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U.S. Navy-China showdown: Chinese try to halt U.S. cruiser in international waters

1. China made the cause and US just try to prove " Hey China you are wrong to think that what you can draw ( nine-dashed line ) is what is yours"

So AIDZ and nine-dashed line are meaningless to US.

2. PK, so pity for you to have US predator fly around on your head and launch missiles to anyone suspect.
1. China made the cause and US just try to prove " Hey China you are wrong to think that what you can draw ( nine-dashed line ) is what is yours"

So AIDZ and nine-dashed line are meaningless to US.

2. PK, so pity for you to have US predator fly around on your head and launch missiles to anyone suspect.

Stubborn viets don't know geopolitics at all, the chinese play a game of "go". China will change the Post WWII rules overtime and without firing a single bullet.
I'm worried for your result if you continue to challenge the whole world like that way

Your guys, China, don't agree on freedom of navigator ?
Using your peeping tom anology, it's like a hot girl with nice rack jogging in the park topless and then proceed to complaint about the prying eyes of the people in the park
Do you think China is Hot??? :rofl: But thank you. No! USA does this to almost everyone. It's got the longest nose that it can stretch all the way from the west right up to the East. NSA? Does that ring a bell?

Seems like it's you who are trying to twist the fact...well I would understand what you are yapping about if the ship and the incident happened in Chinese soil, but dude, it's not, your ship is not anywhere near the Chinese coast, it's in South China Sea.
Are you sure you're half Chinese? That's because I don't see any brain resemblance of anything Chinese. Possibly the Chinese brain is not used much.
Since your one side of the brain remains inactive, I wouldn't go with any examples.
Let's break it down step by step. How far is China from South China sea? And How far is the US from South China sea?
China - SCS is possibly 1000 km or less? US from SCS is perhaps more than 10000 Km?
And while the CV Liaoning is conducting experiments, the US had to go in close to them.... need I say more?

dude, do you understand what is international water? It does not matter if that's 14nm out of Chinese coast or 14 km out of American coast
International water is no ones belonging and therefore virtually all action is allowed. If you don't want people looking at your ship, next time do it within your own coast but not held drill in INTERNATIONAL WATER
Try using the other better half of the brain then perhaps you might be able to judge. ATM, your hatred is clouding your good side of the brain.

And finally, HE CHALLENGE ME. He does not speak for China and I did not speak for American, I have no interest if you want to have a war with us, but IF HE WANT TO FIGHT, HE NEED TO COME AND GET ME, I never back off from a fight
Why not meet somewhere in between? lol.
Do you think China is Hot??? :rofl: But thank you. No! USA does this to almost everyone. It's got the longest nose that it can stretch all the way from the west right up to the East. NSA? Does that ring a bell?

Again, as I said, we poke our nose on almost anything, and as I said, I would understand the Chinese sentiment if Liaoning conducting drill in their own water and US try to poke their nose and see what's what, but the fact is neither.

To say Chinese is shit-swapped because US poke it's nose on their drill in international water is funny and idiotic perhaps...

You expect other people to look at you when you are doing stuff in international water. That's why you do stuff in international water, we have countless encounter with the Chinese navy, Russian Navy and even North Korean navy when we do stuff in international water when they poke their nose in. But we merely moon their bridge but not try to cut across them.

It's not about who spy who or what is the Chinese reaction, but what they do, again if you found out someone is following you in a street, do you call the cop or do you go over and push him off?

Are you sure you're half Chinese? That's because I don't see any brain resemblance of anything Chinese. Possibly the Chinese brain is not used much.
Since your one side of the brain remains inactive, I wouldn't go with any examples.
Let's break it down step by step. How far is China from South China sea? And How far is the US from South China sea?
China - SCS is possibly 1000 km or less? US from SCS is perhaps more than 10000 Km?
And while the CV Liaoning is conducting experiments, the US had to go in close to them.... need I say more?

So proximate is now an issue in international water? So if our merchant ship need transit, should we ask permission from china first because that part of international water is not international enough lol

You ask me where my brain at, and where's your?

Try using the other better half of the brain then perhaps you might be able to judge. ATM, your hatred is clouding your good side of the brain.

Why not meet somewhere in between? lol.

No, your hatred to America is clouding your own judgment, if you are saying what Chinese does is justifiable in international water because the US ship is trying to spy on you, then should we all use mob rule to settle right of way problem in international sealane? And let might is right to decide who goes where?

Dude, there are rules and regulation in international water for a reason, otherwise we should see all ship traverse thru international water in all gun blazing and see who can sail thru that part of water

Being a military ship and close to your border does not give Chinese any right to try and stop other shipping because they are too close or spying on you. If you seriously wanted that and have guts, china can go ahead and declare all of the South China Seas as their territorial waters and restrict passage to all ship except the chinese's and see what will happens

He will still need an exit visa to meet me half way. Then again, why should I have to pay for it? I am not the one asking for a fight lol

我係唔係中國人同我既想法有什麼䦕係? 因為我係半個中國人我就要盲目支持中國嗎?
So proximate is now an issue in international water? So if our merchant ship need transit, should we ask permission from china first because that part of international water is not international enough lol
How could you mix a merchant ship and a military vessel is way beyond me. It is just too suspicious if a Chinese Frigate goes close to an American CV group while they are conducting experiments. Do you not get it so far??????? How much more further do you want me to dumb it down? :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
And then when the Chinese sub popped up you guys were whinning about it... and after all it's international waters, isn't it??? :rofl:

