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U.S. warships stay in Philippines amid transgender murder probe

Old Map Showing Spratlys as Part of the Philippines

Sabah, Palawan and the Spratlys were given to the Sulu Sultanate by the Brunei Sultanate in the 1400's.

Sulu Sultanate Rejects China's Claim Over Spratlys

Sulu sultanate and Brunei sultanates were both foreign invader regimes that gave the islands to each other. They had nothing to do with Filipinos. Your current regime is just another foreign invader backed puppet state that is stealing the islands. When you take back your independence, the independence that all Filipinos, including Chinese-Filipinos, fought for, let me know.
VFA – the bigger picture
BABE’S EYE VIEW By Babe Romualdez (The Philippine Star) | Updated October 19, 2014 - 12:00am

The death of transgender Jeffrey “Jennifer” Laude involving US Marine Joseph Pemberton as the primary suspect couldn’t have come at a worst time just as the Supreme Court is set to rule on the constitutionality of the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement or EDCA. DFA Secretary Albert del Rosario painstakingly worked on the new agreement for two years with the end in view of strengthening our country’s external defense capability in the light of what is happening in the West Philippine Sea — for the security of our country now and in the future.

At the 9TV public affairs program “Opposing Views” hosted by Atty. Rod Nepomuceno where I was a guest along with UP Political Science Professor Amado Mendoza, the issue of the Visiting Forces Agreement and whether it should be repealed by the Philippine government was the topic of discussion, obviously fueled by the upsurge of emotions over the killing of Jeffrey Laude.

It can be recalled that the VFA — from which EDCA was anchored on — was ratified by the Philippine Senate during the time of president Joseph Estrada. Erap used his political capital to have the treaty passed, convinced that American assistance was important in beefing up our external security and in containing the Abu Sayyaf Group that was sowing terror in Mindanao. The fact is, it was through the help of the US marines and their high tech equipment that finally located ASG leader Commander Robot that eventually led to his death.

It’s clear a sore point with the VFA is the “custody issue” regarding US military personnel accused of committing crimes in the Philippines. Article V, Paragraph 6 states that “the custody of any United States personnel over whom the Philippines is to exercise jurisdiction shall immediately reside with United States military authorities, if they so request, from the commission of the offense until completion of all judicial proceedings.”

Admittedly, the case of Pemberton is different from that of Daniel Smith — who was found guilty of raping Suzette Nicolas — but whose conviction was overturned by the Court of Appeals after Nicole’s recantation. This time however, we are talking about a victim’s death. Those calling for the abrogation of the VFA overlook the fact that although Smith remained in US custody, the Americans fulfilled their part of the agreement, as Smith was made readily available for the duration of the trial and placed under the jurisdiction of Philippine courts.

US Ambassador to the Philippines Philip Goldberg and the State Department have already given assurances that they will cooperate and adhere to Philippine laws — I have no doubt we can count on them in this regard. Also, our meetings in Washington, DC two weeks ago at the Pentagon with Joint Chiefs of Staff Deputy Director for Politico-Military Affairs for Asia General David Stilwell and at the White House with NSC Senior Director Evan Medeiros gave me a sense that there is clearly a bigger picture in our relationship with the United States as far as the VFA is concerned — an important ingredient of the US pivot to Asia policy.

A possible solution which we have been pushing for as an amendment to the VFA is to confine the soldiers in just one area and apply “tight liberty rules” like they did in Okinawa where curfews and travel restrictions were set for American troops.
Another possible solution which Professor Mendoza raised during Rod Nepomuceno’s TV program is for Philippine and US authorities to have joint custody, which would require the construction of a facility to specifically hold American military personnel accused of any crime. We all know the horrible conditions of our jails — which is one of the reasons why our senators implicated in the PDAF scandal are in the PNP custodial center. So, can we honestly blame the US in insisting on custody for the safety and health of its soldiers?

A recent survey shows that 90 percent of Filipinos are in favor of stronger American presence in the region and participation in enhancing the capability of our military. People feel helpless in the face of an external threat, and should that possibility arise, we will definitely need the US. We’re also looking at Japan to start strengthening their military capabilities and ultimately assist our armed forces. Undoubtedly, it is also in the interest of Japan to keep the balance of power in the region, the same with our Asian neighbors who are all concerned about China’s aggressive moves.

All of us Filipinos want to see our country become self-reliant and capable of defending our shores, but the practical reality is that our AFP does not have the wherewithal to do that just yet. Let’s not also forget that another important aspect of EDCA is the humanitarian and disaster response. The Yolanda disaster alone proved that we are not yet capable of responding to a major disaster without help from our friends. The quick response from the United States in sending the aircraft carrier USS George Washington literally saved thousands of lives with their Osprey aircraft, food drops and water desalination process tanks. The current Ebola pandemic crisis is also something to worry about. God forbid — we will need a lot of help considering we have so many OFWs working in the affected African countries.

