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U.S. Intensifies Military Encirclement of China

Without Funds Pakistan can do nothing, absolutely nothing and China is not willing to give Funds considering corrupts in Pakistani Government.

Yaraaa concentrating on the Uighur terrorists within our ranks & then stopping them at the check points because they have to go through the Karakorum Highway after all...shouldn't be that costly !

In the meantime getting the Tribal Lashkars on board in kicking the Foreigners off our lands could be a good thing ! I talked to a Pashtun from Bajaur the other day who told me that they've kicked almost all Afghans out of Bajaur & sent them back to Afghanistan & there aren't any Arabs or others in those areas either ! Those who come..do so as commuters & they are well known to the locals. Perhaps we can replicate that elsewhere & I think there is already considerable movement on that also.
It's not a dream but a fact:

It already has military present in the Pacific, Japan, Korea, the Philippines, Pakistan and Afghanistan. Among all the China's immediate neighbors it already have some kind existing military understandings, however small, with Taiwan, Thailand, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Mongolia. For the past two years Obama also shamelessly courting Vietnam, Myanmar, Bangladesh and India. Of course selling military surpluses to these countries is also part of that strategy.

Only countries that are untouched by his magic fingers, besides China's second tier neighbors, are North Korea, Russia, Nepal, Bhutan and Laos. And who knows some days these countries might fall into his salesmanship too if China stands by idly.

Historically the US always needs a perceived enemy number one for its: 1) internal political struggles, 2) doomsday theory for internal and external consumption so that it'll justified her 3) military expansions (read: hegemony) and 4) expenditures; last, but not the least, puts fears into the minds of its 'enemy #1's neighbors so that 5) they will buy more second handed arms from her.

Power and money is the end game.

As for Vietnam, China should thank and honor the Vietnamese government for the policy of three No´s:
# no to allying with a country to confront another
# no to joining a military alliance and
# no to allowing other countries to station troops in Vietnam

You won´t see any changes on these 3 No´s soon, unless there is something critically happens that VN has to change this policy, e.i. China threatens to take some stupidly unilateral steps...

You see the Vietnamese government is pragmatic and respects Chinese security interest in the region. China does not need to fear in the southern flank. That´s good for China. However, we expect the Chinese make concession in the SCS dispute.
China, with 'in your face' strategy of intimidation by Obama's administration, needs some true friends in the world politically and strategically. Indeed I find no better allies in Pakistan and Vietnam and she must rethinks her relationship with both in terms of some gives and takes.

Without the NATO alliance presents in the western Pacific the US Alliance here is weak and fragile and can't stand the test of time. The reason for that is every country that suppose to be on her side also has strong dealings with China and are unlikely for all of them to go against China openly at the same time. China must get close to some of them in order to clip some feathers off the bald eagle.

Another decade, at the most, is what China needs to wipe that menacing smirk off Uncle Sam's face. Then the two countries can become friends again on equal terms.
China, with 'in your face' strategy of intimidation by Obama's administration, needs some true friends in the world politically and strategically. Indeed I find no better allies in Pakistan and Vietnam and she must rethinks her relationship with both in terms of some gives and takes.

Without the NATO alliance presents in the western Pacific the US Alliance here is weak and fragile and can't stand the test of time. The reason for that is every country that suppose to be on her side also has strong dealings with China and are unlikely for all of them to go against China openly at the same time. China must get close to some of them in order to clip some feathers off the bald eagle.

Another decade, at the most, is what China needs to wipe that menacing smirk off Uncle Sam's face. Then the two countries can become friends again on equal terms.

As I said previously in a post, making Vietnam to enemy is good for noboby. The history proves that. It is a common mistake for all our enemies that they underestimated our strength.

I don´t want to boast, but China can gain more in strategic terms in the region and the world if China makes Vietnam to an ally. We have many friends and supporters in the world, in Asia (e.i. Japan and India), Europe (e.i. Germany, France and Russia) and of course America. The actual intimidation comes sometimes from China, that´s our view.

