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U.S. Intelligence: China's Stealth Fighter Deployment in 2018!

:lol: but seriously, how can someone misinterpret such a straightforward question into something that twisted that you speak of? I don't think that even supposed 'fanboys' would find a serious question like this as a jeer or a taunt ! :)

Besides, Swiss haven't ever conquered or colonized any country in Asia or Africa nor are ever interested in meddling with any other country. Why would we have any "imperialist" hate for Chinese?
Oh...No...This is not about 'The Swiss' but about YOU...!!! The Chinese fanboys here will give you one chance to prove that you are not a racist. It does not matter if you never utter a single racist epithet. It does matter if you accept prima facie anything they presented. If the Chinese government said the sky is red, you had better believe it. Once.

Anyway...The burden should be the other way around. The F-22 is a deployed aircraft, here in the triple-digit hot Nevada desert and up the negative double-digit Alaska. So that pretty much debunked the myth that the F-22's skin is oh-so-sensitive to weather. The F-22 have been seen -- or in another sense not seen -- by foreign air forces. Anywhere in the world air controllers demand that the F-22 flies with enhancers so they can know it is coming. Example of the enhancer is below...That little pod on the underside...


So just on RCS alone, it is the burden for any newcomer to prove that his sh!t is just as good as the F-22, not that his claim is defaulted to the lower. But that is how these guys work regarding anything Chinese. They will inflate 'may', 'possibly' and 'could' to ridiculous proportions. And if you disagree it is YOUR burden to prove them wrong. And if you persist in demanding credible sources to support their claims, you are a racist.
I was merely comparing you with a similar statement that you called me an Indian without knowing who I am. I apologize for my harsh words but seriously, this has been one of the many times people here think of me as some 10 year old Indian kid who would pose as a European.

Most Hindus around the world have Sanskrit names, including those non-Indians that have adopted Hinduism.

Since you say that you are a Canadian, I am surprised you don't know about non-Indian Hindus worldwide. There's a considerable size of Canadian Hindu population that is of Canadian and American origin. Just as other faiths are adopted by non-native people of the land, so has Hinduism spread.

If I were indeed an Indian and was having the intent to play immature childish games, don't you think I could have simply chosen a random Deutsche or English username and joined this forum?

I smell racism in your statement, my man. Every race is equal to one another and no one is superior to another. No white is superior to Asians or Indians or Africans and no East Asian is superior to South Asians.

Now shall we get back to the topic or do you want to continue interviewing me? My details are on my profile.

I live in the west cost. Canadian-Hindus reside in the East. They are mostly brown Indians. I used to go to Church with my grandparents 20 years ago. But that was when I was in grade school. I am more or less agnostic. So I don't look into any religion other than Christianity often.

Certainly, racism is much harsher in North America than Europe and Australia. The reason being that the large number of Chinese and Indian immigrants we have to assimulate each year. (gambit can testify for the Viet dawg population in America) It has created a rift in our society. I personally oppose migration, but our aging population needs to stay young. Chinese immigrants in Canada are generally in research fields and populate our universities while the Indians here, in spite of being a much greater majority, love construction and driving taxis. Of the two, I feel that the prior contributes much more to Canada while the latter does not at all. This is the root of my racial prejeduce towards Indians.

Gambit: I don't believe the Chinese has ever contended the F-22. In fact, white America is beyond the reach of any military power in the world for the next 20 years. Instead of showering your yellow skin in America's achievements, you should take a step back and contemplate on how you should film another dog hunt in a certain South Asian communist state. Who knows? Your white washed children might be mistaken for one and piked to death.
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... It would appear that anyone who trolls Indians are Chinese. That is not true. In the Canadian society the Chinese are superior to the Indians as a race. The moment you try to compare yourselve with the Chinese urgs me to troll you. The same goes for the Japanese. I troll Chinese who don't believe that they are inferior to Japanese...

I don't care how to compare Chinese with Indians, but Chinese and Japanese are technically the same people (the East Asain sub-race), the same as what mainland Germans are to Anglo Saxen Brits, different Germanic tribes forming different modern nation states, but all Germanic.

In an analogy whereas Anglo Saxen sailed to the islands of Britain from mainland Europe interbreeding with the oboriginals to have created the notion of "British", massive waves of mainland Han Chinese, together with Koreans, migrated into Japanese islands long ago interbreeding with local Ainu oboriginals to have created the today's "Japanese". To rank superority of mainland Chinese and Japanese, even Koreans, is theoritically similar to rank that of Mainland Germans, Anglo-Saxen Brits and Dans.

