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U.S. wants more info on Pakistan's nuclear arsenal

The Yanks want our Nukes. The whole Afghan War conspiracy is based on this ultimate Prize . But they never know even in their wildest dreams they ever get their hands on our nuke their mind will still be in dought that they might have hiden the nukes somewhere else.
Presently we are witnessing the Asymtric Engagement but i cant actually figure it out that when the yanks will start the real Adventure of theirs. What ever it might be it would be surely Adventurous:agree:
The word 'information' is overly broad. The US is not seeking to control Pakistan's nuclear weapons but about their security. The questions that everyone so far avoided are do 'you' feel that the Taliban would be as competent in handling those nuclear weapons as Pakistan have been so far? If 'your' opinion is no, then who do 'you' think will be the first to feel the disastrous consequences of this incompetency? Do 'you' feel that the Taliban would respect the current uneasy peace between Pakistan and India and how would nuclear weapons in the Taliban's hands figure into the Khasmir dispute?

If 'you' are uncertain to any degree about those questions, then understand that it is not only US but the rest of the world who are concerned about Pakistan's nuclear weapons. The US as one of the five nuclear weapons states in the UN Security Council has no choice but to voice the world's concerns.

Hmm, the Pentagon, along with the US Intelligence apparatus is at the moment reasonably sure the Pakistan's nuclear weapons are no more a threat to the US than Russia's, and seems to be of the opinion "Its not the best, but what can you do?"

Until the CIA, NSA, FBI, DOD intelligence (or any other foreign government agency with a reason to care) says otherwise, I am tempted to view this as grandstanding by US politicians.

Mullen Says He Believes Pakistan Nukes Are Secure - washingtonpost.com

While on the other hand...

87% Worried About Security of Pakistan's Nuclear Weapons

So, voters concerned, professionals not? What usually happens in this situation? Empty statements and assurances from politicians mayhap?
"What ever it might be it would be surely Adventurous:agree:..."

Once you get to know us a bit we can be a marvelous lot. Always up for guns, barbeque, and good clean family adventure.

Now where were you saying those silly nukes are located? Nothing more important to us on this planet and one way or another...

...we're gonna make em' ours.

Count on it.:usflag::agree::tup:

BTW, I've heard that the Russians have mounted lasers on Siberian wooley mammoths. Helluva weapon platform, wouldn't you agree?
"What ever it might be it would be surely Adventurous:agree:..."

Once you get to know us a bit we can be a marvelous lot. Always up for guns, barbeque, and good clean family adventure.

Now where were you saying those silly nukes are located? Nothing more important to us on this planet and one way or another...

...we're gonna make em' ours.

Count on it.:usflag::agree::tup:

BTW, I've heard that the Russians have mounted lasers on Siberian wooley mammoths. Helluva weapon platform, wouldn't you agree?

Well I'll be, that the darnedest thing I heard since we found out them there Russian's were incompetent.

Now wuldayn't ya know it, da ****'s got themselves some new-fangled gioggy-ramo's too! We's gots to be stealing those, cause you know you never can trust brown folk with something complicated...

No seriously, stop trolling, I know, its fun, but come on. We have to act like adults or the mods will spank us.
I think you both have some serious problems here.
mods will spank us

S-2 get the detail correct.
On the matter of the so called Siberian woolly mammoths:
1. This was secret secret stuff.
2. The vehicle is called a mammoth and has nothing to do with a woolly version and it does not have 4 legs. It is called this due to its size and weight. (check your source again)
3. The mammoth is indicated as having 8 legs as transportation mode which makes it very versatile in cross country work. 4 & 6 legs were tried but the weight of the power plane made these unstable at speed.
@ S-2

i guess we should have a HANDING OVER CEREMONY of the nukes to INDIA while the US is the guest of honour....hell we can have Zardari hand them over personally and maybe he can give those typical ZARDARI smiles to the camera folks....and give his one liner comments as well..."NO CHILD OF TALIBAN IS GOING TO BE RUNNING AROUND PAKISTAN LOOKING FOR THE RED BUTTON ANYMORE"

or better

I smell damage control and you're running a dis-information op but I'm tellin' you that they've real ones. Trained for the Moscow Ballet too.

