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U.S. Sends Second Carrier to Asia Amid Tensions with China

Your AC cost at least $10 billion and one DF-21D cost around $10Mil. We take that number and throw at you in different direction to hit.
under what condition would you hit the A/C ?
just for staying in south china sea .. which world perceives as international water
Taking down the CBG means nuclear retaliation, it is a US law. Just don't make an argument for the sake of making it
under what condition would you hit the A/C ?
just for staying in south china sea .. which world perceives as international water
Taking down the CBG means nuclear retaliation, it is a US law. Just don't make an argument for the sake of making it
Attacking our mainland base is fair game for sinking the AC.
Attacking our mainland base is fair game for sinking the AC.
you are not clear on why would you attack a CBG, the A/C might be sinking, its support ships and submarines won't be
you are not clear on why would you attack a CBG, the A/C might be sinking, its support ships and submarines won't be
Once AC sink, troop and their aircraft will have no place to land and retreat. That is our intention. To fight them with barehand.
Once AC sink, troop and their aircraft will have no place to land and retreat. That is our intention. To fight them with barehand.
firstly, the troops would be taken to support ships, which are plenty
Secondly retaliation would be done by nuclear submarine, not bare-hand fights
firstly, the troops would be taken to support ships, which are plenty
Secondly retaliation would be done by nuclear submarine, not bare-hand fights
Do you know how many staff live on a AC? Do you know how long it takes to save life if the AC is sinking? Those are factors you need to remember.

As far as their nuclear submarine. That is our main concern and why we are rapidly building a strong ASW. You have to remember our submarine fleet isn't small. The US would need to bring all their submarine asset over if they have a chance.

As far as retaliation, we expect it. In fact, we expect the US will go the nuclear route.
Do you know how many staff live on a AC? Do you know how long it takes to save life if the AC is sinking? Those are factors you need to remember.

As far as their nuclear submarine. That is our main concern and why we are rapidly building a strong ASW. You have to remember our submarine fleet isn't small. The US would need to bring all their submarine asset over if they have a chance.

As far as retaliation, we expect it. In fact, we expect the US will go the nuclear route.

Good so you know what you are playing with
Unlike you, Plaan would avoid hitting the CBG unless CBG attacks them first,
CBG would just be strolling south china sea, hence i don't see why china would launch a DF-21 against it !
Your AC cost at least $10 billion and one DF-21D cost around $10Mil. We take that number and throw at you in different direction to hit.
The DF-21D have yet to have an open water test to prove itself. So throw all you want. In the end, you will end up throwing up. :lol:
df21d can use numerous bowling +tennis balls inside a warhead. Hitting ac become a gaussian probability. With 1000 df21d per ac, the probability become 1. imagine these balls raining from sky with march 10, it will render ac useless, or sank. One can use cluster bomb warhead as well.
DF21d has been tested many times, just you dont know.
Since US slowly relies more on airstrike using drones particularly the MQ-1C Grey Eagle and MQ-9 Reaper and there is this old project called "Walrus HULA", has the US Air Force considered using the something based from the Walrus HULA as a launch platform for the MQ-1C and MQ-9 drones?

This would allow the drones to be launched over international waters and outside DF-21 range, if the MQ-9 Reaper's range is around 1000 nautical miles.
Good compare to who ? US ? :lol:

Whenever something is 'good', there is usually a par implied. You say the PLAAF is 'good' ? Fine, then what/where is that par ? Certainly not against US, because your pilots would be not good enough. No 'suggestion' here, buddy. Just harsh reality.

really, reality based on what. Your bias? This is especially apparent in the next few paragraphs.

Before we beat the Iraqis, we defeated the best we have -- ourselves. Over and over again. We created the best aircrafts in the world, which helped produced the best pilots in the world, and we did not rest there. We drew upon the experiences of the best pilots in history who flew the best fighters of their eras, from WW I to Vietnam, and see if/how their tactics are applicable to modern technologies and the new combat techniques that new technologies inevitably spawns. So not only does the PLAAF lacks actual combat experience, its parent institution, the PLA have a history of low opinions of other experiences that prevented the entire Chinese military structure from exercising the most important item in improvement -- self criticism.

Yes...The PLA got humiliated, in front of the Politburo no less, because of its generals' prediction for Desert Storm, and that prompted the Chinese military reformation that we see today, a reformation that have American signatures all over, from individual army troopers to high tech pilots, but it will take at least one more generation of continuous reformation and self examinations before the PLA finally rid itself of the 'old guards' and be a truly professional military. That is a cultural generation, which is about 70 yrs, not a physical generation which is about 35 yrs. Is it true that in China, military vehicles can ignore traffic laws and abused other road using people ? In the US, the local sheriff can arrest the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff if the general ever ordered his driver to do anything halfway remotely the same as what the Chinese generals usually do. Given how your PLA generals behaves, is it any wonder your pilots are equally reckless ?

How many times do I have to say this, desert storm is a wake up call, but it happened because of the timing. 1991, we don't even have any fourth gen fighter, how are we suppose to make any accurate calls. I can ask you to make predictions on how popular the apps I develop is going to be, but you would make more or less the same mistake. Because you have no experience in that field. But if you did, you can more accurately make this call.

