Don't worry about who gets visas.
Visas come and go. Your Mr. 56 inch was on a visa ban for twelve years after slaughtering Muslims in his home state.
Worry about how you will feed your 1.4 billion population.
Sir ji ,,, we are very passive nation there not a chance of civil war like Libya or Syria. Sectarian elephant is now very much dead... now we have seen new terrorist group emerge from Indian funding in Sindh ...Sindh Revolution Front .... lol... India is using around 30 million dollar yearly to fan terrorism in Pakistan. As ISPR mention the detail . 66 Terrorist camps in Afghanistan run by India and 21 camps inside India.
Lol, we are not a passive nation mate, trillion times more agressive than the camel jockies in the middleeast, the reason there was no civil war here is because despite all the economic defecencies, Pakistan as a state is exceptionally strong when it wants to be, the extraordinary military and intelligence prowess we have has prevented the country from going into total chaos, 80k Pakistanis have died in the past decade or so, the country was on the brink of total choas and civil war, it was prevented, somebody prevented that and that soembody was not present in Syria, Libya etc. The civil wars u see in the middleeast were all fueled by foriegn powers, both sides were controlled by either Russia or the US, they did everything they could do to apply the same model in Pakistan but failed.
if you don't want to take the UAE statement that the ban is due to Covid concerns at face value, then just go there without a visa. It is a less risky than covid itself.
Iditot , banned from the UAE for applying new visa's. Do you not read the news or cant read at all.

idiot?.. is that what every one calls you?.. understandable

new visa's?.... really then how did I just get my residence renewed?...

now you being Indian ... stupidity is your first nature and then comes poor research.

All visit visas have been suspended on account of rising second wave in Pakistan, secondly UAE has found issues with negative reports from Pakistani labs. Thus Pakistanis ie on arrival to UAE they are tested positive.

so the issue was bogus testing from Pakistan was the real reason... I got this from solid people who work in immigration.

like I said you are certified genius from India.
Dont be proud of shooting Isareli jets, with UAE and Saudi making peace with Israel, soon this monster will eat up Pak

sure.. let us know when it actually happens.

so far India's Quad pact has just fallen off the cliff..
China is only looking to encroach territory and not be your all weather friend. China knows where the money is.

I assume you telling this based on the fact your lost over a 1000 sq km to them?

I agree china know where the money that is why they are investing $66B in our capacity
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