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U.S. to intensify drone strikes in Pakistan

ISI actually gives CIA targets to be hit by these drones.

These drone strikes have decimated the ranks of the Taliban and Al Qaeda.

This whole condemnation is nothing more a horse and pony show designed to fool Pakistanis into thinking that the GOP is against drone strikes when it knows full well how effective it is.

There are some "seniors" here who are trying to sell tickets to that horse and pony show with great enthusiasm. Boy, are they going to be disappointed when the show ends!

BTW, if the co-ordinates for the strikes are provided by the ISI, then don't they have the blame for the collateral damages too?
Its actually Pakistani offensives into the tribal areas in which the Army uses massive artillery bombardment to soften up Taliban positions before they move in backed by Air Strikes which kills hundreds of people in the process.

Pakistan asked USA to hand over the Drone technology. But its too cutting edge. The Command and Control systems, the satellite relay system, and the drone itself could be handed over to China for reverse engineering.

Maybe, one the next generation of drones are invented, then USA could release this technology to Pakistan.

Yes, the US did contemplate handing over the drone technology to Pakistan but in the end backed out because the tech is very advance and unparalleled, it's possible in future potential defense deals between US and Pakistan this drone technology would be given to Pakistan as have other things...

There are some "seniors" here who are trying to sell tickets to that horse and pony show with great enthusiasm. Boy, are they going to be disappointed when the show ends!

BTW, if the co-ordinates for the strikes are provided by the ISI, then don't they have the blame for the collateral damages too?

BTW, if the co-ordinates for the strikes are provided by the ISI, then don't they have the blame for the collateral damages too?

The protection of Pakistani civilians is the responsibility of the Government of Pakistan, however this doesn't mean public isn't going to express their anger towards the person pulling the trigger.
So what is PTI's stance on these drones? Will IK continue to support the Drone strikes (if he was sworn in as President) even though they are destroying the Taliban forces? Or will he implement a peace agreement with the Taliban?
So what is PTI's stance on these drones? Will IK continue to support the Drone strikes (if he was sworn in as President) even though they are destroying the Taliban forces? Or will he implement a peace agreement with the Taliban?

I think because PTI is a populist type party they will have opposition to drone strikes and may as well down right end them by terminating authorization for future drone operations in Pakistan. In other words PTI will most likely end these drone strikes, it will be a public mandate.
^^ Well IK has said that he will shoot down the drones.

Obviously he's playing to the lobby. It's not like he doesn't know the consequences of shooting down a US drone, not to mention that the military itself will put its foot down at any such absurd order.

If a US drone is shot down, it's not Imran Khan who will suffer.

A military that is as dependent on American equipment and spares as is the Pak Military is not likely to follow any order that will burn bridges with Uncle Sam.
Agreed.As I said yesterday "Drones should be fired down, US won't do anything radical about it. GoP should also be fired down. Army elite should also be fired down especially Kayani just like Anwar Sadat. As well as any militants in NWFP should be fired down."

You're talking about the only country on earth to have used nuclear bomb in a war. Are you sure that they won't do anything radical? Believe me, if it was that easy your jurnails would have shot down the drones over a year ago. If a drone-shoot-out takes place, next thing you will see is the Super Hornets instead of Reapers.
I think because PTI is a populist type party they will have opposition to drone strikes and may as well down right end them by terminating authorization for future drone operations in Pakistan. In other words PTI will most likely end these drone strikes, it will be a public mandate.
I suspected that, but what would be America's stance on the issue then? Would America impose sanctions or try to get the drone strikes back in place or would they be willing to work with the new Pakistan officials to end the WoT? I don't think America will succumb to Pakistan's decisions so easily.
There are some "seniors" here who are trying to sell tickets to that horse and pony show with great enthusiasm. Boy, are they going to be disappointed when the show ends!

BTW, if the co-ordinates for the strikes are provided by the ISI, then don't they have the blame for the collateral damages too?

What about your narrative, this entire time you've been saying as if the US is conducting unilateral drone strikes on Pakistan without Pakistani approval and that this was being done to punish Pakistan for not acting against the militancy in FATA? Are you not a fool as well?

