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U.S. wants more info on Pakistan's nuclear arsenal


Feb 19, 2007
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U.S. wants more info on Pakistan's nuclear arsenal

Despite assurances, U.S. officials demand better information

By Sheldon Alberts, Canwest News ServiceMay 5, 2009

President Barack Obama will raise growing U.S. concerns about the safety of Pakistan's nuclear arms arsenal during meetings at the White House this week with the country's president, Asif Ali Zardari, officials said Monday.

Despite public assurances from the Pentagon that Pakistan's nuclear weapons are secure from Taliban and al-Qaida fighters, U.S. officials are demanding better information about the measures Islamabad's weakened government is taking to prevent any from falling into the hands of Islamic extremists.

"Obviously the security of nuclear weapons in Pakistan and the security of nuclear material throughout the world is something that the president thinks is of the highest priority," White House press secretary Robert Gibbs told reporters in advance of a trilateral meeting Wednesday between Obama, Zardari and Afghan President Hamid Karzai.

"I don't doubt that that will be mentioned."

Concerns about the vulnerability of Pakistan's nuclear weapons and facilities have mounted in recent months as Taliban and al-Qaida insurgents gained control over the country's remote northwestern Swat Valley region.

But the scrutiny over Pakistan's control of its nuclear arsenal heightened markedly after Taliban forces last month began showing signs of authority in the Buner district, just 100 kilometres from Islamabad, where most of the nuclear weapons are located.

"I'm gravely concerned about the progress they (the Taliban) have made in the south and inside Pakistan," Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the U.S. joint chiefs of staff, told reporters Monday. "The consequences of their success directly threaten our national interests in the region and our safety here at home."

Mullen, who visited the region last month, stressed he remains "comfortable that the nuclear weapons in Pakistan are secure."

But the Obama administration is privately expressing frustration over the unwillingness of Pakistan's government to provide details about the location of the arsenal and the specific security measures the nation's army is taking, according to a report in Monday's New York Times.

In particular, the Obama administration is seeking accountability from Pakistan's government over how it spent $100 million in U.S. funding -- approved under former President George W. Bush when Pervez Musharraf was still in power -- to improve physical facilities holding nuclear material and warheads.

U.S. officials have been denied information on how the money was spent or how many weapons Pakistan has in its arsenal, the Times reported. It's generally believed Pakistan has about 60 warheads, though some experts believe the number exceeds 100.

Bush provided unwavering support and financial resources to Musharraf following the 9/11 terror attacks but received "no accountability" in return, said Gibbs.

"I think on both of those accounts, the president (Obama) has been clear that that hasn't worked."

Pakistan's army has a force of 10,000 soldiers specifically tasked with guarding the nation's nuclear facilities and weaponry.

In addition, much of Pakistan's nuclear arsenal is stored in pieces at separate facilities to further guard against an attack and seizure.
more info!! wat for??? so that they could take our nukes themselves
**** off US, no info on our nukes, if something happen to our nukes, the next thing that will happen to us, is US with INDIA and ISRAEL will invade Pakistan, justifying their invasion for some lunatic reason.:smokin:
lol if my indian and US friends visit this thread they would scream pakistanis..."PARANOID"....ofcourse india and the US are always thinking of everything peacefully...and pakistan unnecessarily is cautious...just tell it to the US and evacuate the eastern border with india and fight the taliban....this is what pakistan should do...from US and INDIAN prespective..
Why all of a sudden US is so concerned about PAK nukes when thier own safety of Nukes has a big question mark over it.

I wonder what other Info do they want over PAK nukes is it where they are located or what is the control and command system in place?
MOD EDIT I'm smart enough not to engage in any nonsensical speculation about America, India, and Israel attacking Pakistan just as soon as we steal your nukes.

As to our nukes- when we make mistakes, careers end. Satisfy your sober self and check the facts of that episode. Let me know, though, how that has anything to do with a nuclear-armed country and it's civil war?

Now what were the EXACT locations of those components again?

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That is what you get with weak politicians and dumb electorate...
MOD EDIT I'm smart enough not to engage in any nonsensical speculation about America, India, and Israel attacking Pakistan just as soon as we steal your nukes.

As to our nukes- when we make mistakes, careers end. Satisfy your sober self and check the facts of that episode. Let me know, though, how that has anything to do with a nuclear-armed country and it's civil war?

Now what were the EXACT locations of those components again?


