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UAE condemns Pakistan first time

Al Bhatti

Nov 16, 2009
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United Arab Emirates
11 April 2015


UAE condemns Pakistan's vote on Yemen
Warns of heavy price for ambiguous stand.

The UAE on Friday strongly condemned a Pakistani decision to stay out of the conflict in Yemen, rejecting Saudi demands for Islamabad to join its military coalition against Houthi rebels.

“The Arabian Gulf is in a dangerous confrontation, its strategic security is on the edge, and the moment of truth distinguishes between the real ally and the ally of media and statements,” Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Dr Anwar Mohammed Gargash tweeted after a unanimous resolution passed by a special session of Pakistan’s parliament.

The resolution, however, backed the government’s commitment to protect Saudi Arabia’s territory, which has so far not been threatened by the conflict.

Gargash said Pakistan is required to show a clear stand in favour of its strategic relations with the six-nation Arab Gulf cooperation Council, as contradictory and ambiguous views on this serious matter will have a heavy price to pay.

“This is nothing but another chapter of laggard impartial stand,” Gargash said, criticising identical views held by Turkey and Iran about the armed conflict in Yemen, as affirmed by the Turkish foreign minister, who had said a political way out of the crisis is the responsibility of Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia.

Tehran seems to be more important to Islamabad and Ankara than the Gulf countries, Gargash added. “Though our economic and investment assets are inevitable, political support is missing at critical moments,” Gargash said.

“The vague and contradictory stands of Pakistan and Turkey are an absolute proof that Arab security — from Libya to Yemen — is the responsibility of none but Arab countries, and the crisis is a real test for neighbouring countries.”

The Pakistan parliament resolution turned down long-standing ally Riyadh’s request for troops, ships and warplanes, saying: “Pakistan should play a mediating role and not get involved in fighting in Yemen.”

“Parliament of Pakistan...underscores the need for continued efforts by the government of Pakistan to find a peaceful resolution of the crisis,” the resolution said.

“(Parliament) desires that Pakistan should maintain neutrality in the Yemen conflict so as to be able to play a proactive diplomatic role to end the crisis.”

Saudi Mufti calls for youth conscription

Riyadh — The Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, Shaikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah Al Shaikh, who is also chairman of the senior scholars authority has called for military conscription of youth.

Shaikh Abdul Aziz said: “We must prepare our youth properly to become a shield for us in the holy war against the enemies of religion and the nation.”

In his Friday sermon at Imam Turki bin Abdullah mosque in Riyadh, he said: “We should well look after our youth and prepare them for enlistment, which will enable them dis-charge their duties effectively.”

“This step is important for our youth towards their religion and for protecting their homeland,” he said, adding that the nation should always be prepared to face enemies.

“We are leading a secure life, a boon that others envied us for,” Shaikh Abdul Aziz said and added that while we should be thankful to Allah for this mercy, our nation should remain alert to defend the religion and country through compulsory military training.

“We should be careful and cautious of the enemies who want to spoil our religion, morals and economy, as well as destroying our unity”, he said, adding that to face such chal-lenges, “we must prepare our youth militarily, intellectually and educationally”.

UAE condemns Pakistan's vote on Yemen - Khaleej Times
April 11, 2015

Gargash: Pakistan's vote on Yemen ‘unexpected’
Arabian Gulf’s strategic security is at stake, says UAE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs

Pakistan’s parliament has rebuffed a Saudi request for military participation in its offensive against Yemeni rebels, delivering a blow to Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.

The parliament unanimously passed a resolution affirming its neutrality in the Yemeni conflict, but expressed “unequivocal” support for Saudi Arabia and pledged to defend the kingdom in case of any violation of its territorial integrity or threat to holy sites of Makkah and Medina.

“There is a message to Al Houthis too,” said a senior Pakistani official. “If they go across the border into Saudi Arabia, we will certainly be there in support of the Saudis,” he told the Financial Times.

UAE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Dr Anwar Mohammad Gargash said on Twitter that the Pakistani parliament’s rejection of intervention in Yemen is “unexpected from Islamabad”.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>قرار البرلمان الباكستاني و الذي ينص علي (الحياد في الصراع اليمني) و يعرب (عن دعمه الصريح للسعودية) متناقض و خطير و غير متوقع من اسلام أباد.</p>&mdash; د. أنور قرقاش (@AnwarGargash) <a href=" ">April 10, 2015</a></blockquote> <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

The Pakistani parliament’s decision that stipulates “neutrality in the Yemeni conflict” and expresses “its genuine support for Saudi Arabia” is “contradictory and unexpected from Islamabad.

“The Arabian Gulf is in a dangerous and fateful confrontation and its strategic security is at stake. Moments like these distinguish real allies from those of media statements.”

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>الخليج العربي في مواجهة خطيرة و مصيرية و أمنه الإستراتيجي علي المحك، ولحظة الحقيقة هذه تميز الحليف الحقيقي من حليف الاعلام والتصريحات.</p>&mdash; د. أنور قرقاش (@AnwarGargash) <a href=" ">April 10, 2015</a></blockquote> <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

“Pakistan must have a clear stance for the sake of its strategic relations with the Gulf states. Positions that are contradictory in such fateful issues have a high cost,” Gargash added.

Saudi Arabia had requested troops, ships and aircraft support for the operation that aims to restore Yemeni president Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi, who fled the country in the face of advances by the Al Houthis and their ally, former president Ali Abdullah Saleh.

The Pakistani resolution came a day after Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif visited Islamabad for talks on Yemen.