There is no doubt we all want justice for Jennifer Laude, but we must follow the process. Looking at the bigger picture, let’s remember what JFK once said: “…Explore what problems unite us instead of belaboring those problems which divide us.

VFA – the bigger picture | Opinion, News, The Philippine Star | philstar.com
Sulu sultanate and Brunei sultanates were both foreign invader regimes that gave the islands to each other. They had nothing to do with Filipinos. Your current regime is just another foreign invader backed puppet state that is stealing the islands. When you take back your independence, the independence that all Filipinos, including Chinese-Filipinos, fought for, let me know.

Calling the native inhabitants foreign invaders is PLAIN STUPIDITY. It's like calling the Tibetans foreign invaders of Tibet. Taiwan is just a stone throw away from China...and yet the Dutch and Spanish-Philippines first established political authority before China did. And Spratlys is very much far away from China...China's claim of sovereignity over Spratlys since ancient times is BS.

"Indisputable" does not mean that China has proofs but simply that China does not accept anybody questioning its claims.

the claim that Zheng preceded the Dutch and Spanish is Chinese expansionist nonsense, deliberately constructed to create the false view that the Chinese were there first. An oft-overlooked aspect of this move is that it ignores prior aboriginal claims to Taiwan. Other scholars have also dismissed the (Chinese nationalist) claim that there were many Chinese on Taiwan before the Dutch, see also John Shepard's superb Statecraft and Political Economy on the Taiwan Frontier, 1600 to 1800 for an accounting.

The View from Taiwan: JapanFocus, forwarding Chinese propaganda again...

Spanish expedition to Formosa

The Spanish expedition to Formosa was a campaign mounted by the Spanish based in Manila, Philippines in 1626. It was the Spanish response to Dutch settlements being built in Formosa, now known as Taiwan. In cooperation with the Portuguese, this venture was made to attract Chinese traders and curtail the expansion of Dutch power in Asia

Spanish expedition to Formosa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I think nothing will happen.I bet,I bet a dime:coffee:
The US soldier will be barely punished, or he'll be rightfully punished, but dozens more US soldiers will ravage the Philippines (and this will not be reported). The Philippines has been a conquered land by various foreign powers for a very long time.
The US soldier will be barely punished, or he'll be rightfully punished, but dozens more US soldiers will ravage the Philippines (and this will not be reported). The Philippines has been a conquered land by various foreign powers for a very long time.

Hey guy look other chinamen using someone else flag.
We already have a problem with China then this news comes. Seeing comments from the FB page of the Army Times, Navy Times and Marine Corps Times, it seems Americans express that they should "pull the plug" on PH support on everything and leave us to China (which would likely kill 90% of Filipinos in a nuclear firestorm).

In short, there are people in the US calling to pull out of the PH and Chinese members here screaming "nuke 'em."

Thanks to those paid leftist protesters, they will make the PH more vulnerable.
Quote a Chinese member saying that.

I have a four-point proposal for the Taiwanese government to respond to the Filipino government's terrorist assassination of an unarmed Taiwanese fisherman.

1. Deport all 96,000 Filipinos laborers and maids working in Taiwan. Replacements can be easily found in heavily populated Indonesia or other southeast Asian countries.

2. Conduct military patrols with Taiwan's six 3,600-tonne Kang Ding/La Fayette frigates along the Taiwanese/Filipino sea border. The Taiwanese military should open fire and sink any Filipino warship upon sight. Terrorist Filipino military ships should be exterminated immediately.

3. Taiwan should work in concert with mainland China to immediately block all Filipino imports into Taiwan and mainland China on health grounds of unsanitary Filipino agricultural imports. Every conceivable regulatory measure must be enacted to perpetually block all Filipino manufactured imports. The goal is to keep the Philippines in the Third World forever.

4. We are reaching the end of Chinese military modernization. In 19.5 years, the PLA Navy should be strong enough to push the US Navy out of Asia.

Taiwan reunification should be predicated on annexing the northern half of the Philippines (e.g. Luzon island).

Give us Luzon to allow Taiwanese to build a memorial on present-day Manila to the assassinated Taiwanese fisherman by Filipino government military terrorist thugs.

It may have no "nuke em" but annnexing northern half of the Philippines sound likes a hostile takeover.
In another word, you are a liar that has just been exposed.
And there is this

Our CJ-10K with a megaton nuke launches from our own airspace, having fun with that Mr. Pinoy. :wave:

and this...

LOL at USA's empty talk. You can't even defend Philippines from China's bullying. Our warships are already mere kilometers away from Manila.

After China launches nukes at Manila, USA will quietly tip-toe away and call for "peace.":rofl:

Contradict that, if you will...
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Its typical of the of the chincoms to say BS like it would happen as if.
I speak only the truth. The US only return to Phillipines for what? Maybe half a year and already cause trouble. LOL Wait until they station more troops and you see what we are all talking about.

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