Very interesting phrase which i highlighted above, but I am really surprised that now west has started saying that the fighting going on in Pakistan is Civil War.:what:

S2, I did not expect this from you mate.:what:
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**** off US, no info on our nukes, if something happen to our nukes, the next thing that will happen to us, is US with INDIA and ISRAEL will invade Pakistan, justifying their invasion for some lunatic reason.:smokin:

and look for another afghanistan for our collective forces? please. i agree we have foolish politicians, but not that much ......
and look for another afghanistan for our collective forces? please. i agree we have foolish politicians, but not that much ......

Lessons from the past, nothing new in what i said, i donot forget the day Pakistan tested nukes, Israel fighter jets were in India to take on Pakistan collectively with the help of your beloved country!:what:
The whole fuss is about the nukes. That isn't news for anyone. The most interesting part for me is the upcoming visit of Zardari. So much pressure has been piled up in the last couple of weeks due to his upcoming visit. From the erratic American politicians to the deceivingly sensational media, no one has spared a single opportunity. Of course, the most appropriate thing at this stage would be to cancel the visit all together. It will not only please the people at home and send a strong message across, but also be the most logical and correct step to take. However, knowingly that Ghadari is willing to do just about anything for his cut it's a little too much to ask. How will he face the same people that have absolutely obliterated his credibility in the past few weeks and months? How will he look his supposedly allies straight in the eyes? Fascinating to say the least.
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Lessons from the past, nothing new in what i said, i donot forget the day Pakistan tested nukes, Israel fighter jets were in India to take on Pakistan collectively with the help of your beloved country!:what:

FYI Sohailbutt

NO Israeli jets have EVER been based even remotely on Indian soil EVER.

You have just blown 2 incidents from history out of proportion. In 1978, when it was known that Pakistan intended to build a nuclear reactor at Kahuta and the necessary preparations for the same were being done, the proposal was given by Israel to India which was politely rejected.

Again in 1986 the same was made, this time Rajiv Gandhi declined, citing the right of any nation to use nuclear energy for peaceful use, and instead went on to sign a no strike on nuclear facility agreement with Pakistan which calls for exchange on lists of such facilities every year between the two countries.

Stop creating "BREAKING NEWS" items please.

Of course, the most appropriate thing at this stage would be to cancel the visit all together. It will not only please the people at home and send a strong message across, but also be the most logical and correct step to take.

Very counterproductive approach to achieve the stated aims. If he does not go, that means that he has no credibility as Pakistan's head of state within his own country, something which shall send wrong signals yet again.

IMO to achieve the aim of sending a strong message to US and people back home, he should go, hear out what the US has to say, say what he thinks is the Pakistani POV and then come back making no concessions whatsoever which are deterimental to Pakistani security and self respect.
FYI Sohailbutt

NO Israeli jets have EVER been based even remotely on Indian soil EVER.

You have just blown 2 incidents from history out of proportion. In 1978, when it was known that Pakistan intended to build a nuclear reactor at Kahuta and the necessary preparations for the same were being done, the proposal was given by Israel to India which was politely rejected.

Again in 1986 the same was made, this time Rajiv Gandhi declined, citing the right of any nation to use nuclear energy for peaceful use, and instead went on to sign a no strike on nuclear facility agreement with Pakistan which calls for exchange on lists of such facilities every year between the two countries.

Stop creating "BREAKING NEWS" items please.


Hellfire, I just have one issue to raise here and that is the item that i highlighted above, if some news seem as breaking news for you, it is not necessary that it is the same for other people as well, hope you get my point.

And yeah about the Israeli planes, you gave references about 70's and 80's, I donot know about those years, because I was not even born by then, but I know about 98 that they were there and this is not something new my friend.
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more info!! wat for??? so that they could take our nukes themselves
What for? Ours are more advanced.
Why all of a sudden US is so concerned about PAK nukes when thier own safety of Nukes has a big question mark over it.
Safety concerns over handling, transportation, documentation, storage, and/or testing can be remedied with new policies and training. But the greatest question mark about Pakistan's nuclear weapons is about possession and if the potential new possessor(s) has the same level of competency in handling, storage, transportation and documentation of these weapons as the old possessor(s). If the answer is no, guess which country and who will be the first to pay a very high price for this incompetency? It will not be US. If you care about your country, take your eyes off US. The barbarians are at YOUR gates, not ours.
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