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U.S. Military Taught Officers ‘Hiroshima’ Tactics for ‘Total War’ on Islam

So the course was so devastatingly effective that all these "commanders, lieutenant colonels, captains and colonels who sat in Dooley’s classroom" have fallen prey to believing in that hypothetical scenario as they "moved into higher-level assignments throughout the U.S. military"?

There is nothing to suggest that. Or could it be that all these high level officers are too dumb to think on their own and form an opinion against what the course theorized?

You live in America have some shame. Tell me what would happen if there was a course replacing Jew or Judaism with Islam. You know that's half the problem other American communities remember their origins and stick up for them whereas some of ours try justifying the unjustifiable



A couple of days ago Roger Cohen did an anguished Op-Ed for the New York Times about the American Jewish community's intolerance of criticism of Israel, even as Israeli leadership is destroying "the Zionist dream." The column brought an outpouring of comments, about 238 so far.
The fact that many here don't understand the concept of hypothetical planning helps explain how Isreal was able to smash them so often (they do understand, and "game" for many possibilities)

Precisely why I gave the example of 'hypothetical planning' for nuclear strikes on Sao Paolo to punish drug lords. The reason we don't see similar 'hypothetical planning' against Sao Paolo is because it is unthinkable to apply a broad racist brush against these people.

The premise behind Dooley's 'hypothetical planning' is that it is acceptable to inflict collective punishment on all Muslims for the actions of a band of criminals. This is something the US administration insists is not the mindset of American planners, hypothetical or otherwise.
And AQ is not a state or agent of state. It is a group of criminals who use terrorism as a tactic and who exercise control over parts of sovereign countries. Exactly as the drug cartels and pirates do.

All the requirements Dooley mentioned apply equally well to drug lords, and the fact that you keep running off into additional irrelevancies not mentioned in his course is entertaining to watch.
Did the University of Mexico took a poll and found over half of the Mexicans approve of the drug cartels' principles and goals? Are candidates financed by the drug lords taking over Latin America's parliaments? When that happens we will change our relationships according to the new regimes.

No, the issue at debate is Dooley's 'war on Islam', as in the religion of Islam.

But it is entertaining to watch you twist and turn to justify something that your CJCS and others in the US administration are at pains to deny.
No, the one who is twisting and squirming here is YOU. If that University of Jordan poll is any indication, soon enough Islam will fully be an ideology demanding political export instead of a religion propagated by persuasion and conversion. The irony here is that if that ever happens and shariah laws are fully realized in any country conquered by muslims, YOU would be in full support of that regression.
....... The irony here is that if that ever happens and shariah laws are fully realized in any country conquered by muslims, YOU would be in full support of that regression.

No, the REAL irony is that those who would support such implementation of Sharia would like themselves to be secure and free in the West!

..........Tell me what would happen if there was a course replacing Jew or Judaism with Islam. ....................

What would happen? NOTHING, because there are no limits on thoughts or theorizing here. Heck, there are discussions like that in universities and inter-faith gatherings ALL the time.

(And I should know, since I live here.)
No, the REAL irony is that those who would support such implementation of Sharia would like themselves to be secure and free in the West!

Why are you and gambit constantly on this thread trying to derail the thread.

Most Americans themselves would find it abhorrent that such things are planned and that is one of the reasons the course has been withdrawn

No, the REAL irony is that those who would support such implementation of Sharia would like themselves to be secure and free in the West!

What would happen? NOTHING, because there are no limits on thoughts or theorizing here. Heck, there are discussions like that in universities and inter-faith gatherings ALL the time.

(And I should know, since I live here.)

There are numerous articles on the web just google them mate.

I presume following your logic there is no harm in some mullahs theorising and talking among their students about destroying all Jews etc
No, the REAL irony is that those who would support such implementation of Sharia would like themselves to be secure and free in the West!
That and their hypocrisy. They want to be free so they can advocate 7th century mentality and living for everyone else.
I presume following your logic there is no harm in some mullahs theorising and talking among their students about destroying all Jews etc

Well, do you see anybody going into a frenzy over what the mullahs are saying on Youtube? Let them say what they want, and just be prepared for all eventualities. That works rather splendidly.
Most Americans themselves would find it abhorrent that such things are planned and that is one of the reasons the course has been withdrawn
And once upon a time most Americans did believe that the 'religion of peace' would not be able to execute a quasi-military special operations attack on civilians completely unaware that their country have been in an undeclared religious war.
That and their hypocrisy. They want to be free so they can advocate 7th century mentality and living for everyone else.

