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U.S. wants more info on Pakistan's nuclear arsenal

What for? Ours are more advanced.
Safety concerns over handling, transportation, documentation, storage, and/or testing can be remedied with new policies and training. But the greatest question mark about Pakistan's nuclear weapons is about possession and if the potential new possessor(s) has the same level of competency in handling, storage, transportation and documentation of these weapons as the old possessor(s). If the answer is no, guess which country and who will be the first to pay a very high price for this incompetency? It will not be US. If you care about your country, take your eyes off US. The barbarians are at YOUR gates, not ours.

Without going into details (not worth my time) for the highlighted part i would say the same to you as well, take your eyes off Pakistan and don't worry about the barbarians, actually we were fine with them until the yanks decided to pop in and we will be fine once the yanks get a boot out like they got in Vietnam.
Without going into details (not worth my time) for the highlighted part i would say the same to you as well, take your eyes off Pakistan and don't worry about the barbarians, actually we were fine with them until the yanks decided to pop in and we will be fine once the yanks get a boot out like they got in Vietnam.
Pakistan, the US and the rest of the ME created those barbarians back in the Cold War.
Pakistan, the US and the rest of the ME created those barbarians back in the Cold War.

well...i do agree with this one
it was a proxy war btw(in afghanistan)
US convinced Zia to call upon mujahedeen from all over the world to fight in Afghnistan, once the war was over, those countries refused to take them back...n so stayed in Pakistan
(this is wot i know, pls do correct me if i am wrong):azn:
k as for the topic, US has no right to demand information about Pakistan' s nuclear arsenal, how will letting out info about Pakistan' s nuclear arsenal benefit Pakistan or the world?
As for the idea of US being concerned about Pakistan, thats lame, those drone attacks dunnot help us anyway!
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Hellfire, I just have one issue to raise here and that is the item that i highlighted above, if some news seem as breaking news for you, it is not necessary that it is the same for other people as well, hope you get my point.

sensationalising any figment of journalistic fantasy is nowadays resultant in "Breaking News" irrespective.

And yeah about the Israeli planes, you gave references about 70's and 80's, I donot know about those years, because I was not even born by then, but I know about 98 that they were there and this is not something new my friend

Trust me if the thing was true, I would be definitely knowing about it (and I mean it). While the whole world denies IA is there in Afghanistan, I have been the one to claim it is there, for I know plenty of those guys there personally.
As for '98, your information is definitely wrong. Further I would really like to see a link corroborating that OTHER THAN pakistani link.
well...i do agree with this one
it was a proxy war btw(in afghanistan)
US convinced Zia to call upon mujahedeen from all over the world to fight in Afghnistan, once the war was over, those countries refused to take them back...n so stayed in Pakistan
(this is wot i know, pls do correct me if i am wrong):azn:
Pakistan and India are still hostile to each other. Back in the Cold War, India was allied with the Soviets. Under a Soviet controlled Afghanistan, Pakistan would be surrounded with only the seas at her back. That is an unacceptable situation for ANY country. So it was of mutual benefits to everyone in the region to cooperate to make life difficult for the Soviets in Afghanistan. Given Pakistan's unique relationship with India, it was inevitable that Pakistan, not the US, would take the reins of the situation.

k as for the topic, US has no right to demand information about Pakistan' s nuclear arsenal, how will letting out info about Pakistan' s nuclear arsenal benefit Pakistan or the world?
As for the idea of US being concerned about Pakistan, thats lame, those drone attacks dunnot help us anyway!
The word 'information' is overly broad. The US is not seeking to control Pakistan's nuclear weapons but about their security. The questions that everyone so far avoided are do 'you' feel that the Taliban would be as competent in handling those nuclear weapons as Pakistan have been so far? If 'your' opinion is no, then who do 'you' think will be the first to feel the disastrous consequences of this incompetency? Do 'you' feel that the Taliban would respect the current uneasy peace between Pakistan and India and how would nuclear weapons in the Taliban's hands figure into the Khasmir dispute?

If 'you' are uncertain to any degree about those questions, then understand that it is not only US but the rest of the world who are concerned about Pakistan's nuclear weapons. The US as one of the five nuclear weapons states in the UN Security Council has no choice but to voice the world's concerns.
i Guess Pakistan has tried to assure the world quite a number of times that the nuclear arsenal is safe, tell me how can Pakistan further assure the world!, i mean wot do the world want to know!
wot the world should get is this: Pakistan is a country, it has got the 7th biggest armed forces, how can the situation not be under control!
As for the Talibaan getting access to the nuclear arsenal, this thought is kinda funny, Pakistan can wipe out all the talibaans in Swat, but civilians reside there as well, Pakistan no way wants to harm them, this is wot makes it difficult. But as i mentioned before, Pakistan is a "sovereign country" and so the idea of Taliban acquiring access to nuclear arsenal is quiet lame.
Pakistan has categorically declared that details of its nuclear programme are sacrosanct and cannot be shared with any country.

