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U.S. Military Taught Officers ‘Hiroshima’ Tactics for ‘Total War’ on Islam

Its interesting to note that the presentation starts with 'So what can we do?' which seems to indicate that they have run out of options and all the weapons that they have been using till now have not got them the result they wanted!

This is is implicit acceptance of defeat!
Then what is the big deal over this? Go and crow about it and let US talk about our...errr...'defeat'. :lol:

And am still waiting on that list of US laws that forbids any discussion about the Holocaust.
Its interesting to note that the presentation starts with 'So what can we do?' which seems to indicate that they have run out of options and all the weapons that they have been using till now have not got them the result they wanted!

This is is implicit acceptance of defeat!

Whatever rocks your boat...................

A much better interpretation of 'so what we can do' would be that situation has came to such a pass that US has to go full monty ie whole of the population has became enemy thus making total war necessary.
I already, clearly explained to you that US can nuke Mecca/Medina and get away with a total war on Islam. ALL of your arguments were proven false. Maybe you need to refer to our previous discussion in this topic?
you do not know muslims. a muslim a very corrupt one if is provoked may do wonders which Christean crusaders or jews or any other can not think leave alone true muslims.
I already, clearly explained to you that US can nuke Mecca/Medina and get away with a total war on Islam. ALL of your arguments were proven false. Maybe you need to refer to our previous discussion in this topic?
you do not know muslims. a muslim a very corrupt one if is provoked may do wonders which Christean crusaders or jews or any other can not think leave alone true muslims.
On slide 8 the Lt Col Dooley says :

“This model presumes we have already failed at Phase 1 – Deterrence therefore Phase 1 is not shown as part of this OP Design frame work’

He is admitting that the last 10 years have been an epic FAIL for the US military and they dont have the scoobies as to what they can do from here on in since short of nukes they have tried everything and failed.

He is right that US failed but what the US did over the past 10 years was murder on a grand scale and it cannot be brushed aside as 'deterence'

Then what is the big deal over this? Go and crow about it and let US talk about our...errr...'defeat'. :lol:

And am still waiting on that list of US laws that forbids any discussion about the Holocaust.

there is no big deal just that you should know that you cannot win a war against Islam
On slide 8 the Lt Col Dooley says :

“This model presumes we have already failed at Phase 1 – Deterrence therefore Phase 1 is not shown as part of this OP Design frame work’

He is admitting that the last 10 years have been an epic FAIL for the US military and they dont have the scoobies as to what they can do from here on in since short of nukes they have tried everything and failed.

He is right they US failed but what the US did over the past 10 years was murder on a grand scale and it cannot be brushed aside as 'deterence'

there is no big deal just that you should know that you cannot win a war against Islam
You have taken slide 8 out of context. Shocked...:lol:
You have taken slide 8 out of context. Shocked...:lol:

here be more shocked and get it all in the right context

Child murderer Sgt Bales

Uneducated US private Lyndie England of Abu Ghariab fame

Another american animal that raped and killed a 14 year old iraqi girl

Pat Tilman , killed by his own squad and the US military went own lying about his death like there was no tomorrow

The moral high ground

you are just a bunch of yahoos , nothing more , you cant win wars
here be more shocked and get it all in the right context

you are just a bunch of yahoos , nothing more , you cant win wars
I can easily find plenty of images showing the many flaws and shortcomings of your society, anything from stoning half buried women to genital mutilations of women. But I guess we infidels have seen enough to know what lies in store for us.
Don't you think you are going some what off topic. Just think about it if there was a course for genocide of Jews what would happen to the guys who started the course. I mean even an inadvertent remark ends peoples careers with charges of anti anti semitism

He would be elected president of a muslim country, ask the Iranians....

To all that say, "if someone attacks the holy sites,we will do blah blah" , then you admit Jerusalem is not holy to islam, since blah blah has not happened.

In America and in Europe no one is allowed to question the narrative of the Holocaust , debate on the number of Jews killed by the Nazis will never be allowed

I live in America, debated it before (at university), and am not in jail, care to enlighten me how it is forbidden?
^In Europe only, denial of the Holocaust can send people to jail. But in America, it isn't so. Meh...do as the Romans do...
I dread to think of the effect on the planet of releasing 100 nukes. Would it be livable??

Yes very much so.

3000+ could be detonated and still not equal the energy and force released during the death of the dinausaurs.

And as we know from that, earth survived.

On the other issue of 100 nukes being used to flatten Israel (or India) - don't flatter yourselves.

Your nukes, like ours, and China's, are in component form.

You would be highly lucky (and very suicidal) to get even a few off, before the world reduces you to radioactive glass.
Yes very much so.

3000+ could be detonated and still not equal the energy and force released during the death of the dinausaurs.

And as we know from that, earth survived.

On the other issue of 100 nukes being used to flatten Israel (or India) - don't flatter yourselves.

Your nukes, like ours, and China's, are in component form.

You would be highly lucky (and very suicidal) to get even a few off, before the world reduces you to radioactive glass.

Most of the volcanic explosions carry a force of more than 3000 nukes.World would require hundreds of thousands of megaton nukes to be destroyed.
Well I would assume that Pakistan has at least 200 nukes now I mean they were reported to have 100 odd years ago. Pakistan could launch nukes at Israel and would for the reason you mention want to knock some Indian capability. India would be worried about China and may launch at China. It just is not funny. Anyone up for risking all? I doubt it. In history there have always been empires which have appeared omnipotent until they are exposed not to be so

I have news for you.

Were Pakistan to even move towards assembling its nukes, China would d be right alongside the US and Russia in nuking you pre-emptively.

India will not be nuking anybody, but like everyone else keeping a very close watch on you. And China. As they would us.

Neither Chinese nor Indian nor Pakistani nukes are warfighting arsenals. There are only two surviving warfighting arsenals - as there always were.

And Wright (or S-19?) is completely correct - you would need a minimum of 6-8 nukes (of the type and yield Pakistan has) to "flatten" a city of Tel Aviv's size.

That means you need to first reach Tel Aviv - which is not a given per what world missile experts keeping close tabs know of your abilities.

Assuming you have the reach, your missiles woul as likely fall into the ocean as they would on fellow Muslim soil surrounding Israel.

That is, those few that have escaped one of the world's most sophisticated ABM missile defenses.

To do that, you would have to employ saturation salvos in large numbers -which is self-defeating if the idea is to flatten Tel Aviv in the first place.

All this means, you need to fire at least 5-10 missiles in the hope of one getting through.

You have neither the requisite number of missiles. Nor equivalent conventional explosive tonnage.

What do you think the world will be doing while your silos are getting active?

Do you think in a war of the worlds scenario, they will be waiting for Launch on Impact?

The claims of Pakistanis here are simply hot-headed emotional bluster.

Anyone with a smattering of understanding would realize what they would be up against.
If the oil issue is all that simple then why aren’t the Americans stopping the purchase of oil from Muslim states and instead go to war with them?

They are thinking more longterm than you.

My kids do it all the time with anything tasty (icecream, thum up, lays, kurkure, chocolate, etc.).

All three get exactly the same portions.

The fun (its down to a science/art form now) is in going slow initially waiting for the other to finish his or her faster and only then digging in and finishing your own with great relish and pleasure - while the others look on.

The bigger guy thinks nothing of bullying his little sister/s into getting a share of theirs - when he feels either of us are not around.

In the case of world oil - the US is me - the big boss - father of the house.

Russia is at best the mother - outclassed mainly at sea.

China is increasingly trying to become my son.
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