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U.S. warships stay in Philippines amid transgender murder probe

I wonder the motive. Perhaps the American marine found out that lady wasn't really a 'lady'.

Transgender, doesn't take much for the motive to murder someone when you find out it ain't what it ain't.

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2 hours ago

MANILA (Reuters) - The commander of U.S. Pacific Command has stopped two of its warships from leaving the Philippines after a U.S. Marine was named as a suspect in the murder of a transgender Filipino he met in a bar, a Philippine official said on Monday.

Admiral Samuel Locklear had ordered the USS Peleliu and another warship to stay in the former U.S. base of Subic Bay until after the murder investigation is over, executive director of the Visiting Forces Agreement Commission, Eduardo Oban, said.

U.S. troops have been taking part in a 10-day military exercise with the Philippines.

A U.S. Marine was in the custody of American military officials aboard USS Peleliu in connection with the case, the U.S. Navy Times said.

A police report said the 26-year-old victim was found strangled on Saturday in a toilet of a hotel room in Olongapo City, the town outside Subic famous for its sleazy bars.

"A U.S. Marine has been identified as a possible suspect in the ongoing investigation," the U.S. Embassy said in a statement. "The United States will continue to fully cooperate with Philippine law enforcement authorities in every aspect of the investigation."

Oban said Locklear was in Manila for an annual security meeting. His order to stop the warships was relayed to Filipino officials by a military advisory group.

The United States and the Philippines in April signed a new 10-year security pact that allows for a larger U.S. military presence in the country as it struggles to raise its defence capabilities amid territorial disputes with China.

"We are committed to do our part to ensure that justice is served," Philippine Foreign Ministry spokesman Charles Jose said after being informed about the crime.

In 2005, a U.S. Marine was accused of raping a Filipino woman in Subic Bay. He was convicted by a lower court but an appeals court reversed the ruling after the woman recanted her statement.

(Reporting By Manuel Mogato; Editing by Nick Macfie)


As expected, the US marine is starting to cause trouble in place they station again. LOL

Hey I remember a couple of Chinese civilians were caught doing something bad as well in foreign countries. And doesn't even have to be military. Imagine how worse it would be.
Better be under America than either having an incompetent government or being under China's wing even if America is going down.

That statement will make certain nationalist US members proud. Really proud. What can others say? You get what you deserve.

I still sympathize with those who do not want US rapists in their homeland, though.
Quite a sad story but , this kind of hush hush stuff happens in western militaries and this incident is proof

At least the Chinese are known for their polite culture and Mannerism and high ethical values, anything like this happens in China , immediately the person is hanged

Quite a tragic story murder by occupying military of citizen of nation where bases were present
Similar stories also happen in Japan vs some teenagers girls I recall there were huge protest

However the political game is so big and powerful that these incidents and many more just get put under the carpet and that is the sad reality
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2 hours ago

MANILA (Reuters) - The commander of U.S. Pacific Command has stopped two of its warships from leaving the Philippines after a U.S. Marine was named as a suspect in the murder of a transgender Filipino he met in a bar, a Philippine official said on Monday.

Admiral Samuel Locklear had ordered the USS Peleliu and another warship to stay in the former U.S. base of Subic Bay until after the murder investigation is over, executive director of the Visiting Forces Agreement Commission, Eduardo Oban, said.

U.S. troops have been taking part in a 10-day military exercise with the Philippines.

A U.S. Marine was in the custody of American military officials aboard USS Peleliu in connection with the case, the U.S. Navy Times said.

A police report said the 26-year-old victim was found strangled on Saturday in a toilet of a hotel room in Olongapo City, the town outside Subic famous for its sleazy bars.

"A U.S. Marine has been identified as a possible suspect in the ongoing investigation," the U.S. Embassy said in a statement. "The United States will continue to fully cooperate with Philippine law enforcement authorities in every aspect of the investigation."

Oban said Locklear was in Manila for an annual security meeting. His order to stop the warships was relayed to Filipino officials by a military advisory group.

The United States and the Philippines in April signed a new 10-year security pact that allows for a larger U.S. military presence in the country as it struggles to raise its defence capabilities amid territorial disputes with China.

"We are committed to do our part to ensure that justice is served," Philippine Foreign Ministry spokesman Charles Jose said after being informed about the crime.

In 2005, a U.S. Marine was accused of raping a Filipino woman in Subic Bay. He was convicted by a lower court but an appeals court reversed the ruling after the woman recanted her statement.