Of course.

Let anyone put up what was taught in Lal Masjid for years a mere stone's throw away from the Pakistani Parliament against Dooley's one course, and also compare the propagation of such ideas in the US vs Pakistani military, and their effects on national policy.

The answer is crystal clear.
...to inflict collective punishment on all Muslims for the actions of a band of criminals....
& that group of criminals is perpetuated by masters-of-US themselves, the mother of ALL evils.
And once upon a time most Americans did believe that the 'religion of peace' would not be able to execute a quasi-military special operations attack on civilians...
& once upon a time they were correct coz it was YOUR own people-in-power who killed their OWN civilians, NO one came from outside nor were they capable of.

"apnay ghar ka defa opar walay nay kudh apnay zemay liya hey" so no worries!

"Surah Feel"
Yes US crack heads should be gifted this Surah to incorporate into their syllabus ... Just so that we could say "you have been warned" ...
Surah Al-Feel (The Elephant)(105)
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Seest thou not how thy Lord dealt with the owners of the Elephants? (1) Did He not make their treacherous plan go astray? (2) And He sent against them flights of Birds, (3) Striking them with stones of baked clay. (4) Then did He make them like an empty field of stalks and straw, (of which the corn) has been eaten up. (5)
"Ashab-al-Feel" wanted Arabs to worship at their Altar instead of at Kabbah ... & out of mere jealousy wanted to eradicate Kabbah ...

History repeats itself... doesn't it???
That and their hypocrisy. They want to be free so they can advocate 7th century mentality and living for everyone else.

Your dishonesty and duplicitous shines through wonder when you will be areal "American". Why is it that you and Cheng try harder to defend American position when most Americans them selves. Must be the mango thing about being fresh off a boat for you two.

I did not see any of us suggesting what you assert

Well, do you see anybody going into a frenzy over what the mullahs are saying on Youtube? Let them say what they want, and just be prepared for all eventualities. That works rather splendidly.

Yes try picking up some newspapers.
Are candidates financed by the drug lords taking over Latin America's parliaments? When that happens we will change our relationships according to the new regimes.

Again, this is your diversion and not a requirement for Dooley's hypothetical scenario, but anwyay...

Past Party Collusion with Drug Lords Fouls Mexican Candidate

During the 1980s and 1990s, elected officials and appointees of PRI governments, from Federal Police heavyweight Guillermo Gonzalez Calderoni to drug czar Jesus Gutierrez Rebollo, built up a record of active collusion with Mexican gangs.

Despite the PRI being out of power for the last 12 years, evidence of their links to the drug trade have continued to emerge

Eight candidates backed by drug lords win: PDEA

BBC News - Drug cartels threaten Latin American democracy - OAS

Cartels are influencing elections by threatening politicians and even running their own candidates, OAS Secretary for Multidimensional Security Adam Blackwell said.

soon enough Islam will fully be an ideology demanding political export

I am too lazy to dig up the video of the head US chaplain in Afghanistan telling his troops that they were fighting for Jesus. Feel free to look it up yourself.
Your dishonesty and duplicitous shines through wonder when you will be areal "American".
So what is a 'real American' in your definition? A white person? Does that mean YOU are comfortable with looking at the world through a racist/racial prism like the Chinese do? What about you? Are you first a Pakistani or a Brit? Which country has your loyalty, Pakistan or Britain? Why are you in Britain?
And once upon a time most Americans did believe that the 'religion of peace' would not be able to execute a quasi-military special operations attack on civilians completely unaware that their country have been in an undeclared religious war.

It is not the religion of peace that has changed it is America. In the disproportionate response to the nefarious attack on the twin towers US has become what they were fighting-simply the unjust.

Sometimes the means do not justify the ends on this occasion

Back to topic it is disgusting that anyone should try to defend what the American govt itself has accepted by their actions in withdrawing the course is and was abhorrent
Why are you and gambit constantly on this thread trying to derail the thread.

It's a desperation tactic to run away from the indefensible into strawman arguments.

It's like watching a group of headless chickens strutting around when they have no clue why they were here in the first place, but must keep strutting just to have something to do.

Now they have moved on to sharia law, of all things! :rofl:

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