That can only happen after China makes concession in the SCS dispute. That is my opinion.
As I said previously in a post, making Vietnam to enemy is good for noboby. The history proves that. It is a common mistake for all our enemies that they underestimated our strength.

I don´t want to boast, but China can gain more in strategic terms in the region and the world if China makes Vietnam to an ally. We have many friends and supporters in the world, in Asia (e.i. Japan and India), Europe (e.i. Germany, France and Russia) and of course America. The actual intimidation comes sometimes from China, that´s our view.

That can only happen after China makes concession in the SCS dispute. That is my opinion.

Your theory is a good one, there are only one problem, looking at the situation it's going, China will never give up the dispute in SCS, whether they have legitimate claim or not.

If you were to say US surround and encircle China, the better term should be China isolate themselve over the course of the years. There are always no neutrality in each and every country, modern politic is sides. Each country need to takes it own side, you cannot just sit there and pretent everything is the same, the truth is, They are not the same.

I reckon if China start making friends in the 80s, there are already a Chinese version of NATO (Only in Asia) which follow China everywhere they go, the thing is, there aren't and they didn't.

China need to break out from this isolation and more engage into world politic. Otherwise they will always feel encircled. Simply because you got no True friend.

To another post above, US does not have military present in Philippine for about 20 years. The left wing Philippine government kick out almost all US Personnel in Philippine and close down clark AFB and subic bay Naval station in the 90s.
Your theory is a good one, there are only one problem, looking at the situation it's going, China will never give up the dispute in SCS, whether they have legitimate claim or not.

If you were to say US surround and encircle China, the better term should be China isolate themselve over the course of the years. There are always no neutrality in each and every country, modern politic is sides. Each country need to takes it own side, you cannot just sit there and pretent everything is the same, the truth is, They are not the same.

I reckon if China start making friends in the 80s, there are already a Chinese version of NATO (Only in Asia) which follow China everywhere they go, the thing is, there aren't and they didn't.

China need to break out from this isolation and more engage into world politic. Otherwise they will always feel encircled. Simply because you got no True friend.

To another post above, US does not have military present in Philippine for about 20 years. The left wing Philippine government kick out almost all US Personnel in Philippine and close down clark AFB and subic bay Naval station in the 90s.

True but but US forces have been "visiting" in the Philippines which i think is far better than stationing troops
Chinese act like idiots and a bunch of jerks. Who in Asean would want to be friends with these losers? LoL.
Money talks, and that's one thing you will never have idiot.
The report is both Inaccurate and simply, LIES, with regard to NATO and US Defence solution.
People need to understand these
2.) US IS NOT INCHARGE OF NATO. NATO, unlike the UN, which United States have a big say in its share because of the UNSC, NATO leadership are rotated from NATO member to NATO member, i don't see since when did people think NATO represent United States and United States alone. Even US wanted to use NATO asset and NATO country, they have to ask like everybody else.

Do you really believe what you wrote above? really? Do you think NATO acts at all without US consent? Tell me one instance where NATO went against the wishes of the US.
As for Vietnam, China should thank and honor the Vietnamese government for the policy of three No´s:
# no to allying with a country to confront another
# no to joining a military alliance and
# no to allowing other countries to station troops in Vietnam

You won´t see any changes on these 3 No´s soon, unless there is something critically happens that VN has to change this policy, e.i. China threatens to take some stupidly unilateral steps...

You see the Vietnamese government is pragmatic and respects Chinese security interest in the region. China does not need to fear in the southern flank. That´s good for China. However, we expect the Chinese make concession in the SCS dispute.

Vietnam is not an enemy of China, we know that. I think most Chinese people realize that there are better things to worry about than Vietnamese allying with the West. Vietnamese simply have too independent a spirit to join another faction.

However, on the SCS front, China cannot make concessions for the exact same reason that Vietnam cannot make concessions. It's simply too sensitive an issue. If and when the territorial issues become less of a concern to the average joe, then it may be discussed. But that will be decades away.