You ask me where my brain at, and where's your?
There you go. :rofl::hitwall:
Did I ask you where your brain is? I am sure it's where it's suppose to be, but the best part is, it's not active any more. :rofl:

No, your hatred to America is clouding your own judgment
I love HOLLYWOOD. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
That's about as much as I like the US.
Why? Are you gonna ask me to sing the US Anthem now?
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China is absolutely not bow to any country to bully China, even if the last remaining Chinese, this is the idea of young people
It is a time for collective response to China. We should give him a reply that they can never forgrget.
How could you mix a merchant ship and a military vessel is way beyond me. It is just too suspicious if a Chinese Frigate goes close to an American CV group while they are conducting experiments. Do you not get it so far??????? How much more further do you want me to dumb it down? :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
And then when the Chinese sub popped up you guys were whinning about it... and after all it's international waters, isn't it??? :rofl:

Dude, it doesn't matter is it a destroyer, aircraft carrier, merchant ship or fishing boat, the freedom of navigation in international water is for ALL vessel, you can stop any ship in your EEZ if you suspect economic activities being conduct in your EEZ illegally, but dude, a cruiser? What kind of suspected economic activities on them? Buying illegal copy DVDs from China

And we bitch about you sub the same reason as this one, you pop up unexpectedly, that is also danger, unsafe and seamanship like

There you go. :rofl::hitwall:
Did I ask you where your brain is? I am sure it's where it's suppose to be, but the best part is, it's not active any more. :rofl:

Should I assume your brain is literally absent from your big giant head?

I love HOLLYWOOD. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
That's about as much as I like the US.
Why? Are you gonna ask me to sing the US Anthem now?

I don't really know what kind of response is this...
This was what happened.
This was what happened.
View attachment 11870
How dare China to limit the U.S. navies freedom to run into Chinese vessels lawfully operating in the Chinese Sea close to the homeland. International waters means U.S. can run into any ship they want and the victim is at fault if they dont pave way for the superior beings.
Wasn't US spy plane forced landing on China territory after the accident? Wasn't the plane stripping bare to it structure after return to the US, this isn't my dream up scenarios but it a mere fact of what happen after the accident that brought down US spy plane.
There was no 'forced landing' for the American EP-3. The collision that killed the Chinese J-8's pilot severely damaged the EP-3 and it was the damages that compelled the EP-3's commander to land on a Chinese air base.

Mate, you know so little about naval technology....
Yer talking to/about a bunch of conscript rejects here. Worse, they know what they are and to compensate, they have only contempt for those with experience, which ends up making them look even more foolish.
A piece of cake, the American were used to it. U.S Navy's Cruiser just playing at " international water" and repeat the history again . :butcher::nono:

1988 USS Caron (DD-970) DDG hit by S.U "Mirka II" FFG
In February 1988, Caron operating with Yorktown, entered Soviet 12 miles (19 km) territorial waters limit in the Black Seaoff the Crimean Peninsula. Under international law, this act could be permissible if the ship was progressing from one point in international waters to another point in international waters via the shortest course possible, but according to the Soviet Union, it was the right of the USSR to authorize or prohibit travel in selected areas within the 12 mile limit. The United States however did not recognize the Soviet's claim in this case. To prevent it from becoming accepted precedent, the US Navy claimed that it had sailed warships through such areas at regular intervals in the past, although no reference was provided.

On this occasion, Caron had on board a Ship's Signal Exploitation Spaces (SSES) system, operated by a crew of 18, supporting the U.S. National Security Agency. This system was capable of recording data on Soviet defense radars and communications.

In response, the Soviets deployed a destroyer and a Mirka II class light frigate as well as many other Soviet Navy, Coast Guard, KGB and "civilian" ships to intercept the U.S. ships. Soviet aircraft continuously buzzed the Caron and Yorktown as smaller vessels weaved to and fro in front of the American ships. Several times, Soviet vessels and aircraft obtained radar "lock" on the Caron and Yorktown. Both American ships maintained a constant course and speed throughout the incident. Eventually, the Soviets lightly rammed both ships. No significant damage resulted to any of the ships involved. The Captain of the Caron Lou Harlow, ordered that painters go over the side to paint over the superficial marks created by the "ramming" within minutes of the event.

1988 USS Yorktown (CG-48) Cruiser hit by S.U "Burevestnik" class FFG
Yorktown received the Atlantic Fleet's "Top Gun" award for outstanding naval gunfire support in 1987. During the second deployment from September 1987 to March 1988, Yorktown participated in numerous U.S. and NATO exercises, as well as multi-national exercises with Morocco, France, West Germany, Tunisia, and Turkey. It was on this Mediterranean deployment that Yorktown gained worldwide publicity from operations conducted in the Black Sea as part ofFreedom of Navigation program.[1] On 12 February 1988, while the Yorktown was exercising the "right of innocent passage" through Soviet territorial waters (a transit which, according to Richard L. Armitage, then Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, "from an operational standpoint" was "not necessary")[2] the Soviet Burevestnik-classfrigateBezzavetnyy (Russian:Беззаветный) intentionally collided with Yorktown with the intention of pushing it out of Soviet territorial waters, in what some observers have called "the last incident of the Cold War".



@gambit, Do u agree with me ?
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How dare China to limit the U.S. navies freedom to run into Chinese vessels lawfully operating in the Chinese Sea close to the homeland.

Why do Americans like sailing near a foreign nation's coast.

I think it's best when US ships are rammed. Americans have no rights to patrol a foreign nation's coast. If so, then Cuba has rights to sail around Florida.

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