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U.S. Military can hit any target on earth in 30 minutes!!!!

lol, this thing travelling far slower than an ICBM.

Another bluff and hype made by the US.

In fact, they are still butthurt that China is the only nation that can shoot down the ICBM via the midcourse interception.

Still i would say it is quite effective bullying against those weak small nations.
U.S. Military can hit any target on earth in 30 minutes!!!!

A hypersonic flying missile that can strike a target anywhere in the world in just 30 minutes has been unveiled by the U.S. military. The Advanced Hypersonic Weapon (AHW), which travels five times the speed of sound, was successfully tested on Thursday.

It was launched by rocket from Hawaii at 11.30am, glided south westwards through the upper atmosphere over the Pacific at 'hypersonic speed' before hitting its target on the Kwajalein atoll in the Marshall Islands -- some 2,500 miles away.


And if it is rolled out by the U.S. military, it will mean America will no longer have to rely on stationing missiles in foreign countries.

The Pentagon did not reveal how fast the AHW, which unlike traditional ballistic missiles can be manoeuvred, reached. Spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Melinda Morgan said the test was aimed at gathering data on 'aerodynamics, navigation, guidance and control, and thermal protection technologies'.

The U.S. Army's AHW project is part of the 'Prompt Global Strike' programme.

It seeks to give the U.S. military the means to deliver conventional weapons anywhere in the world within an hour. Scientists classify hypersonic speeds as those that exceed Mach 5 -- or five times the speed of sound -- 3,728 miles per hour.

On August 11, the Pentagon test flew another hypersonic glider dubbed HTV-2, which is capable of flying 16,776 miles per hour. But it was a failure. The AHW's range is less than that of the HTV-2, the Congressional Research Service said in a report, without providing specifics.

The Pentagon has invested $239.9 million in the Global Strike programme this year, including $69 million for the flying bomb tested on Thursday, CRS said.

U.S. Army tests hypersonic weapon that travels five times the speed of sound

Wow Wow you just realise that after 33 years............ :(

Check out this factual film about the nuclear war


An Bollywood/lollywood version is due. Got me off thinking like a child about a nulcear war when I was a kid, very serious film making there.
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its so sad that eventually the whole world is gonna get killed by their very own made Nuklear weapons. looks like the Govts. especially the one who created Nuklear weapons are realli dumb/blind can't see their own death....:smokin:
With the rapid strides that DRDO is taking , Keep a tab on PDF threads closely , you will be "unpleasantly" surprised !

No bro, DRDO not able to produce good rifle. DRDO is bunch of job insecured engineer. They want to keep their job prolonging to infinity to keep their job.
Some people are retiring with what ever they were doing for entire career.
Americans are cowards who refuse to fight a ground war with the Taliban but resort to carpet bombing to kill their enemy.
It is call 'smart'. Let iron and steel does the killing. But you go on believing that nonsense, behind a computer, of course. :lol:
Someday the rest of them will catch up and that is scary.:-)
U.S can hit any target on earth in 30 minutes.

U.S and Pakistan will remain friends forever!!! :smitten: :D
Problem with this kind of speed is that, with slight error, it can overshoot another country.
In fact you are wrong!
To the Chinese members here, it does not matter if they are proven wrong how many times, only that they can overwhelm the discussion forum with the same lies over and over. Intellectual honesty has never been their priority to start.
With the rapid strides that DRDO is taking , Keep a tab on PDF threads closely , you will be "unpleasantly" surprised !

Since DRDO are slow in comparison, I doubt I would be "unpleasantly" surprised. More like "oh" as we are already ahead in producing weapons and defensive systems, which is still growing rapidly as we speak. India loves to import and talk smack for reasons :azn:
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