In the meantime, we have to settle for the next best thing: status quo.
Your theory is a good one, there are only one problem, looking at the situation it's going, China will never give up the dispute in SCS, whether they have legitimate claim or not.

If you were to say US surround and encircle China, the better term should be China isolate themselve over the course of the years. There are always no neutrality in each and every country, modern politic is sides. Each country need to takes it own side, you cannot just sit there and pretent everything is the same, the truth is, They are not the same.

I reckon if China start making friends in the 80s, there are already a Chinese version of NATO (Only in Asia) which follow China everywhere they go, the thing is, there aren't and they didn't.

China need to break out from this isolation and more engage into world politic. Otherwise they will always feel encircled. Simply because you got no True friend.

To another post above, US does not have military present in Philippine for about 20 years. The left wing Philippine government kick out almost all US Personnel in Philippine and close down clark AFB and subic bay Naval station in the 90s.

Incidents recent "Scarborough Shoal standoff" which has made Filipinos to realize that their country is too vulnerable by threats from China.

And let US Navy return to Subic Bay that is the inevitable trend.

Recently, US Navy even regularly docked at Cam Ranh Bay for repairs, although currently only logistic ships. What will be the next step in the future, who can know!

US troops return to Philippines' Subic Bay | Connect Asia | ABC Radio Australia

Do you really believe what you wrote above? really? Do you think NATO acts at all without US consent? Tell me one instance where NATO went against the wishes of the US.

Dude, this is not what i believe or what i do not believe, it's the truth.

Saying NATO do whatever US do is the same as UN do whatever US do or ASEAN do whatever CHINA do without compromise.
NATO is a defensive pact and it serve no interest to blindly follow one country and do whatever they want to do.

I can give you some example NATO refuse US request to send troop or any request to any NATO member

Vietnam War (French vs Vietnam)
Vietnam War (US against Vietnam)
Operation Iraqi Freedom (US/UK/CANada) Not to be confuse with NTM-I which run concurrently by NATO in Iraq.
Crypus Independence (Greece)
Haiti Intervention 2004 Coup (US/UN)
Multinational Force and Observers Sinai (US)
Operation Gothic Serpent (US/UN)

ANd NATO do deploy their troop world wide not just in Europe only so don't use it as an example to say it's non of NATO concern, also all NATO oversea operation (Non-article 5) currenly deploy only under UN banner (ie follow or enforce UNSCR). and last time i check, China and Russia still have a seat in UNSCR as permanent member. No point discussing Article 5 Operation as NATO is bounded to react if a fellow member state are attacked (Only once since formation, the response to 9-11 attack)

NATO MTN-I (Iraq) NATO on behalf of UN Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1546 (Not to be confused with MTN-I (US)).
NATO ISAF (Afghanistan) (NATO on behalf of UNSCR 1836)
intervention in Libya 2011 (NATO on behalf of UNSCR 1973)
KFOR (NATO on behalf UNSCR 1244)
IFOR (NATO under United Nations Security Council Resolution 816)
AUM-Sudan under UNSCR 1564

There are only 1 incident the NATO act out of UN Behalf on a non-article 5 operation, that's Operation Ocean Shield, which is sort of a request from a semi-UN participant, which included China

So, if you say NATO is a puppet of US, then UN is also a puppet of US, and in some sense, China is also a puppet of US, did it make any sense to you?
Incidents recent "Scarborough Shoal standoff" which has made Filipinos to realize that their country is too vulnerable by threats from China.

And let US Navy return to Subic Bay that is the inevitable trend.

Recently, US Navy even regularly docked at Cam Ranh Bay for repairs, although currently only logistic ships. What will be the next step in the future, who can know!

US troops return to Philippines' Subic Bay | Connect Asia | ABC Radio Australia

US naval ship docks at Cam Ranh Bay | VOV Online Newspaper

They are going to want the US back, no doubt about it, but will the US come back is another story, we spent about 20 billions just to relocated from Philippine, and it will be a big ask for the US to return IMO
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