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U.S navy's secret weapon against Iranian boats & drones, LIES

Very Interesting ...how Iran's asymmetrical tactics makes billion dollar assets ineffective and actually turns them into liability..case in point ..The bigger the aircraft carries the easier target for anti ship missile to find them...or just a simple rigging to turn an artillery shell in to a deadly IED...they had to develop multi million dollar MRAPS to counter them or how the Yemen coalition with all the intelligence and satellite capabilities can not find where Houthie missile are, or where they are manufactured...Triumph of mind over matter..lol
A real good point of view..........all of us have to be thankful to brigadier general ja'afari who was the funder of assymetrical warfare doctorine in IR of IRAN

Its not even funny when Iranians think they can take on USN or US full might , its dumb .. they are the super Power weather you like it or not , and if they concentrate their Power to destroy Iran, All it will take is one of their Fleet's in Gulf .
A good phrase that you chossed for yourself to show your personality
..Deaf, dumb and blind - so they will not return [to the right path].” (2.18)
When Iran has to fake up an aircraft carrier for the boats to practice against, and you guys are bringing up the US exercise that Iran cannot replicate? The delusion from you guys are ginormous. :rolleyes:

As if its like only Iran builds mock ups in the entire world, and building a mock up of a US carrier and then blowing it up isn't something simple for u to laugh at, and i am sure that the message that was supposed to be delivered by this action reached to its recipients. So it doesn't really matter what u think about it. And Iran doesn't have to replicate that exercise because they are just waiting to perform it IRL against real targets.
And I am sure u will call me delusional but that's the reality and that's why the US is taking its forces out of the gulf.
As if its like only Iran builds mock ups in the entire world, and building a mock up of a US carrier and then blowing it up isn't something simple for u to laugh at,...

And I am sure u will call me delusional but that's the reality and that's why the US is taking its forces out of the gulf.
But you are delusional and not just US but the entire world laughed at what you did...



...Is NOT how an aircraft carrier strike group sails in battle.

In fact, it is not possible to take a photograph of an aircraft carrier in true combat array. So here is a map representation...


Do you really believe Iranian boats can cross literally hundreds of km of rough seas, pass the outer defense perimeter, and Iranian sailors able to board the carrier and take it over?
But you are delusional and not just US but the entire world laughed at what you did...



...Is NOT how an aircraft carrier strike group sails in battle.

In fact, it is not possible to take a photograph of an aircraft carrier in true combat array. So here is a map representation...


Do you really believe Iranian boats can cross literally hundreds of km of rough seas, pass the outer defense perimeter, and Iranian sailors able to board the carrier and take it over?

The reason I said that what you think about what Iran did isn't important is that you are just sitting at home behind your desk posting messages in a forum. But those US generals already got Iran's message, and I can assure you that a US battle group wont be able to fit in the gulf properly if it's going in like that, and mind you, the only time those speed boats would attack the ships is when the ships are inside the gulf, and not outside it because the IRGC is responsible for protecting the gulf, and when the ships want to pass the straight, they wont be that far away from each other because there is just a single route they can pass from.

You can see that there is only one passage suitable for the ships to pass from. And Iran wont be using speed boats to confront the US ships as they have lots of different other ways to engage those ships like mining the straight, using anti ship missiles as I explained above, or even using suicide drones, you cant really predict what iran will do as u really dont know, nor do I, but we all for sure know that the straight is too narrow for a battle group to pass through it in the combat formation.
The reason I said that what you think about what Iran did isn't important is that you are just sitting at home behind your desk posting messages in a forum.
And you are doing what?

But those US generals already got Iran's message, and I can assure you that a US battle group wont be able to fit in the gulf properly if it's going in like that, and mind you, the only time those speed boats would attack the ships is when the ships are inside the gulf, and not outside it because the IRGC is responsible for protecting the gulf, and when the ships want to pass the straight, they wont be that far away from each other because there is just a single route they can pass from.
You are in no position to 'assure' me of anything. For starter, the US have no plans to invade Iran or even enter the Gulf. We do not need to enter the Gulf to destroy Iran's military. How? If you cannot figure that out, it will be too bad for you when the Iranian military is crippled. There is no winning scenario for Iran here.
And you are doing what?

You are in no position to 'assure' me of anything. For starter, the US have no plans to invade Iran or even enter the Gulf. We do not need to enter the Gulf to destroy Iran's military. How? If you cannot figure that out, it will be too bad for you when the Iranian military is crippled. There is no winning scenario for Iran here.
Lets not forget that superpowers do lose wars..case in point...US in vietnam and Soviet union in Afghanistan....I agree a direct war of US with Iran is unlikely. However if such a war happens ...here is the picture that I envision 6 months after the start of the war :

Iran side: Heavily damaged infrastructure, Military still standing and fighting but degraded. Population even more patriotic and unified behind the leadership. General life harsher but they manage the day to day life.