Today most of what you have we have either in development, or in service, some are inferior, others are the same more or less, we can make a better call today. As I will say later, we do also study other wars, especially American wars.

Self criticism is something that exists in droves in the PLA. Just recently, during one of our exercises, the newly created test "blue" army, completely humiliated the best brigades in all of China. All of those men were o n their way to being generals.

The time for hiding your head in the sand is over.

BTW, the blue arm is created based on experience, our officers gained training in the West, exchanges with other militarizes, and advise from foreign officers as well as a study of all modern military history.

The days of random fire is over, precision strike is the name of the game. Bit late to the party, but better late than never.Also as I said, we only been spending an ok amount recently.

Right now, Chinese restaurants are facing severe trouble, because the days of using money from the country is over. People using their cell phones take pics and post them online, immediately, someone from the Chinese anti corruption committe wiill be at your door within days.

So you tell me if people do what you say they do.

Also the Head of the military from previous term just got arrested, so.......

Yeah...I know of the Golden Shower awards for Chinese pilots. Put any of them into Red Flag and he will virtually 'die' within seconds from merge.

Is this suppose to be a joke, the first part, you know you are more insulting your own profession than Chinese, for you are taking the profession very lightly.

You are just like most American military men, completely underestimating everyone. Practicing one's skill is quite easy actually, what's hard is to have the whole infrastructure needed to also serve the force.

But the PLA has just recently developed and continue to expand upon, a new training and preparation method for peace time.

Why don't you just say our pilots bump their heads together and die from shock or something, cause what you are suggesting is not that far from the truth.

If what you said is true then our pilot that shadowed you should have hit your plane and crashed, cause you know, we suck.
That is always your side of the story. That is something you don't put your shoe in other position to understand. You don't build mutual trust by increasing surveillance.

True, but China also has a tremendous spying apparatus directed at us as well. If China wants the US to stop spying from international waters (which is legal based on the treaties China has signed), perhaps it can build goodwill towards such a request by ceasing it's hacking activities and constant stealing of IP first (which is illegal based on the treaties China has signed).

In other words, China is not pure in this regard, so the "righteous indignation" routine will not move anyone.

If what you said is true then our pilot that shadowed you should have hit your plane and crashed, cause you know, we suck.

Yes, this already happened in 2001, which is why the US is so angry. Engaging in the same kind of reckless behavior would appear to indicate that the squadron in question hasn't learned anything in the last 13 years.

I must reiterate: we do not engage in such reckless behavior towards China or Russia (or anyone), and Russia does not engage in such reckless behavior towards us. There is no reason why China, which is a first-rank power, should risk conflagration by sending immature man-child pilots out on these kinds of patrols. Please send your professionals next time, to show how far you've come.
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Yes, this already happened in 2001, which is why the US is so angry. Engaging in the same kind of reckless behavior would appear to indicate that the squadron in question hasn't learned anything in the last 13 years.

I must reiterate: we do not engage in such reckless behavior towards China or Russia (or anyone), and Russia does not engage in such reckless behavior towards us. There is no reason why China, which is a first-rank power, should risk conflagration by sending immature man-child pilots out on these kinds of patrols. Please send your professionals next time, to show how far you've come.

It happened because we want it to. Without going back to more of the same, let's just say we agree to disagree on whether we should have done it.

Second, we are not exactly sure if it had indeed happened.

Third we have special squads that trains for this exact thing, they are the aces of our air force. So don't worry, it's safe if we want it to be. And it will be safe, seeing as how we are no longer that weak anymore.

Fourth and finally, the US can be angry and you want, your I'm not touching you tactics have made fools of us for better part of two to three decades and more. So what if we did do this, which I'm not saying we did, we are only doing a few intercepts, wait when our navy and air force further expands that we can not only enforce the ADIZ, but also move pass Japan.

The few posts we had back and forth I feel you have a mistrust of China based on previous events, while also critical of history. Which is understandable, but I think it's time for both of us to reevaluate the Asia question, and the China question as well as the US question.

While you mistrust us, we more or less dislike you for what we see as insults to a great nation. What's the solution, to me it would be slow integration.

Start with stopping things that hardly help you like these fly bys, these things clearly challenges our position in the world, you can see it from this forum or any other comment section, or even your news, and start integrating us into the world and not things like TPP. What are we suppose to think that this partnership didn't include us but include worse countries is what, not deliberate. It won't work btw, Napoleon tried the continental blockade and it didn't work, now days it will work less.

But in exchange, hold China accountable, not in a way that you pass judgement, but make us clean up any mess we make.

The key is, if you don't trust us, then don't, watch. But don't let that mistrust delay progress, it's far better to engage us now in a meaningful way, rather than later when we are so much more powerful and we force you to the table. It's never good if it's forced, because at that point, nothing you do will feel like helping and welcoming and everything will feel like forced.
Is there any international law prohibiting speedy plane flight on international water air space?
If not, though angry by US, the Chinese plane dangerous maneuver is not guilty.

It's just like US came from remote village to spy into Chinese home in the public road, which is legal according to the law.
China then get angry and go show-off his bike maneuver so close to US, yet no collision occurred. Both of the action is legal, therefore no one is guilty.

Judge Somsak sentences.
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