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U.S is ready and willing to mediate between ‘raging’ border dispute between China & India

Oh beautiful. This is truly a lockdown that keeps on giving.

I look forward to Jayshankar and friends sternly rejecting this offer, since it is either (a) India's internal matter or (b) a bilateral issue between China and India.

If India accepts this offer of mediation, then where does the Delhi clown factory stand on its rejection of previous mediation efforts on another certain border dispute that shall remain unnamed?

God bless America.
No thank you, Chinese are habitual of making brawls and the getting beaten. And we are capable of dealing with both China and Pakistan on our own.

India has had history of asking USA to intervene so please lets not beat our little chests. India couldnt handle a storm in a teacup. Do you know Pakistan army does fantastic tea?
As if India has not been clustered enough by Nepal and China, now Trump is asking India if they need his help getting their yak farms back.

I could not control my laughter for many reasons:
  1. This step from US removes any confusion that the situation between India and China is not serious. We now know it is a very serious situation.
  2. US, herself, is trying to confront China in South China Sea. There is a massive military build up there. How can they offer to mediate?
  3. India, if accepts this offer, will have to recede from its stance on Kashmir being the bilateral issue as well.
  4. This also gets the cat out the bag, that the Indian plan to attack Gilgit-Baltistan was part of a larger design (to implement the New World Order)
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