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U.S. Military Taught Officers ‘Hiroshima’ Tactics for ‘Total War’ on Islam

I read it just fine. He specifically takes the actions of 'Islamic terrorists' as a license to declare war on Islam. He "lays out a possible four-phase war plan to carry out a forced transformation of the Islam religion. "

I suggest YOU read the original post before taking off on the apologist bandwagon.
Then you should have no problems seeing that Dooley presented the 'worst case' scenario where militant Islam is no longer constraint by moderate Islam. What does slide 7 say?

Debunked how? Is there a similar course at JFSC that takes the actions of drug lords as justification to start nuking random cities in South America? Is there a course about nuking African cities in response to Somali piracy?

Please present actual course material instead of a knee-jerk, vacuous posting of 'debunked'.
There is no such 'course' because the purpose of the drug cartels and pirates are for personal pleasures -- PERSONAL -- not for purposes of state. At best, the use of the military in such a situation is to provide hardware support for law enforcement, local or national, if those agencies found themselves effectively outgunned, so to speak. But if the Mexican drug cartels or the pirates managed to wrest power from the governments and begins to behave with actions befitting governments, then we have evolved from dealing with petty criminals to dealing with new governments. So it looks like debunked is the appropriate word for your truly intellectually vacuous argument.
Using nukes today comes heavy geopolitical consequences.

When USA hesitated to do so in Vietnam , why would they do so for any Islamic nation when their conventional capability alone can achieve the required objectives?

Most probably they might do so in retaliation.


Not sure if its a war against Islam. America also has millions of Muslims living comfortably. Maybe its a war for resources or a war against Caliphate (Muslim unity). I don't believe its a war against terror. Terrorism has always existed in every society.
"They hate everything you stand for and will never coexist with you, unless you submit," the instructor, Army. Lt. Col. Matthew Dooley, said in a presentation last July for

If this quote is correct, I cannot fathom why some members were defending this officer in the other topic.

On topic, I think US has already made it clear before that the war is with radical terrorists and not Islam.
That's the reason of their stay in afganistan . kill as much as Muslims you can .
Im not so sure, it appears muslims kill each other more often than any outsider could ever hope to.

There is always news of an explosion that "rocked a marketplace" in the middle east, or Pakistan.
And you believe everything the U.S. government says? Its best to talk about it rather than blindly following any government.

No, I'm definitely not that naive. Maybe you should visit Afghanistan to see how radical the people are. Radicalism is a growing problem in the west.

But I do recognise that sometimes they are hypocrite eg. their support for al-qaeda terrorists in Libya.

Is the US in some sort of competition with the Taliban; that how many innocent Muslims can each kill?

Are you aware of the fact that more muslis were killed by sectarian wars in iraq than the actual US military?

Muslims need to embrace the morality of the Koran. Only then they can prosper.

Im not so sure, it appears muslims kill each other more often than any outsider could ever hope to.

There is always news of an explosion that "rocked a marketplace" in the middle east, or Pakistan.

It is a natural process. If the US military does not do it, the fil.th of radicalism and extremism would be cleaned by Muslims themselves as they kill and hate each other...

The problem starts when infidel Kafir US does the cleaning. Maybe it hurts most muslim's ego but they should embrace reality that Islam is in need for a dire cleaning for it to go back to the original roots of Koran.
The problem starts when infidel Kafir US does the cleaning...

Shame on us Muslims...how could we condemn such holy acts? The US is just cleaning the f1lth from the world, we should stay by her Holiness.
All Hail Uncle Sam :)

To go back to our roots, we need to kill all the Evil Wahh@bizz from the world, only then we can prosper :tup:
Shame on us Muslims...how could we condemn such holy acts? The US is just cleaning the f1lth from the world, we should stay by her Holiness.
All Hail Uncle Sam :)

To go back to our roots, we need to kill all the Evil Wahh@bizz from the world, only then we can prosper :tup:

And if you turn away, He will replace you with another people; then they will not be the likes of you. 47:38

As I said, cleaning is a natural process and will continue as long as Muslims don't uphold only the Koran. What hurts muslims is that infidel secular Kafir US is doing the cleaning rather than the Muslims themselves... Nobody cried when hundreds of thousands of muslims were killed by sectarian wars in Iraq but everybody cries when they see civilian casualties by US which are far, far, far lower...

Nobody even mentioned the word "wahabi" so please do not divert the topic or get paranoid
If this quote is correct, I cannot fathom why some members were defending this officer in the other topic.

On topic, I think US has already made it clear before that the war is with radical terrorists and not Islam.

May be he was quoting what Radical Jihadis teach their students, Seems like it has been taken out of context.
But my brother, Wahhabis are root of all problems in the Muslim world :)
And don't worry, I agree with you: death to evil Sunnis and people who oppose Shias and Quran-Alonists :D

That is not true. ALL those who divide themselves as sects are the problem. Now don't think I am advising you to kill all people because that is not what I mean.

Indeed, those who have divided their religion and become sects - you, [O Muhammad], are not [associated] with them in anything. Their affair is only
to Allah ; then He will inform them about what they used to do.6:159​


Long live the cleaning!

Of course. US' war on terror is a war on Biblical proportions to clean Islam from all impurities. God is himself behind the US and not behind the fanatic barbaric terrorists who have corrupted Islam since "hadiths" were invented. That is why you see those terrorists losing everywhere and killed like rats. As per the Koran, it is God who is doing the cleaning through his servant (US). Problem for you is: his servant happens to be infidel secular Kafir state rather than a (so-called) "islamic state" So, you sympathise with the terrorists when actually you should be doing the opposite.

Had the cleaning been done by a so-called "islamic" country like pakistan, you would support it. Heck, God is also using Pakistan to do the cleaning - Taliban of pakistans who are being killed everyday. You DO support THIS cleaning, don't you? If you do, don't be a hypocrite and come back to reality.

We should invite the Americans on Pakistani soil, can you believe only some odd 20% follow the real Islam in Pakistan? Damn, these Evil Sunnis have taken over my beloved country

As I said before, everybody who declares that they believe in one God and fulfills the conditions laid in Koran, is a Muslim. Doesn't matter what they identify themselves with.

As far as sects, they may be ignoring what is in the Koran but they are still Muslims if they qualify the characteristics laid down. Their affair is "left to God" as per this verse. For your convenience, again:

Indeed, those who have divided their religion and become sects - you, [O Muhammad], are not [associated] with them in anything. Their affair is only
to Allah ; then He will inform them about what they used to do.6:159​
Of course. US' war on terror is a war on Biblical proportions to clean Islam from all impurities. God is himself behind the US and not behind the fanatic barbaric terrorists


Anyways, you seem to take everything on this forum 2 facedly.
The deaths of Non-Muslims are condemnable because they're innocent beings; the deaths and killings of Muslims are not because it is a Holy Act which God himself is masterplanning behind the Scenes. Yes, the same God which claims in his Book that he is eternally Merciful and the accounts of the wrongdoes shall only be taken after their deaths.

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