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U.S. military bases within range of IRGC artillery

We are trying very hard to prevent a full scale war with Iran.

We understand the consequences it will bring to us and our allies... However this planet has no room for evil nations like Iran. Nation building should be a breeze with Iran... With the millions protesting for freedom.

In the same time. This should end all major conflicts in the region. Peace in the Middle East cannot come soon enough.

usa is trying to prevent a full scale war???? LOL

rather it is Iran's greatness that it pushed a war monger who initiated several wars and involved in every conflict across the globe to think of the consequences of the war against iran.

iran has been just 30+ years but wars in middle east since the birth of israel i.e. 60+ years. A middle east without usa+israel will ensure peace for ever in the region.
invasion of iraq and afghanistan was to contain and threaten iran but that proved to be too costly and a failed policy.

Do you honestly believe Afghanistan was invaded because it would allow a jumping-off point for an attack on Iran!?

If the goal from the beginning was an attack on Iran, we had two choices w/regards to Iraq.

1) Invade and gut the Iraqi military. Destroy it. Kill Saddam, or hand him over. Wreck the infrastructure, and then spend billions trying to rebuild it.


2) Support Iraq. Get them to do another invasion of Iran, except this time, throw our full weight into the effort. Promise Iraq large chunks of rich land, and regional hegemony.

Which makes more sense if Iran was the target? Option 2, obviously. The only conclusion is that Iran was not, never was, the objective.

As for fanning the flames, beating the war drum - I'd like you to post some U.S. State-sponsored "Death to Iran" rallies that must take place in the U.S. Something along these lines...




There are thousands of these in Iran. Even an officially-recognized "Death to America" day, more colloquially named "Student Day."

Oh, and that pesky misquoted Ahmadinejad quote w/regards to Israel...
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