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U.S. says Pakistan, Iran helping Taliban

Stop bickering.

I got the impression that the language used by Gen McChrystal was still fairly ambiguous. For example: 'senior leaders of the major Afghan insurgent groups are based in Pakistan, are linked with al Qaeda and other violent extremist groups, and are reportedly aided by some elements of Pakistan's ISI...' Reportedly by who? The Indian media?:rolleyes:

And by 'some elements' does he mean retired or dismissed individuals here and there?

Doesn't sound to me like they have much to go on. Everything is conveniently vague. Most probably nothing more than a tactic to keep up pressure on Pakistanis, in the hopes they don't do what the Americans fear they might be doing. You could call it a preemptive exercise, if they're wrong then no harm. If they're right then it would give 'em Pakistanis the impression that they're on to them. Also because they don't like the idea of them being in simple communication with their enemies, no matter how logical it might be for them. And then there is the whole need to justify setbacks to the folks back home believing in the near invincibility of their armed forces.
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wow what a co-incidence we have same theories here about ISI and terrorist nexus against India.

Normally, you should be able to see facts apart from theories but you can have your theories. but now you suddenly dropped CIA! which you your self brought to attention.

Any how... if our facts and your theories does not match than why bother discuss...???
Normally, you should be able to see facts apart from theories but you can have your theories. but now you suddenly dropped CIA! which you your self brought to attention.

Any how... if our facts and your theories does not match than why bother discuss...???

Our theories are as factual as yours. At least CIA is not involved with the covert operations in India
U.S. says Pakistan, Iran helping Taliban

Wrong heading it Must be like this:

Pakistan, Afganistan says: India is helping Taliban. ;)
Pakistan, Afganistan says: India is helping Taliban. ;)

in-fact it should be...
Pakistan, Iran says: India is helping Pakistani Taliban. ;)

i guess... as far as my understanding of the region is...
in-fact it should be...
Pakistan, Iran says: India is helping Pakistani Taliban. ;)

i guess... as far as my understanding of the region is...

Or it should be "Pakistan starts the blame game for the self haunting menace which it created in Afghanistan"
Stop bickering.

I got the impression that the language used by Gen McChrystal was still fairly ambiguous. For example: 'senior leaders of the major Afghan insurgent groups are based in Pakistan, are linked with al Qaeda and other violent extremist groups, and are reportedly aided by some elements of Pakistan's ISI...' Reportedly by who? The Indian media?:rolleyes:

And by 'some elements' does he mean retired or dismissed individuals here and there?

Doesn't sound to me like they have much to go on. Everything is conveniently vague. Most probably nothing more than a tactic to keep up pressure on Pakistanis, in the hopes they don't do what the Americans fear they might be doing. You could call it a preemptive exercise, if they're wrong then no harm. If they're right then it would give 'em Pakistanis the impression that they're on to them. Also because they don't like the idea of them being in simple communication with their enemies, no matter how logical it might be for them. And then there is the whole need to justify setbacks to the folks back home believing in the near invincibility of their armed forces.
Exactly - vague language and notice that even that vague language references 'reported support for the senior leaders' and not any sort of direct training and support for the Taliban fighters actually fighting in Afghanistan.
Or it should be "Pakistan starts the blame game for the self haunting menace which it created in Afghanistan"
lol that was funny...


India gets worry or cry like a illegitimate child whenever someone expose thr fishi b*****ts which they ARE doing in Afghanistan and Pakistan right now...

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