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U.S. Military can hit any target on earth in 30 minutes!!!!

I guess they meant Washington. You know what I am saying? The Americans have yet to take on a serious adversaries, you know what I am saying? Show me.
That is because none 'serious' enough showed up, you know what I am saying?
That is because none 'serious' enough showed up, you know what I am saying?
Do you read what you write down? you know what I am saying? I'll throw in Iran, now show me, knock yourself out. Or take on the Chinese or Russians head-on. You know what I am saying?
Do you read what you write down? you know what I am saying? I'll throw in Iran, now show me, knock yourself out. Or take on the Chinese or Russians head-on. You know what I am saying?
Iran? Nothing to worry about. The last time someone from the ME thought he was 'serious' enough got smacked down toot-sweet. Twice. You know what I am saying? Russia? If anything that is 'serious' about Russia, it is the sorry state of her military's decline: alcoholism, conscription quality and qualification, and systemic corruption throughout the country's political and economic structures. China? May be 'serious' enough in about 20 yrs. What 'serious' combat experience does the PLA has? You know what I am saying? May be it should be YOU who should read what you wrote.
Iran? Nothing to worry about. The last time someone from the ME thought he was 'serious' enough got smacked down toot-sweet. Twice. You know what I am saying? Russia? If anything that is 'serious' about Russia, it is the sorry state of her military's decline: alcoholism, conscription quality and qualification, and systemic corruption throughout the country's political and economic structures. China? May be 'serious' enough in about 20 yrs. What 'serious' combat experience does the PLA has? You know what I am saying? May be it should be YOU who should read what you wrote.

Talk is cheap, man. Practice what you preach, man. Take out Iran, I know you don't like them. You know what I am saying?
Talk is cheap, man. Practice what you preach, man. Take out Iran, I know you don't like them. You know what I am saying?
The only thing Iran is 'serious' right now is making a lot of noise. And if talk is cheap, then Iran is hitting rock bottom. You know what I am saying?
The only thing Iran is 'serious' right now is making a lot of noise. And if talk is cheap, then Iran is hitting rock bottom. You know what I am saying?
I don't know what your saying. Show me, it seems to take only 30 minutes.
Talk of intercepting ICBM is just fairy tale. The fact that no video of anyone firing a nuclear missile at their own city and trying to intercept it is a testimony that the chance of intercepting an ICBM is none or close to ZERO. In fact, no video of anyone has even tried to fire a supersonic cruise missiles at their own $1 billion dollar warship and try to intercept it either, the chance of intercepting a missile is just ..................................small
I guess they meant Washington. You know what I am saying? The Americans have yet to take on a serious adversaries, you know what I am saying? Show me.
you know what I am saying?
Talk of intercepting ICBM is just fairy tale.
Is this based upon your own experience in the defense industry? Sorry, but computer games do not count.

The fact that no video of anyone firing a nuclear missile at their own city and trying to intercept it is a testimony that the chance of intercepting an ICBM is none or close to ZERO.
Why must it be an actual weapon and why must it be at an actual city? By this silly argument, no fighter aircraft would ever be built because we do not shoot live ammo at each other during development.

Please stop injecting yourself into these subjects with these silly comments.
Is this based upon your own experience in the defense industry? Sorry, but computer games do not count.

Why must it be an actual weapon and why must it be at an actual city? By this silly argument, no fighter aircraft would ever be built because we do not shoot live ammo at each other during development.

Please stop injecting yourself into these subjects with these silly comments.
It does not work and you know it. Otherwise, nuclear missile is an outdated thing but yet countries with nuke missiles are keep building more of them.

Interception only works as much as the media or military wants to feed the mass to believe them.
It does not work and you know it. Otherwise, nuclear missile is an outdated thing but yet countries with nuke missiles are keep building more of them.

Interception only works as much as the media or military wants to feed the mass to believe them.
Wrong. The problem is no longer conceptual but engineering. The Nike-Zeus system decades ago was moving the interceptor closer and closer to being a kinetic kill system until treaty obligations forced the US to cancel the project. It was precisely because of the increasing number of engineering problems being solved that made the USSR feared 'Star Wars' and other ICBM interceptor programs. You do not know what you are talking about.
Wrong. The problem is no longer conceptual but engineering. The Nike-Zeus system decades ago was moving the interceptor closer and closer to being a kinetic kill system until treaty obligations forced the US to cancel the project. It was precisely because of the increasing number of engineering problems being solved that made the USSR feared 'Star Wars' and other ICBM interceptor programs. You do not know what you are talking about.
And the U.S is still fearful of the thousand of nuke missiles that Russia or any other countries around the world have. So much for your so-called "interceptor"

Wait until nuclear missile is render obsolete and no longer in service around the world and come back here with your silly claim that interceptor works. Throwing out "impressive" % of intercepting does not fool anyone. At the end of the day, people are still keeping nuke and building more nuke and that is a FACT.
so they bring more harm then good now.
Do we not have enough systems to tackle the terror threat that we already have. OR is the US planning to destroy the entire world with one switch.
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