Truth is Pakistani Army has conducted operations in FATA and has defeated much of the militancy there. Though you never admitted these drone strikes are done in collaboration you've always believed it was "Super power" US punishing Pakistan, you're belief is as foolish as many here.
There are some "seniors" here who are trying to sell tickets to that horse and pony show with great enthusiasm. Boy, are they going to be disappointed when the show ends!

Why is that mate. Your powers of prediction on American prowess and Pakistani weakness was wrong last time. Why should you be right this time??

Your assessment 150 or so days ago was that transit routes would be reopened. You were wishing and willing us to be wrong using the same arguments as you are now. guess what mate you were wrong then when you said they would be reopened in 30 days. You are wrong now. Sorry about that but that is incredibly true
I suspected that, but what would be America's stance on the issue then? Would America impose sanctions or try to get the drone strikes back in place or would they be willing to work with the new Pakistan officials to end the WoT? I don't think America will succumb to Pakistan's decisions so easily.

In my opinion, the first thing that would happen is that the next drone will be escorted by a USAF F-16 or may be next there will be an F-16 flying alone to finish the job.

The next thing that would happen is that you can kiss good bye to any spare parts of PAF F-16's that you are hoping to get hold of in the future.

Besides that, there are many other things that can happen.
You're talking about the only country on earth to have used nuclear bomb in a war. Are you sure that they won't do anything radical? Believe me, if it was that easy your jurnails would have shot down the drones over a year ago. If a drone-shoot-out takes place, next thing you will see is the Super Hornets instead of Reapers.
Times are much different now than when America made the decision to use their nuclear bomb. Pakistan and America are allies and will work together to reason things out. Also I doubt America would even send it's drones knowing very well that Pakistan has changed it's stance on the issue and doesn't want anymore drone strikes and have given a firm, public mandate (Not the useless asking for apologies like we see now, but a more firm statement)

America will have other ways to impose Pakistan to bring the drones back and it doesn't have to include nuclear warfare or sending over their military. They can easily impose sanctions on Pakistan, portray Pakistan as the enemy in their media and influence the world's view and stance on Pakistan - in order to get Pakistan to meet their demands again.
There are some "seniors" here who are trying to sell tickets to that horse and pony show with great enthusiasm. Boy, are they going to be disappointed when the show ends!

BTW, if the co-ordinates for the strikes are provided by the ISI, then don't they have the blame for the collateral damages too?

Thats the deal they signed.

Pakistan knows if it launches a military offensive in that area, it will lead to protracted fighting, heavy casualties, and terrorism raging across Pakistan.

Pakistan asked to be handed over Drone Technology but USA refused as it could be leaked to China.

So they came to a different agreement. USA will continue to launch drone strikes with ISI providing targets to be struck. Those targets will also include the Pakistani Taliban and the Pakistani government will continue to protest the strikes.

It changed last year when 24 Pakistani soldiers were accidentally killed in a NATO strike and it became a political liability to launch drones from Shamsi air Base.

The two month hiatus in drone strikes was due to USA setting up a new base in Afghanistan and signing a new deal with Pakistan for drone strikes.

These drones strikes have been devastatingly effective.

Just look at the number of terrorist attacks in Pakistan vs Drone strikes. It reads like an economics graph. As Price goes up, the Demand goes down.

So as the drone strikes went up, the terrorist attacks in Pakistan went down.
I suspected that, but what would be America's stance on the issue then? Would America impose sanctions or try to get the drone strikes back in place or would they be willing to work with the new Pakistan officials to end the WoT? I don't think America will succumb to Pakistan's decisions so easily.

It will all depend on how strong the PTI will enact things, who the policy makers are. I don't think US will impose sanctions, that's too radical and foolish. If the new Pakistani Government honestly treats the drone strike as a hostile act, then these drone strikes will stop and measures will be taken to shoot them down, this is the real Pakistan. Again, it all depends how strongly PTI will enact. US will have to succumb to Pakistan's decision, it has it's limits too, it's not in US's interest to engage Pakistan in combat.
In my opinion, the first thing that would happen is that the next drone will be escorted by a USAF F-16.

The next thing that would happen is that you can kiss good bye to any spare parts of PAF F-16's that you are hoping to get hold of in the future.

Besides that, there are many other things that can happen.

You are entitled to your opinion. But in reality America is unlikely to escalate to a war to satisfy the wet dreams of a few Indians

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