Your illusion that somehow Japanese is (as measured at this point of time) "superior" to their East Asain ancestral bloodline is clearly based on the intuitive assessment of different stages of economic development they are at, which are mainly due to drastically different population sizes, different starting points of industrialisation out of different modern histories of the 2 societies, and some modern "incidents" such as the spread of Communism, etc, in contrary to relatively much more homogenious development states of Germany, Britain and Denmark due to the lack of aforementioned diversities.

It's "unfair" to compared Han Chinese in current mainland CHina to Janese in Japan, becasue when shifted into much less terrotaries such as Hong Kong and Singapore, Han Chinese have been proven to create technological societies as advanced as what Japanese have done in Japan.

Your claim related to Chinese and Japanese, therefore, can be seen as a classic bias based on anecdotal evidences.
I don't care how to compare Chinese with Indians, but Chinese and Japanese are technically the same people (the East Asain sub-race), the same as what mainland Germans are to Anglo Saxen Brits, different Germanic tribes forming different modern nation states, but all Germanic.

In an analogy whereas Anglo Saxen sailed to the islands of Britain from mainland Europe interbreeding with the oboriginals to have created the notion of "British", massive waves of mainland Han Chinese, together with Koreans, migrated into Japanese islands long ago interbreeding with local Ainu oboriginals to have created the today's "Japanese". To rank superority of mainland Chinese and Japanese, even Koreans, is theoritically similar to rank that of Mainland Germans, Anglo-Saxen Brits and Dans.

Your illusion that somehow Japanese is (as measured at this point of time) "superior" to their East Asain ancestral bloodline is clearly based on the intuitive assessment of different stages of economic development they are at, which are mainly due to drastically different population sizes, different starting points of industrialisation out of different modern histories of the 2 societies, and some modern "incidents" such as the spread of Communism, etc, in contrary to relatively much more homogenious development states of Germany, Britain and Denmark due to the lack of aforementioned diversities.

It's "unfair" to compared Han Chinese in current mainland CHina to Janese in Japan, becasue when shifted into much less terrotaries such as Hong Kong and Singapore, Han Chinese have been proven to create technological societies as advanced as what Japanese have done in Japan.

Your claim related to Chinese and Japanese, therefore, can be seen as a classic bias based on anecdotal evidences.

I do not buy the tale of Han entering Japan during the Chinese dynasty of Tang in search for the holy elixir.

It appears that you believe racism is in correlation with DNA. That is false. Racism roots from success itself. The point you made about Japan entering industrialization at an earlier stage illustrates Japanese superiority. The spread of communism in China was solely due to the preceding government's inability to maintain order in society. WWII history tells that the Republic of China government was foremost inefficient and corrupted. The reason being its relative young history and lack of influence over warlords remaining from the dissolvation of the last dynasty. However, that is not an excuse. It is one's own fault for reminiscing on past glory in face of foreign incursion, instead of coping with reality and embrace knowledge.

In the end, it's the result that matters. And in our lifetime, the Japanese will always be superior to you guys, hands down. It irritates me when Hongers/Singaporeans believe they are superior to their Chinese counterpart. They at large live off of port and real estate economy, or in Taiwan's case -- ToTs from America. I have yet to see any Han descendent nations succeed in scientific invention and innovation.
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... this has been one of the many times people here think of me as some 10 year old Indian kid who would pose as a European.

You are telling the truth: you are not 10 yrs old ethnic Indian posed as an European, but probably a 20-yrs-old one. :lol:

Why? It's because people might change and they might start to speak a foreign language fluently, but their mentalities inherited from their ethnic and cultural upbrings can't. The way how you argue in this board, the way how you analise things according to certain knowledge and the manner how you arrange your order of logic tell clearly whom you really are.

I am just as familiar with European mentalities as sharks are to any drop of blood in the water, being an ethnic Chinese in Europe myself. I am sorry to inform you that you're neither one of them, nor one of us.

Since you say that you are a Canadian, I am surprised you don't know about non-Indian Hindus worldwide...

^^ A further delusion from a non-European.