Commenting on report published in an American newspaper about sharing information on Pakistan�s nuclear programme Foreign Office Spokesman Abdul Basit also rejected concerns about safety of Pakistan�s strategic assets.

He said the country has foolproof custodial controls and safety mechanisms for its nuclear assets and the system is second to none.

These controls and procedures are as good as that of any other nuclear state, he said.

Swat accord linked to restoring peace: FO

Also heard Stephen Cohen on OnPoint (NPR) last night, and he rejected the reports in the media of any 'sharing of information' on Nuke assets by Pakistan.

He indicated that he had been briefed by the SPD (Strategic Plans Division) several times, and there was no indication that Pakistan would oblige the US with, as he put it, 'providing target coordinates for a strategic asset'.

He suggested that the US instead try and get Pakistan to open up more to the Chinese, and the US might be more comfortable if the Chinese were to affirm that Pakistan's Nuclear C&C was secure.

Here is the link if you want to listen.

Pakistan’s Fight, America’s Fear | WBUR and NPR - On Point with Tom Ashbrook

Tom Ashbrooke was unusually alarmist IMO ( I expected him to start crying and screaming 'We're All Gonna DIE!!!), so ignore his histrionics. Even some of his callers pointed out that the conversation was overboard.
i Guess Pakistan has tried to assure the world quite a number of times that the nuclear arsenal is safe, tell me how can Pakistan further assure the world!, i mean wot do the world want to know!
wot the world should get is this: Pakistan is a country, it has got the 7th biggest armed forces, how can the situation not be under control!
As for the Talibaan getting access to the nuclear arsenal, this thought is kinda funny, Pakistan can wipe out all the talibaans in Swat, but civilians reside there as well, Pakistan no way wants to harm them, this is wot makes it difficult. But as i mentioned before, Pakistan is a "sovereign country" and so the idea of Taliban acquiring access to nuclear arsenal is quiet lame.
No one is denying the sovereignty of a political entity called 'Pakistan'. But sovereignty ALSO imply territorial controls over one's claim. Even before the current situation, the mountainous regions between Afghanistan and Pakistan were never under Pakistan's absolute controls anyway. So now we have Taliban forces threatening Pakistan's capital city -- Islamabad. The perception of the world is that if Pakistan cannot control her territory, how can the Pakistanis control the most destructive weapon yet invented by man -- nuclear weapons? Every time you make concessions to anyone who threatens you, your claim to sovereignty over your territory erodes just a little.
let them bark they'll never it i guess they never get tired of being rejected sucks for them .I say we let them crap their pants lol
sohailbutt bhai we've some nukes up our sleeves:) like instant noodles lol US knows that Indians know that the world knows it it ain't easy to get info and than others team up on Pakistan..Invasion on a nuclear nation is a dream and for some ppl dreams are meant to be shattered..for others on this forum who dream of stealing our good nukes they must read it below lol
It takes 50000 nuts to put a car together, but only one to scatter them all over the road. Dreams are like rainbows. Only idiots chase them. Barking dogs seldom bite:)
Dreams are like rainbows. Only idiots chase them. Barking dogs seldom bite:)


btw, m gonna repeat the same thing: Pakistan is a nuclear armed country and it can take care of its nuclear arsenal pretty well, so i guess external powers need not interfere.
As for the Taliban, they won' t even touch Islamabad, this idea is completely feeble!
We are already fighting Taliban, we' ll get them before they even thing about getting our nukes
as i said it sounds funny wen we talk about a group of terrorists acquiring nukes of a nuclear armed country which possesses the 7th biggest armed forces(well equipped)"

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US doesn't want to help Pakistan, all US want is a grip on Pakistan's nuclear weapons.

Here is a link to the Boston Globe article:

Pakistan, US in weapons talks, officials say - The Boston Globe

Here are some points from the article:

"Two of the key proposals under discussion are a joint program to secure or destroy radioactive materials that could be used to make a crude nuclear device, and shipment to the United States of some of the highly enriched uranium fuel used in Pakistani civilian power plants. The enriched fuel is believed to be sought by terrorists as possible material for a weapon of mass destruction, the officials said.

Pakistan's embassy did not respond to several requests for comment."

"The US government official involved in the talks stressed, however, that there are legal restrictions on how far the United States can go in providing assistance. Because Pakistan is not a signatory of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, the US government is limited in how much assistance it can provide to Pakistan."

This means that Pakistan first sign the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.
Stop worrying about Pakistan nuclear arsenals. They are well save.
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