(Reporting By Manuel Mogato; Editing by Nick Macfie)


As expected, the US marine is starting to cause trouble in place they station again. LOL
I have nothing against transgenders. I believe that the victim's killer should rot in jail. And, I admit that I know nothing about the case except from this article. However, I believe that transgenders, because of their tendency to confuse people, should be very straightforward when dealing with straight people.
Very very different, my friend. We don't occupy other country, let alone station troop and have the troop disrespecting local culture. The arrogant GI is notorious for raping local girls and getting away with it because you are the Great United States of the World. LOL

Tell that to tibet and the countries you occpied in the past like Vietnam sorry we do not accept revisionist history in the forum so please put a sock on it.
Agent Orange, Napalm ring any bells?

Invasion of Vietnam, destruction and killing of civilians by the Chinese ring any bells?

Those are two different categories. Crime committed by a civilian in a foreign country will be investigated according to the laws of the host country.

US military personnel enjoy a sort of immunity, especially in Okinawa, although, recently, the Japanese gov't took some measures -- I do not know how effective.

As for crime committed by civilians, you need to bring up hard data to prove that country A's tourists is more violent than country B's.

How is it any different between military personnel and civilian that commits a crime? A civilian kills a transgender is a footnote in the news. A U.S. Marine does it, its international outrage. Imagine when Chinese does the same thing when stealing or killing. But if a Chinese military personnel does it, what happens then? How would you react?

Oh so you can't contradict my post and source and claim its biased. Whos the dumb one? Anything I post like you said would be tainted or unbiased no matter what as I pointed out. So I asked you to post something to show that no Vietnamese civilians were killed by the Chinese at all. So you are the one who is BS.

When did I said no civilian were killed in 1979 war? You in here inflate the number of civilian dead to slander China so you the one need to provide the figure to back up your claim.
When did I said no civilian were killed in 1979 war? You in here inflate the number of civilian dead to slander China so you the one need to provide the figure to back up your claim.

Whether its 1 or 10,000 civilians killed by the Chinese, I can slander all I want. If the posters want to do the same in response to the actions of the U.S. Marine, thats fine with me. I do the same in return.
Really? The U.S. military favors the murderers and rapists?

Yes, really.

From a (relatively) old report (2004):

US Government and Pentagon Sanctioning of Abuses
- Reported Statistics from the Veterans Administration over 200,000 US military women have been sexually harassed 79%, hazed and 30% raped by their own US military male counterparts; 60,000 East Asian Pacific civilians from Okinawa, Philippines, Korea, Japan, Thailand have been sexually harassed, raped, brutalized and murdered with virtually no accountability by US military men. In fact it has been standard operating procedure of the US military when one of their own personnel abuse, rape or murder a foreigner to place them (assailant) on an airplane and send them not to prison but to the next assignment without accountability. Of the military men being raped by their own; the VA reports 98% of all rapes within the military male-on-male are committed by heterosexual to heterosexual. Actual numbers are not obtainable because both the US military and Veterans Administration will not document these cases accurately, however, a male rapists of other males will rape 250 men before they are caught.

- Immunity Laws: When the US military refuses to hold their own military members accountable for violations of law, and the victim or their family has exhausted the US military chain of command up to and including the US President, only then can they gain access to the US Courts. There are 5 immunity laws on the US books and with the assistance of the US Justice Department the military perpetrator and or the leadership who refused to intervene to protect the abused, gets immunity. These laws are the Feres Doctrine, the Bivens Doctrine, Intra-military Immunity, Title VII, and US Code 552a.

- There are numerous cases of rape, torture and abuse that are contrary to US military law, federal law and international laws. And, yet there are 5 precedence cases on US law books in which the US military sexual predators and/or the leadership failed to provide protection. With the direct assistance of US Department of Justice attorneys, US Courts and these 5 immunity laws the assailants were given immunity and freedom. Of the 5 military women whose cases are cited 3 of the 5 are now dead as a direct result of the crimes and abuses committed against them; two were driven through retaliation to their deaths (psychologically murdered), the 3rd stalked and murdered after repeated and ignored pleas for help from her command. [Note A]

- Letter dated March 2004, from US Army Europe, General B.B. Bell’s letter notes “sexual assault is the second most-reported felony in the Army in Europe.” This is occurring because of the overt hostile environment that is allowed to exist. (see Iowa Study)

- The allowances for military criminal conduct to go selectively prosecuted, crimes allowed to occur, sanctioned and protected has serious and grave consequences to civilians US and foreign. The following is a short list of former US military or children of military.

- Rapes and abuses of at least 120 US military women by our own US military men in Iraq, Kuwait and Afghanistan most of the victims have been charged with crimes, threatened, forced to leave service or have been retaliated against by the higher chain of command. There has been little or no prosecutions of the rapist who still for the most part remain in the field with already abused Iraqi, Kuwait and Afghani people.