US side: US navy/AF bruised but still no victory (victory defined as capitulation of Iran). material losses negligible compared to total US assets...US casualties higher than Iraq and afghanistan combined but even a bigger issue for a country that is fighting not for her survival but for political gains.

Middle east region: Total destruction of oil and gas/water facilities on both sides of the persian gulf., Israel heavily bombed in the first few months... sporadic fighting with Hezb and Palestinians still going on..large Israeli population has started to emigrate back due to insecurity. Populations all over totally agitated...no sign of westerners in all of middle east.

International side: Japan ,europe and far east...gas rationing..cold days of winter and no fuel (oil at $1000 per barrel as per goldman estimates)..everyone holding Americans responsible for their misery. Americans waking up from comatose state and start questioning how come every one hates them....and the answers
will be given to them by FOX news ...they all hate our freedom...and then they change the name of french fries to freedom fries for the second time ..

NOW that is not a good picture and that is why there will be no direct war between Iran and US..(I kept Russia and China reactions out of this because I do not know how they react)
When Iran has to fake up an aircraft carrier for the boats to practice against, and you guys are bringing up the US exercise that Iran cannot replicate? The delusion from you guys are ginormous. :rolleyes:
Yes we can't replicate that wargame . but why we do that.
In the wargame the boat fired unguided rockets and used as suicide vessels . today's our small boat fire antiship missiles with the range of around 30km and torpedoes with the speed of more than 200km. Today we have unmanned suicide vessels then we didn't had such luxuries . Today we have a big fleet of erkanoplanes equipped with antiship missiles . then we didn't have them. Today we have Hormoz and persian Gulf missiles ,then we didn't had them .
Today we have around 30 or more submarine that thank to Jask project are capable of firing antiship missiles then we have less than 10 and they only could lay mines and fire old and slow torpedoes.

USA navy may have advanced in many fields but they deteriorated in some .it come to battle scenario . we won't dream engaging you guys in Indian Ocean but be honest with yourself LCS was supposed to be the ship which is gonna deal with Assymetric warfare and it is late and a lot more expensive than anybody taught it will be and it offered a lot less than it was supposed to.

But you are delusional and not just US but the entire world laughed at what you did...



...Is NOT how an aircraft carrier strike group sails in battle.

In fact, it is not possible to take a photograph of an aircraft carrier in true combat array. So here is a map representation...


Do you really believe Iranian boats can cross literally hundreds of km of rough seas, pass the outer defense perimeter, and Iranian sailors able to board the carrier and take it over?
the plane will be engaging anything that come near Persian Gulf and sea of Oman, who says iran will engage anything that float in Indian ocean. The plan is to keep your carrier at least 500km (preferable more) away so your F-18s will have limited options .
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And you are doing what?

You are in no position to 'assure' me of anything. For starter, the US have no plans to invade Iran or even enter the Gulf. We do not need to enter the Gulf to destroy Iran's military. How? If you cannot figure that out, it will be too bad for you when the Iranian military is crippled. There is no winning scenario for Iran here.

Iran can hit your naval assets 2000km deep into Indian ocean with overwhelming fire power with a combination of antiship ballistic missiles and cruise missiles. You wont be able get into the Sea of Omen once gloves comes off.
today's our small boat fire antiship missiles with the range of around 30km and torpedoes with the speed of more than 200km. Today we have unmanned suicide vessels then we didn't had such luxuries . Today we have a big fleet of erkanoplanes equipped with antiship missiles . then we didn't have them. Today we have Hormoz and persian Gulf missiles ,then we didn't had them .
Essentially, you are saying that the USN will idle the carrier so you can do whatever you want. :rolleyes:
DF-26, DF-21C, OTH-SW, recon ekranoplans, 80knot+ recon speedbots, on-station silent recon midget submarines, VLO long endurance recon UAVs with long range passive sensors.

This is the shape of things to come in the near future.

Expandable small cube recon sats, aerostat based long-range radars, OTH-B... those will add to it in somewhat more distant future.
When Iran has to fake up an aircraft carrier for the boats to practice against, and you guys are bringing up the US exercise that Iran cannot replicate? The delusion from you guys are ginormous. :rolleyes:

Hey, any news on that footage that U.S was supposed to release on downing an Iranian drone using its super duper star wars weapon? I thought U.S officials said they will release it.
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Hey, any news on that footage that U.S was supposed to release on downing an Iranian drone using its super duper star wars weapons? I thought U.S officials said they will release it.
If they had something to prove their claim;CNN and BBC and fox news even dogs news have released it 1000 times.....so waiting for such thing is just wasting time.....
Essentially, you are saying that the IRN & IRGN will idle 1500 km coastal borders for you so you can do whatever you want? it's our home ..
No, what I am saying is that you do not have the initiative. And you never will. You cannot attack a US carrier fleet, not with your boats or the claimed of 'advanced' missiles, the latter that are as nebulous as your 'stealth' fighter. Your exercise where you took over a US aircraft carrier was a joke. It defied so much of military common sense that it might as well defied physics.
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