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UAE ISRAEL Peace Agreement

We don’t have to - we can recognize a Palestinian state just as we can recognize that the Israeli state exists; we just don’t have to agree with it’s borders.

No, we do. That is a prerequisite. Muslim world had agreed to meet Israelis halfway on pre-1967 borders, but that is no longer acceptable for them.

They are occupying more land, building more settlements, with no plan to scale down.

We cannot put the future of Palestinians in jeopardy like this. We have to stand for our principles. Palestinian children deserve a future.


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You are threading on heavy stuff here. I advise you not to go further in misrepresenting this case.


Only becoming angry when non-Muslims kill Muslims is a form of selective outrage.

The same anger should also be expressed when Muslims kill Muslims, such as in Yemen.

The current situation of the Yemeni people is even worse than that of the Palestinians.

For more examples go to this link:

For you, that me be ok, but these are our men, women, and children.

We cannot go on a whim here. We must secure the future of Palestinians to live in peace and securoty on their own land.

Ok. I understand that you have a connection with the Palestinians which I do not have (I also do not have a connection with the Israelis for that matter).

But how will you secure that future?

Currently, Israel is keeping their allies and gaining more, or at least neutralising their enemies.

Palestinians are losing.

Being mad at the UAE will not solve anything.

What will be the next steps for the Palestinians and for the whole Muslim world to defeat Israel?

Is there even a strategy?


Only becoming angry when non-Muslims kill Muslims is a form of selective outrage.

The same anger should also be expressed when Muslims kill Muslims, such as in Yemen.

The current situation of the Yemeni people is even worse than that of the Palestinians.

For more examples go to this link:

Ok. I understand that you have a connection to the Palestinians which I do not have (I also do not have a connection to Israelis for that matter).

But how will you secure that future?

Currently, Israel is keeping their allies and gaining more, or at least neutralising their enemies.

Palestinians are losing.

Being mad at the UAE will not solve anything.

What will be the next steps for the Palestinians and for the whole Muslim world to defeat Israel?

Is there even a strategy?

This is why it is fruitless discussing this topic with Hindus and other Non-Muslims.

This is a topic for Muslims to discuss among each other, it deeply touches us all. For you, it is unimportant.

Obviously the value of the lives of Palestinians is not in your paradigm.
* In 2020 only 1 person was killed by Israel in Gaza and it was a PIJ terrorist who planted a bomb.
* Singapore and Monaco are more dense - yet they are one of the most prosper nations in the world. Chad and Niger have very low density yet they are poorest nations in the world.

Singapore and Niger dont have a racist warmongering nation as a neighbors....
Pakistan price for recognizing Israel

> $ 100B debt write off

> Grant of $ 5B per year from USA

> 200 latest generation of F-15

> AWACS, missiles, EW , new generation radars etc

> Market access to US, Europe

This is why it is fruitless discussing this topic with Hindus and other Non-Muslims.

This is a topic for Muslims to discuss among each other, it deeply touches us all. For you, it is unimportant.

Obviously the value of the lives of Palestinians is not in your paradigm.

I said that I do not have a connection with Palestinians and Israelis.
And that makes my point of view different than others, since I am not influenced by emotions.

Besides, I am actually trying to help you.
Just as I said in the previous post, being mad at the UAE does not help you or the Palestinians.
Diplomatic statements also have no effect.
You need to figure out what the next strategy is.

In post #805 I came up with some strategies, which could be the next steps for the Palestinians.
I will repost them here.

1. End the rivalry between Fatah and Hamas. This is obvious. How can Palestine as a state ever be a reality if Palestinians are killing eachother? Fatah and Hamas are in the process of reconciliation now, but still a lot of work needs to be done.

2. End foreign finance of Palestinian organisations. There is too much influence from other countries in the affairs of Palestinians. Ending the finance would (hopefully) also mean ending the influence. To become an independent state you need to be able to run your affairs independently.

3. Create a non-partisan World Palestine Organisation (which I do not think that currently exists) with chapters around the world run by Palestinians. There are more Palestinians living outside of the Palestinian territories than inside. They can help with lobbying. Current lobbying is fragmented. If one worldwide organisation could be founded, then they would have an unified voice and therefore have a stronger lobby that might achieve more.

4. End cooperation with leftist and extremist Muslims organisations. Most non-Muslim support in the West for Palestine come from extreme leftists and their organisations. And they are hated by the general population in many Western countries. Associating with them does not help the Palestinian cause. The same goes for extremist Muslims and their organisations.

Without dismissing these strategies just because I am not a Muslim, tell me what you think of them.

I have not read all (of your) posts in this topic, but could you also provide your suggestions on what the Palestinians should do now?
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I said that I do not have a connection with Palestinians and Israelis.
And that makes my point of view different than others, since I am not influenced by emotions.

Besides, I am actually trying to help you.
Just as I said in the previous post, being mad at the UAE does not help you or the Palestinians.
Diplomatic statements also have no effect.
You need to figure out what the next strategy is.

In post #805 I came up with some strategies, which could be the next steps for the Palestinians.
I will repost them here.

1. End the rivalry between Fatah and Hamas. This is obvious. How can Palestine as a state ever be a reality if Palestinians are killing eachother? Fatah and Hamas are in the process of reconciliation now, but still a lot of work needs to be done.

2. End foreign finance of Palestinian organisations. There is too much influence from other countries in the affairs of Palestinians. Ending the finance would (hopefully) also mean ending the influence. To become and independent state you need to be able to run your affairs independently.

