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UAE ISRAEL Peace Agreement

my dear brother you guys are fighting a war on internet which muslim leaders already lost on real ground .

My first priority is Pakistan. We are not losing, but gaining advantage over advantage on our enemy.

Balakot is proof of that. In sha Allah, there will be many more good news from our region.
I didn't know Netanyahu & co supports Palestine and opposes Israel. My mistake, it is a good deal then.
At least the UAE has stopped the Annexation of the West bank through this deal.. Could Iran do it?

Who talked about Netanyahu & co!???

This is called seeing the filled part of the bottle not the empty part..It is wisdom to see both parts and decide on the optimum decision to take..
So we should ignore it when Non-Muslims do it?

This kind of nonsense is why I don't take seriously when random Non-Muslims post stereotypes against Muslims to discredit our voice.

You are on thin ice here. It is not surprising though that you believe make believe numbers by Indians about 1971.

OIC is dead now.

Pakistan, İran, Turkey, and Malaysia will form the next bloc of Muslim countries. Already predicted by our esteemed scholar Dr. Israr Ahmad, which you must have seen posted many times recently.
Well, I am going by what is facts for E.Pak and my former researcher colleague who lost many relatives - some were university professors - they were massacred on campus by the junta at the time.
Look at the region all those who for years were saying Iran and Shias are ally of Israel and Jews now are in love with Israel ... UAE Saudi Jordan Egypt Turkey Oman Bahrain Sudan ... it's just Iran Syria Lebanon Iraq and Yemen others don't even dare to talk against Israel !
they had already established such relations long ago but now they officially recognized it
Well, I am going by what is facts for E.Pak and my former researcher colleague who lost many relatives - some were university professors - they were massacred on campus by the junta at the time.

Do you know the activities of those "Hindu" professors and what they were promoting against Pakistan? You deny the right of a government to eradicate separatist elements and propaganda machine of an enemy state?

When a Muslim state does it, whether Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, etc., it is wrong, but others get a free hand?

Careful, your biases are showing.
If the Arabs and Israelis can get along well, India doesn't need complex balancing between them. Good for us:)

We are already dealing with both of them without any COMPLEXITY... When you clearly state your motive and objectives... financially strong... people don't DICTATE terms...
Before you go on your attacks on Islam, based on absolute lies and misinformation, realize where you are and who is your audience.

Reported. I hope mods deal with these religious attacks on Islam quickly.

Edited... fine...

If you want you can also edit your post...
Only if people understand they can stand on their feet and they don't need to rely on west.
The other side of the coin:

How Saudi Arabia stood by Pakistan after nuclear tests

ISLAMABAD: Khalid Mahmood was in Jeddah on the afternoon of May 28, 1998, waiting to receive a delegation, when news broke that Pakistan had conducted five underground nuclear tests under then-Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.

Mahmood, who was Pakistan’s ambassador to Saudi Arabia at the time, sat in his hotel room watching TV reports of the tests and awaiting instructions on his next move from the Foreign Ministry.

By that evening, he told Arab News, he decided to break protocol and make contact with the Royal Court, requesting an urgent meeting with then-King Fahd the following day, a non-working Friday.

To Mahmood’s surprise, the king agreed. By then, the ambassador had also received instructions from Islamabad: A diplomatically isolated Pakistan was to seek the support of the king and crown prince.

Mahmood denied the widely held opinion that Pakistani officials had already informed Riyadh of their intent to test. “It’s not true that I conveyed to them (the Saudis) that we were going to have this nuclear test,” he said.

Mahmood described how, with “great fanfare and (motorcycle) escorts,” he was taken to the palace, where the king apologized for not being able to get up to greet him on account of a bad knee. “It was so very gracious of him,” Mahmood said. “Nobody expects the king to get up and receive (diplomats).”

After listening to Islamabad’s reasons for the surprise nuclear tests, Mahmood said the king was brief in his response.

“He said we are against what you have done because we are a member of the non-proliferation treaty. But we know and understand why you have done it. And we will support you more than you expect of us.”

After Pakistan tested the weapons, the US imposed harsh sanctions, including cutting off trade credits, private bank loans and support for loans not based on relief from the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. Arms sales and military aid to Pakistan were already cut off under separate legislation in 1990, when it was determined that Pakistan had nuclear weapons.

At this difficult moment in Pakistan’s history, Mahmood said, the king’s “depth of brotherly feeling” was touching.

The following day, then-Crown Prince Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz held a longer meeting, officially reiterating the Kingdom’s support for Pakistan, with assurances in the form of a four-year deferred oil financing facility worth roughly $3.4 billion. This gave Pakistan the confidence to go ahead and conduct another nuclear test on May 30, Mahmood said.

A few weeks later, the envoy was called in again for a meeting with the crown prince, who had been receiving persistent calls from US President Bill Clinton asking Riyadh to reconsider its position on Pakistan.

But the crown prince refused to comply. “Our relations with Pakistan are of a different nature,” Mahmood quoted the crown prince as having told the Americans.
powerful missiles including ballistic and cruise and SLVs, and drones are coming in the game

Chief of staff of
Iran's Armed Forces threatens UAE today: “Tehran’s approach to the UAE will change...If something happens in the Persian Gulf region and if our national security is damaged, however small, we will hold the UAE responsible.

Iran Defense Minister Hatami claims that the Islamic Republic has attained the top spot as the military power in the Middle East region in terms of technological advancement.

The diameter of the Simorgh is about 2.5m. If the Zolajanah's (Iran new solid fuel missile) diameter is even anywhere close to that and a test is indeed planned within the next seven months, it would mean that Iran has advanced much further in the development of large solid motors than often assumed.

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powerful missiles including ballistic and cruise and SLVs, and drones are coming in the game

Chief of staff of
Iran's Armed Forces threatens UAE today: “Tehran’s approach to the UAE will change...If something happens in the Persian Gulf region and if our national security is damaged, however small, we will hold the UAE responsible.

Iran Defense Minister Hatami claims that the Islamic Republic has attained the top spot as the military power in the Middle East region in terms of technological advancement.

The diameter of the Simorgh is about 2.5m. If the Zolajanah's (Iran new solid fuel missile) diameter is even anywhere close to that and a test is indeed planned within the next seven months, it would mean that Iran has advanced much further in the development of large solid motors than often assumed.

Love the names for your missiles brother.

Simurg, Zuljannah. Very nice. :enjoy:
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