I don't know about Canada, but I grew up in the heartlands of Europe, Benelux region, and travelled A LOT throughout the EU since I was little ( yeah, including Switzerland) where all these years I have NEVER been aware of ANY "non-Indian Hindus population" that you claimed as evidently and as widely as available in ANY part of continental Europe, let alone " knowing about non-Indian Hindus worldwide" as you imagined. This mentality again shows you are NOT a traditional European.

Ethnic Indians in Switzerland are of very short history mind you, probably 50 years or so (2 or 3 generations max), mostly being asylum seekers and their direct family members, and most recently (after 90s) have been some IT expats.

If I were indeed an Indian and was having the intent to play immature childish games, don't you think I could have simply chosen a random Deutsche or English username and joined this forum?

Of course, you can deny that you are an ethnic Indian , probably based on the fact you are holding a Swiss citizenship, or even "worse", a Swiss resident permit. Sorry but your mentality can't deny it.

Tell you what, unlike you who is so eager to mislead readers, I am probably much more European than you are and you'll ever be, while still and forever calling myself a Chinese, an ethnic Chinese in my host country in most occasions except perhaps in my millitary obligation sevices or in int'l airports outside the EU, the similar for most ethic Chinese I know of here in Europe.
I do not buy the tale of Han entering Japan during the Chinese dynasty of Tang in search for the holy elixir.

It appears that you believe racism is in correlation with DNA. That is false. Racism roots from success itself.....

I 'll be back at some other time to refute you, but just aquickie here to your starting remarks:

Yes, you are entitled to your own opinion, and you canafford not buying into Han's immigration (and Koreans) into Japan, but modern DNA analysis doesn't lie.

Racism, by its definition, originated from DNA/blood line, pure and simple. "Success", however, can be very subjective, and have a fatal drawback of being limited to points of time being analysed, so called "snapshot delusions" ...
Gambit: I don't believe the Chinese has ever contended the F-22. In fact, white America is beyond the reach of any military power in the world for the next 20 years. Instead of showering your yellow skin in America's achievements, you should take a step back and contemplate on how you should film another dog hunt in a certain South Asian communist state. Who knows? Your white washed children might be mistaken for one and piked to death.
What we see here is a Canadian with an inferiority complex to the US taking gratuitous jabs at the US in anyway he can, including resort to racist jabs at any Asian who is affiliated to the US in anyway. I hope you Chinese fanboys who cheered him on when he used the word 'gook' are proud of yourselves.
I do not buy the tale of Han entering Japan during the Chinese dynasty of Tang in search for the holy elixir.

It appears that you believe racism is in correlation with DNA. That is false. Racism roots from success itself. The point you made about Japan entering industrialization at an earlier stage illustrates Japanese superiority. The spread of communism in China was solely due to the preceding government's inability to maintain order in society. WWII history tells that the Republic of China government was foremost inefficient and corrupted. The reason being its relative young history and lack of influence over warlords remaining from the dissolvation of the last dynasty. However, that is not an excuse. It is one's own fault for reminiscing on past glory in face of foreign incursion, instead of coping with reality and embrace knowledge.

In the end, it's the result that matters. And in our lifetime, the Japanese will always be superior to you guys, hands down. It irritates me when Hongers/Singaporeans believe they are superior to their Chinese counterpart. They at large live off of port and real estate economy, or in Taiwan's case -- ToTs from America. I have yet to see any Han descendent nations succeed in scientific invention and innovation .


Racism is from blood line, certain people from certain bloodlines are able to create, and have created as an empirical evidence, civilisations relatively more advanced than others (sorry that this statement might not be politically correct). Hence "success" becomes kinda of "shortcut "ex post measure" despite of being severely misleading whenever applied in occasions where drastical sea-changes happen, such as WWI, WWII, spread of communism, etc.

If "success" is the measure you use to identify racism following your logic, then you must also claim that North Koreans are racially inferior to The South Koreans who" in our lifetime, will always be superior (to the former), hands down " ??, and West Germans must be raically superior than the East Germans?...Southern Viets to Northern Viets? etc, etc.. Success is a key ex post explaination, but not the root cause, race is! ( again, pardon me for being non PC)

Mainland China might or might not catch up with Japan on average in our lifetime. That's not important and that proves nothing, because, as a couner argument, at almost all "points" in history where countless Japanese generations had no chance wahtsoever in their lifetimes to catch up with Hans in China on average or in general . Everyone have heard of the immense scientific achievements of Ancient China, but that of Ancient Japan? a 4th wordly cesspol compared with then Imperial China... :lol: How to apply your discete point-based "success" hypothesis then, ao?