3. Create a non-partisan World Palestine Organisation (which I do not think that exists) with chapters around the world run by Palestinians. There are more Palestinians living outside of the Palestinian territories than inside. They can help with lobbying. Current lobbying is fragmented. If one worldwide organisation could be founded, then they would have an unified voice and therefore have a stronger lobby that might achieve more.

4. End cooperation with leftist and extremist Muslims organisations. Most non-Muslim support in the West for Palestine come from extreme leftists and their organisations. And they are hated by the general population in many Western countries. Associating with them does not help the Palestinian cause. The same goes for extremist Muslims and their organisations.

Without dismissing these strategies just because I am not a Muslim, tell me what you think of them.

I have not read all (of your) posts in this topic, but could you also provide your suggestions on what the Palestinians should do now?

Your solutions are meaningless if you don't consider the wellbeing and independence of Palestinians.

Anyone can give their analysis, it means nothing.
Pakistan price for recognizing Israel

> $ 100B debt write off

> Grant of $ 5B per year from USA

> 200 latest generation of F-15

> AWACS, missiles, EW , new generation radars etc

> Market access to US, Europe
When Dajjal will appear, the price to accept him will be more than this ..
Pakistan price for recognizing Israel

> $ 100B debt write off

> Grant of $ 5B per year from USA

> 200 latest generation of F-15

> AWACS, missiles, EW , new generation radars etc

> Market access to US, Europe

And next day these same people will suck you into another decade of TTP terror and bomb blasts.

Your own population will be more than eager to overthrow this tyrannical government who will accept Israel.
I have not read all (of your) posts in this topic, but could you also provide your suggestions on what the Palestinians should do now?

Settlements must be scaled down and eventually Israel must return to pre-1967 borders as agreed at Oslo.

If they do not do this, there cannot be peace.

War is on the horizon. To die with dignity is better than to live a life of slavery.

If the Palestinians fail in kicking out the foreign construct (Israel,) we will avenge them.

There cannot be peace with an expansionist state in the heart of Muslim and Arab Holy Land.

After absorbing Palestine, the octopus will spread its tentacles into Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, and Egypt.

Your solutions are meaningless if you don't consider the wellbeing and independence of Palestinians.

Decisions based on emotions have never resulted in victory.

Me not having a connection with the Palestinians allows me to stay cool and level headed, therefore being able to think of the next steps, instead of dwelling on events that cannot be changed.

Anyone can give their analysis, it means nothing.


Anyone can give their analysis.

However that does not mean that these analyses mean nothing.

If you want to win, you cannot dismiss anyone in advance.

Be open to different opinions and analyses.

You might learn from them.
Covid dam vaccine what bull crap, if USA, UK, GERMANY isn't able to bring any dam medicine then how come that pice of shyt Israel. Will?
China and Russia have the vaccine and if UAE wants why it not gets from them?
So these bull crap statements are just to fool some stupids who are dying in the love of Israeli dogs, no matter how many dam sweet words been used by any one fact is, Israel is the killer of Muslims and it has to pay for that at some point and Thts comming fast

Pal - Watch your language.

Muslims have killed more muslims ... so look inside first. Donkey Salman and his goons in Yemen - they have killed more people in just a few years it will make your head spin. Then on top use food as a weapon of war!. Go and volunteer with MSF and see the reality on the group. If you want to pick on big ones go and pick on China too or what happened in Myanmar or even East Pakistan (I must put this in to shut you up).

Instead of pushing kak via keyboard - go and help humanity first. Idiotic posts.

Decisions based on emotions have never resulted in victory.

Me not having a connection with the Palestinians allows me to stay cool and level headed, therefore being able to think of the next steps, instead of dwelling on events that cannot be changed.


Anyone can give their analysis.

However that does not mean that these analyses mean nothing.

If you want to win, you cannot dismiss anyone in advance.

Be open to different opinions and analyses.

You might learn from them.

You won't understand because your loyalties lie elsewhere. That is obvious from the threads you post on PDF.

We will discuss with our brother Arabs, Turks, Iranians, Afghans, BDs, etc. on the best course of action to create a unified response to this.

As an Arabic-speaking Muslim myself who has extensive contacts in the Arab world, I think I am in a good place to discuss this issue from a position of experience and also genuine empathy.

Final point: There cannot be peace with Israel without a Palestinian state.

You won't understand because your loyalties lie elsewhere. That is obvious from the threads you post on PDF.


I have no loyalty towards any country or anyone other than my immediate family.

I post threads randomly of which I think the content is interesting for PDF members.

We will discuss with our brother Arabs, Turks, Iranians, Afghans, BDs, etc. on the best course of action to create a unified response to this.


At the OIC?

See article below.

UAE-Israel deal tears OIC apart

Splits the Muslim bloc into Arab, non-Arab groups: Makes 57-member organisation totally irrelevant

15 Aug, 2020


The OIC would be the best organisation to discuss the best course of action to create a unified response.

However, this organisation cannot do anything, because the members are not unified.

Arab countries are siding with the UAE and non-Arab countries in the OIC are against them.

Apparently, Arab nationalism is more important.

Final point: There cannot be peace with Israel without a Palestinian state.

Fair enough.

This is a clear demand.

Clear demands are better to convey to the general public, making it more able to get support for them, instead of publishing 500 page reports that no one will read.
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