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U.S will soon sell weapons to Vietnam?

Sorry, we're stepping on you guys in SCS(east sea) now :P

Where are PLAN-PLAAF ?? do they know how to fight in Real combat ??:P

You know, you Vietnamese really are annoying. How dare you occupy all those Chinese islands! Someday, the PLAN will have to come and get you guys. China is busy right now.
Mate They are BRAVE Not Annoying! Map shows it. : )

Take your eyes off of them for a few years and they swallow up half the goddamn Spratlys. What a pain in the neck.

No worry though. China is building a massive coast guard fleet to patrol the South China Sea. The maritime fleet can lay siege to those illegally-occupied Vietnamese outposts. China will have the last laugh.
So you are asking US to supply weapon to Vietnam so you can wrestle the control of Malacca strait from the US in the future. You are total nut case.
Get a life dude, can we ask US for the right to enrich uranium when even Japan-SK-Taiwan are not allowed ??

Same thing in VN-US lethal weapon deal, we're armed to the teeth with Russia weapon now, we don't need US's weapons and we also don't have $$$ to buy. So, if US wanna sell, then sell it on credit.

If US need VN to contain China, so , let help us to get stronger first.
Moscow hopes to regain access to its Soviet-era military base in Camh Ran Bay. An editorial in the Chinese daily The Global Times last week said:
All the cooperation ... goes beyond economic interests and is chiefly related to political and security concerns.
Asia Times Online :: China News, China Business News, Taiwan and Hong Kong News and Business.
Underestimating viets wud be a huge military blunder.The Americans were pushed back. Am sure even the chinese military experts know it too. So dont worry vietnam.:kiss3:
You know, you Vietnamese really are annoying. How dare you occupy all those Chinese islands! Someday, the PLAN will have to come and get you guys. China is busy right now.
Yeah, the fox is busy, that why she doesn't wanna eat the grapes now :lol:

The truth for the 'fox 'is PLAN-PLAAF doesn't know how and doesn't dare to fight in real battle without US-Russia's support:lol:
Yeah, the fox is busy, that why she doesn't wanna eat the grapes now :lol:

The truth for the 'fox 'is PLAN-PLAAF doesn't know how and doesn't dare to fight in real battle without US-Russia's support:lol:

By the way, it doesn't matter how many islands that Vietnam illegally occupies. The Spratlys were discovered and claimed by China's Han dynasty two thousand years ago. They will always remain Chinese. Squatters will eventually be evicted.
Vietnam should involve in more trade with America rather than buying defence us weapons are too costly and Vietnams defence budget isn't enough.right now only high priority and needed stuff should only be bought.
By the way, it doesn't matter how many islands that Vietnam illegally occupies. The Spratlys were discovered and claimed by China's Han dynasty two thousand years ago. They will always remain Chinese. Squatters will eventually be evicted.
Whatever, if you belive it belong to you all, then go to International court to debeate. in here, I only wanna prove that: PLAN-PLAAF are only good at Home parade and mouth fighting, that's why China only can have a small and unimportant part in SCS(east sea) :blah:
Whatever, if you belive it belong to you all, then go to International court to debeate. in here, I only wanna prove that: PLAN-PLAAF are only good at Home parade and mouth fighting, that's why China only can have a small and unimportant part in SCS(east sea) :blah:

It's only "blah blah" for now. It will lead to a real Sino-Vietnamese war down the road. I guess the Vietnamese government has forgotten the lesson of 1979.

China devastated Vietnam in 1979

sino vietnamese war


The legacy of the war is lasting, especially in Vietnam. The Chinese implemented an effective "scorched-earth policy" while retreating back to China. They caused extensive damage to the Vietnamese countryside and infrastructure, through destruction of Vietnamese villages, roads, and railroads."


When Vietnam exhausts Chinese patience, the next war will begin

That's what the Indians also thought in 1961. Then the Sino-Indian war flared in 1962.

Events leading to the Sino-Indian War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Forward policy

At the beginning of 1961, Nehru appointed General B.M. Kaul army chief.[12] Kaul reorganized the general staff and removed the officers who had resisted the idea of patrolling in disputed areas, although Nehru still refused to increase military spending or otherwise prepare for war.[12] In the summer of 1961, China began patrolling along the McMahon Line. They entered parts of Indian administered regions and much angered the Indians in doing so. The Chinese, however, did not believe they were intruding upon Indian territory. In response the Indians launched a policy of creating outposts behind the Chinese troops so as to cut off their supplies and force their return to China. According to the Home Minister in Delhi on February 4, 1962:

"If the Chinese will not vacate the areas occupied by her, India will have to repeat what she did in Goa. She will certainly drive out the Chinese forces."

This has been referred to as the "Forward Policy".[4][3][8][13][14] There were eventually 60 such outposts, including 43 north of the McMahon Line.[5]

Kaul was confident through previous diplomacy that the Chinese would not react with force.[4] According to the Indian Official History, Indian posts and Chinese posts were separated by a narrow stretch of land. China had been steadily spreading into those lands and India reacted with the Forward Policy to demonstrate that those lands were not unoccupied. India, of course, did not believe she was intruding on Chinese territory. British author Neville Maxwell traces this confidence to Mullik, who was in regular contact with the CIA station chief in New Delhi.[12] Mullik may therefore have been aware of Mao's sensitivity concerning U-2 flights.

The initial reaction of the Chinese forces was to withdraw when Indian outposts advanced towards them. However, this appeared to encourage the Indian forces to accelerate their Forward Policy even further. In response, the Central Military Commission adopted a policy of "armed coexistence". In response to Indian outposts encircling Chinese positions, Chinese forces would build more outposts to counter-encircle these Indian positions. This pattern of encirclement and counter-encirclement resulted in an interlocking, chessboard-like deployment of Chinese and Indian forces. Despite the leapfrogging encirclements by both sides, no hostile fire occurred from either side as troops from both sides were under orders to fire only in defense. On the situation, Mao Zedong commented,

Nehru wants to move forward and we won't let him. Originally, we tried to guard against this, but now it seems we cannot prevent it. If he wants to advance, we might as well adopt armed coexistence. You wave a gun, and I'll wave a gun. We'll stand face to face and can each practice our courage..
It's only "blah blah" for now. It will lead to a real Sino-Vietnamese war down the road. I guess the Vietnamese government has forgotten the lesson of 1979.

China devastated Vietnam in 1979
Hehe, this is the Real lesson from 1979, dude:lol:

We used China's money to built our infrastructure in the border, so we just simply count the damage to your loan , that's it .
We used China's money to built our infrastructure in the border, so we just simply count the damage to your loan , that's it .

Good, now Vietnam will have the infrastructure to produce more sneakers. :coffee:

I think it is the time to buy a cheap pair of Nikey shoes.
I see some guys trying to prove that VN cannot buy weapons from the US.

If the United States removes arms embargo on Vietnam, it is a great symbolic political rather than a big arms purchase right now. It shows mutual trust between the two countries...

Now, Vietnam only wants to buy spare parts from America for maintenance and restore operations for the US arsenals in VN, which VN People Army collected in the Vietnam War.

And then, we can also buy American toys that suit the needs and capabilities of VN.

BTW: I think more likely VN will continue to buy Russian Su-35, S400...
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