Tried to sell some to Budweiser to replace the Clydesdales but Anheiser-Busch was having none of that fiddlin' around with branding a new image.

Russian army, though. Siberian wooly mammoths with BIG LOOOOONG TUSKS and stabilized lasers firing from all points. Ground pressure is really modest when fitted with snow shoes.

I don't care if the whole world knows. They couldn't have done it had you Aussie pukes not let slip your kangaroo research.

We're gonna get those nukes one way or another.:usflag: Gotz to haz dem' bombs.

Love to love you, baby...:chilli:
I don't care if the whole world knows. They couldn't have done it had you Aussie pukes not let slip your kangaroo research.

Well now you realise the real reason behind the cull of kangaroos on defence property.
A couple of experiments went wrong and some unspecified oddities occurred in the remainder of the Kangaroo mobs.
Shame really the whole thing was going so well.

I hear they will bring a new mob of big reds from around Alice. The Eastern Grays were not actually suitable for the study anyway.
It's the rabbits that get me. HUGE. Lose races in a Corvette to em'.

Kick like mules too. Maybe I thought they were kangaroos.

Damn that mushroom tea...:cool:
Forget the rabbits. That is just misinformation.:bunny:

Actually it is odd that you mention mushrooms.
Magic mushrooms grow near the RAN base HMASAlbatross, South coast NSW.
These have a slight effect like other hallucination drugs but naturally cheaper to deal with as they are naturally growing.

The base’s fence line has been extended quietly to include one main growing area. This was not a public matter as the forest that was taken over was crown land anyway. This section has been heavily patrolled and a few clashes with the ‘happy’ locals looking for a quick hit have occurred. The cover for this has been simple, its defence property so little note has occurred in the media.

All I can extract is that the Army Med Corps with Navy Med have a small detachment down there.

As for the kangaroos. Well the cull was in our papers and the greens kicked up a big stink wanting to move the roos elsewhere. The cull was halted for a while last year but is going to start again soon. This is verifiable in our media for those who think I an misguiding people.
The DoD has kept the lid on the full details but naturally some leaked out. The media was forced to put a lid on it else face some big legal action based on national security. Big stink all around.

Stuff the rabbit issue. Some nut let one of the special virus out and wiped out the rabbits in huge areas. It spread like wild fire. In my area all the rabbits died off in about 2 weeks. All that was left was huge empty rabbit warrens. Farmers just put big rippers thorough them to clean it up.
Huge stink on that one and it hit the media before it could be silenced. That was back several years ago. The rabbits have not returned. Highly effective virus and it was apparently only in the test phase.

Anyway less hijacking this thread..
Back to the topic if possible
No body is taking jack! they want more info cuz they are concerned so if the state falls hence, there so call idea the nukes will be in hands of terrorist its nothing new they been asking for this info since mush was in office and perhaps even before that ! once again the voice of the international police man :hitwall::disagree:

actually your prez made a mistake. he should have said US is asking for info on Pakistani nukes as the global meltdown has forced them to finance additional stocks and as such Pakistan is graciously offering own nukes!!!

That would have gone down well with Pakistanis in general and few of our fellow posters in particular ...... they would gladly support any such move then .....

Maybe you can suggest a "tactical reorientation" in your State Dept for the same???
hey give us money and we sell everything....isn't that what the US thinks....??? so why ask us for information just GIVE US CASH and we will tell you whatever you want to know
Now Usa said New delhi is assisting in Pakistan nuclear arsenal info.

India cant do squat in this regard and by bringing India into the equation, US is actually shooting itself in the foot, because any likely chance GOP may have shared info otherwise will maintain even more secrecy w.r.t its nuclear installations.
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