Military laws and federal US laws while often discussed as being leading models of democracy are used selectively throughout the US military to give the public impression of equal accountability; rather it is a system of unequal protection. Many military criminals to include senior military leaders, rapists and abusers have been given protection within the military and by US courts and officials. These protections are compoundingly dangerous to US citizens, military and global populations in personal, community and national security. It is my belief that the US must be held accountable equally to all laws that the US holds all nations to. Failure to do so is a disregard of our place as a global neighbor and attempts to place the US as global master.

Whether its 1 or 10,000 civilians killed by the Chinese, I can slander all I want. If the posters want to do the same in response to the actions of the U.S. Marine, thats fine with me. I do the same in return.

You admitted everything stated were bullshit because you have the animosity toward China?
Yes, really.

From a (relatively) old report (2004):

US Government and Pentagon Sanctioning of Abuses
- Reported Statistics from the Veterans Administration over 200,000 US military women have been sexually harassed 79%, hazed and 30% raped by their own US military male counterparts; 60,000 East Asian Pacific civilians from Okinawa, Philippines, Korea, Japan, Thailand have been sexually harassed, raped, brutalized and murdered with virtually no accountability by US military men. In fact it has been standard operating procedure of the US military when one of their own personnel abuse, rape or murder a foreigner to place them (assailant) on an airplane and send them not to prison but to the next assignment without accountability. Of the military men being raped by their own; the VA reports 98% of all rapes within the military male-on-male are committed by heterosexual to heterosexual. Actual numbers are not obtainable because both the US military and Veterans Administration will not document these cases accurately, however, a male rapists of other males will rape 250 men before they are caught.

- Immunity Laws: When the US military refuses to hold their own military members accountable for violations of law, and the victim or their family has exhausted the US military chain of command up to and including the US President, only then can they gain access to the US Courts. There are 5 immunity laws on the US books and with the assistance of the US Justice Department the military perpetrator and or the leadership who refused to intervene to protect the abused, gets immunity. These laws are the Feres Doctrine, the Bivens Doctrine, Intra-military Immunity, Title VII, and US Code 552a.

- There are numerous cases of rape, torture and abuse that are contrary to US military law, federal law and international laws. And, yet there are 5 precedence cases on US law books in which the US military sexual predators and/or the leadership failed to provide protection. With the direct assistance of US Department of Justice attorneys, US Courts and these 5 immunity laws the assailants were given immunity and freedom. Of the 5 military women whose cases are cited 3 of the 5 are now dead as a direct result of the crimes and abuses committed against them; two were driven through retaliation to their deaths (psychologically murdered), the 3rd stalked and murdered after repeated and ignored pleas for help from her command. [Note A]

- Letter dated March 2004, from US Army Europe, General B.B. Bell’s letter notes “sexual assault is the second most-reported felony in the Army in Europe.” This is occurring because of the overt hostile environment that is allowed to exist. (see Iowa Study)

- The allowances for military criminal conduct to go selectively prosecuted, crimes allowed to occur, sanctioned and protected has serious and grave consequences to civilians US and foreign. The following is a short list of former US military or children of military.

- Rapes and abuses of at least 120 US military women by our own US military men in Iraq, Kuwait and Afghanistan most of the victims have been charged with crimes, threatened, forced to leave service or have been retaliated against by the higher chain of command. There has been little or no prosecutions of the rapist who still for the most part remain in the field with already abused Iraqi, Kuwait and Afghani people.

Military laws and federal US laws while often discussed as being leading models of democracy are used selectively throughout the US military to give the public impression of equal accountability; rather it is a system of unequal protection. Many military criminals to include senior military leaders, rapists and abusers have been given protection within the military and by US courts and officials. These protections are compoundingly dangerous to US citizens, military and global populations in personal, community and national security. It is my belief that the US must be held accountable equally to all laws that the US holds all nations to. Failure to do so is a disregard of our place as a global neighbor and attempts to place the US as global master.

US soldier sentenced to life in prison for shooting 16 Afghans | Al Jazeera America

US soldier sentenced to life in prison for shooting 16 Afghans

Say again? Why is he in prison? The U.S. military favors the murderers and rapists like you said.

You admitted everything stated were bullshit because you have the animosity toward China?

o_O That be like saying all Chinese posters are BS when they post something about the U.S. to slander them.
Yes, like the report says, it does.

Killing of 16 Afghans, well, that's a little bit lower than the low bar the US set for itself.

But hes in prison. Suppose to be free even when killing 16 Afghans.
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