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U.S. intercepts Iranian instructions to strike American interests in Iraq

Poor JEW USA terrorist bombers & invaders, what a bunch of innocent victimes killing civilian in checkpoints

They used bombs, phosphorous bombs, depleted uranium, mass slaughter of civilians in checkpoints, rapes, tortures...
In one region they oppose AQ, in another they arm them, in two countries they support shia led governments - Afg and Iraq, and in others they fight them - Syria and Iran - what the hell is happening?

Where exactly are the USA arming Al Quida? don't trust the propaganda on this forum, the USA supports Al Quida no where.
As for the break down by religion, you would have it all figured out if you'd realize that the USA doesn't choose it's allied or supporting bodies by religion, And if we're at it, neither do most countries. Majority Sunni Turkey was Israeli ally while Israel was fighting Sunni Arab countries. Sunni KSA was against Sunni ruled Iraq in the hands of Saddam after the first gulf war. Azeri Shia are allied with Israel while Israel and Iran are in conflict.
Religion is sometimes used as a tool, true. But it is just one of the many tools used for foreign policy.
It's another typical propaganda campaign to justify their attack and playing the 'victim role'.

Iran doesn't make a phone call to someone in Iraq to tell them: "Hey! If U.S attacks Syria, target the American embassy in there and CIA definitely wouldn't find out about our phone call, bye."

They think they can fool the world as easy as the people who are thirsty for war.

Come on lets be serious:

1. No where in the article was it mentioned how the message was carried. The phone call is your invention.

2. Iran's own officials themselves have threatened many many times that they will attack USA targets in the region and the world in response to a USA attacks. So this just gives credibility for their claims. Definitely not something that's hard to believe, especially considering Iran has influence on Iraqi Shia armed groups.

3. How planning a response to an attack by the USA can be portrayed with the USA as the victim? If anything you should have accused them of trying to show that Iran supports organizations causing terror actions against civilians, but that hardly requires additional proof anyway.
Yet, when it comes to Iran these same people happily cheer on an invasion and dismiss diplomacy. Literally the same people. Those lying scum oppose no such thing when it comes to drone strikes in Yemen or elsewhere.

Dismissing a strike in Syria doesn't mean that the USA should never strike any where anytime ever again. Your logic, or lack of it is baffling. Whenever you decide what to do one should decide on objectives, I am not going to pretend to know the mindset and reasoning of the Americans but generally I see no gain for the USA in an attack against Syria.
On the other hand a limited attack against the Iranian nuclear program can serve to rid the ME of a nuclear arms race and proliferation of nuclear weapons which is definitely against USA policy.
As well as to deny the Iranians a chance to fulfill their expansionist dreams under a nuclear umbrella. The same Iran which is a self proclaimed enemy of the USA.

As for diplomacy, isn't that's what the UN and USA have been practicing with Iran for over a decade?
For Jerusalem, the status quo, horrific as it may be from a humanitarian perspective, seems preferable to either a victory by Mr. Assad’s government and his Iranian backers or a strengthening of rebel groups, increasingly dominated by Sunni jihadis.

“This is a playoff situation in which you need both teams to lose, but at least you don’t want one to win — we’ll settle for a tie,” said Alon Pinkas, a former Israeli consul general in New York. “Let them both bleed, hemorrhage to death: that’s the strategic thinking here. As long as this lingers, there’s no real threat from Syria.”

Shocking surprise! Israel doesn't want either of it's two enemies Al Quida nor Assad to point it's guns against us and attack. Those evil Jews, they actually want to be left alone and live in peace...

Note that we are talking about strategical aspects, the civilian government is guided by more than military strategical analysis you know. Here is what a member of the government said:
Housing Minister Uri Ariel, a member of Bennett's "Jewish Home" Party, went even further with his criticism, saying the Americans
were being indecisive in the face of "genocide." He also compared the world's inaction to the West's silence during the Holocaust seven decades ago.

"When there is a genocide, the response needs to be immediate," he told the Army Radio station. "It's clear the Americans know to destroy at least the chemical weapons and they are not doing that.""
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One of the possible reactions of Iran could have been, You attack Syria, we step out of NPT.
Iran should have provided Syria some ghadir submarines, hoot torpedo and kh-55 cruise missiles, zolfaghar attack boats.

Did you guys manage to reverse engineer the Kh-55? :/
Iran needs to be put out of commission, permanently.
What a terrorist state. Disgusting.

ppbbbhhh!! dont cry honey !!! i promise we will only vaporize your fellow terrorists in israhell!!!
as i said if u flee to a remote village in united shytdom , ur worthless a$$ will remain intact

@Yzd Khalifa:

google it:

meshkaat cruise missile:moil::yahoo:
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I found it here but there isn't much of info about it except in the Farsi source it says it was developed under the MoD of Iran. That's all.

Yes there is not much info, except that Iran has some kh-55 from Ukrain and that meshkat will be a medium range cruise missile. That's why some speculate it might be something like Kh-55. We'll have to wait.
Could you please represent any evidence that we are playing in your country?

Why would I present evidence, you cheer and party when I present it about Iran but become defensive whenever about Saudi Arabia, no need to mention anything.
And what do you consider as evidence ?
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