Gargash: Pakistan's vote on Yemen ‘unexpected’ | GulfNews.com
The best thing about all this is that the GCC included us in their coalition from day one without even consulting us. Like we were some pet that was going to behave as told.

What an egg on their face this has turned into. Absolutely fantastic.
“The vague and contradictory stands of Pakistan and Turkey are an absolute proof that Arab security — from Libya to Yemen — is the responsibility of none but Arab countries, and the crisis is a real test for neighbouring countries."

Is'nt the Arab Security the responsibility of the Arab Countries themselves? Why are they in a hurry to invite third-parties into their disputes and messes? And just make things even worse.

Unless they do not have the stomach to handle their own problems Or they think that flaunting a cheque-book or religion will motivate rentiers to do their bidding?
Why should Pakistan spill the blood of its soldiers fighting what is essentially an Arab war? Is it because of the 'bribes' given to it by the Arabs so they can sit back and put Pakistanis instead on the front line when the need arises like the present one? The Arabs always wanted a proxy to fight their wars as they were incapable of fighting themselves. They are simply not cut out for the job.

So Pakistan should think twice before getting involved in someone else's war in a far off land.
This was a right decision by pak imo.
This muslim muslim bhai bahi nonsense should stop,Pakistan and the welfare of its citizens should come first.
Today to play a bigger role no need to play the religious card when its going to backfire sooner than later.Grow at 9% and not only muslim ummah but the whole world will want to be your ally.
this statement of UAE shows frustration.....even after forming 6 country GCC with latest gadgets and armaments they can't save their a$$ in yemen...... how possibly could they punish pakistan..... fools....!!! seems they need pakistan more than pakistan needs arabs....:lol:
this statement of UAE shows frustration.....even after forming 6 country GCC with latest gadgets and armaments they can't save their a$$ in yemen...... how possibly could they punish pakistan..... fools....!!! seems they need pakistan more than pakistan needs arabs....:lol:

Those guys have Money, lots of it. They have Guns, regiments of them. But they do not have cannon-fodder.
Those guys have Money, lots of it. They have Guns, regiments of them. But they do not have cannon-fodder.

then they should bring the terrorist, they sponsored in other nations, to fight for them with those guns in yemen.......
11 April 2015


UAE condemns Pakistan's vote on Yemen
Warns of heavy price for ambiguous stand.

The UAE on Friday strongly condemned a Pakistani decision to stay out of the conflict in Yemen, rejecting Saudi demands for Islamabad to join its military coalition against Houthi rebels.

“The Arabian Gulf is in a dangerous confrontation, its strategic security is on the edge, and the moment of truth distinguishes between the real ally and the ally of media and statements,” Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Dr Anwar Mohammed Gargash tweeted after a unanimous resolution passed by a special session of Pakistan’s parliament.

The resolution, however, backed the government’s commitment to protect Saudi Arabia’s territory, which has so far not been threatened by the conflict.

Gargash said Pakistan is required to show a clear stand in favour of its strategic relations with the six-nation Arab Gulf cooperation Council, as contradictory and ambiguous views on this serious matter will have a heavy price to pay.

“This is nothing but another chapter of laggard impartial stand,” Gargash said, criticising identical views held by Turkey and Iran about the armed conflict in Yemen, as affirmed by the Turkish foreign minister, who had said a political way out of the crisis is the responsibility of Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia.

Tehran seems to be more important to Islamabad and Ankara than the Gulf countries, Gargash added. “Though our economic and investment assets are inevitable, political support is missing at critical moments,” Gargash said.

“The vague and contradictory stands of Pakistan and Turkey are an absolute proof that Arab security — from Libya to Yemen — is the responsibility of none but Arab countries, and the crisis is a real test for neighbouring countries.”

The Pakistan parliament resolution turned down long-standing ally Riyadh’s request for troops, ships and warplanes, saying: “Pakistan should play a mediating role and not get involved in fighting in Yemen.”

“Parliament of Pakistan...underscores the need for continued efforts by the government of Pakistan to find a peaceful resolution of the crisis,” the resolution said.

“(Parliament) desires that Pakistan should maintain neutrality in the Yemen conflict so as to be able to play a proactive diplomatic role to end the crisis.”

Saudi Mufti calls for youth conscription

Riyadh — The Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, Shaikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah Al Shaikh, who is also chairman of the senior scholars authority has called for military conscription of youth.

Shaikh Abdul Aziz said: “We must prepare our youth properly to become a shield for us in the holy war against the enemies of religion and the nation.”

In his Friday sermon at Imam Turki bin Abdullah mosque in Riyadh, he said: “We should well look after our youth and prepare them for enlistment, which will enable them dis-charge their duties effectively.”

“This step is important for our youth towards their religion and for protecting their homeland,” he said, adding that the nation should always be prepared to face enemies.

“We are leading a secure life, a boon that others envied us for,” Shaikh Abdul Aziz said and added that while we should be thankful to Allah for this mercy, our nation should remain alert to defend the religion and country through compulsory military training.

“We should be careful and cautious of the enemies who want to spoil our religion, morals and economy, as well as destroying our unity”, he said, adding that to face such chal-lenges, “we must prepare our youth militarily, intellectually and educationally”.

UAE condemns Pakistan's vote on Yemen - Khaleej Times
Pakistani Parliament has made sure they piss of entire Sunni World for GOD sake even Sudan went in. I hope and I think Pakistani Armed forces will quitely provide what GCC asks for or we are looking at economic and strategic disaster the biggest of our history
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