Already, we've witnessed progresses of some most developed parts of China such as Shanghai. It won't surprise me that SH will catch up with Tokyo, on average, in my lifetime.

Taiwan, the Han nation/region, is a vivid proof of what Han Chinese are capable of. It's not fair to compare Taiwan with Japan at this point in time dollar for dollar, as the former started industrial revolution almost 100 years later than Japan. Per cap scientist ratio of Taiwan is stunning in fact! Look at corresponding US patents filed as a recognised gauge for scientific innovations ( trust me, not any trash can file a patent, and not more than a handful of patents are useless) , Taiwan, on a per cap basis, is superior to both Japan and white Amercia, now you have a proof! Actually in my case, part of my Dad's family fled to Taiwan at WWII. Now and today in my generation, both my close cousins in Taiwan hold Ph.D in science disciplines, one Theoritical Physics the other Aerospace Engineering, and I'll get my PhD this year.:smitten:

btw, the "racist" attitude of Japanese themselves mirrors that of Han Chinese and Koreans among most other things. otherwise, I would even hesitate to admit that they are just a Han-derivative.

MODS: pls don't delete these seemingly off-topic but important short exchanges, as they're intrisicly linked to the real potential and theoritical capabilities of China/Chinese to equal and surpass the West in weaponary tech. I'll soon be back to the thread topic. TX!
In fact, white America is beyond the reach of any military power in the world for the next 20 years.

But if you count only the whites and exclude all the blacks and hispanics in the US military then that's a huge proportion of the US military gone. :hitwall:

Oh and the stealth monopoly that US enjoys over the rest of the world - it's has Russian origins. Petr Ufimtsev, a Russian physicist worked out all the math in the 1960's.

Racism is from blood line, certain people from certain bloodlines are able to create, and have created as an empirical evidence, civilisations relatively more advanced than others (sorry that this statement might not be politically correct). Hence "success" becomes kinda of "shortcut "ex post measure" despite of being severely misleading whenever applied in occasions where drastical sea-changes happen, such as WWI, WWII, spread of communism, etc.

If "success" is the measure you use to identify racism following your logic, then you must also claim that North Koreans are racially inferior to The South Koreans who" in our lifetime, will always be superior (to the former), hands down " ??, and West Germans must be raically superior than the East Germans?...Southern Viets to Northern Viets? etc, etc.. Success is a key ex post explaination, but not the root cause, race is! ( again, pardon me for being non PC)

Mainland China might or might not catch up with Japan on average in our lifetime. That's not important and that proves nothing, because, as a couner argument, at almost all "points" in history where countless Japanese generations had no chance wahtsoever in their lifetimes to catch up with Hans in China on average or in general . Everyone have heard of the immense scientific achievements of Ancient China, but that of Ancient Japan? a 4th wordly cesspol compared with then Imperial China... :lol: How to apply your discete point-based "success" hypothesis then, ao?

Already, we've witnessed progresses of some most developed parts of China such as Shanghai. It won't surprise me that SH will catch up with Tokyo, on average, in my lifetime.

Taiwan, the Han nation/region, is a vivid proof of what Han Chinese are capable of. It's not fair to compare Taiwan with Japan at this point in time dollar for dollar, as the former started industrial revolution almost 100 years later than Japan. Per cap scientist ratio of Taiwan is stunning in fact! Look at corresponding US patents filed as a recognised gauge for scientific innovations ( trust me, not any trash can file a patent, and not more than a handful of patents are useless) , Taiwan, on a per cap basis, is superior to both Japan and white Amercia, now you have a proof! Actually in my case, part of my Dad's family fled to Taiwan at WWII. Now and today in my generation, both my close cousins in Taiwan hold Ph.D in science disciplines, one Theoritical Physics the other Aerospace Engineering, and I'll get my PhD this year.:smitten:

btw, the "racist" attitude of Japanese themselves mirrors that of Han Chinese and Koreans among most other things. otherwise, I would even hesitate to admit that they are just a Han-derivative.

MODS: pls don't delete these seemingly off-topic but important short exchanges, as they're intrisicly linked to the real potential and theoritical capabilities of China/Chinese to equal and surpass the West in weaponary tech. I'll soon be back to the thread topic. TX!

Success: More Japanese men fuc k Chinese women, than vice versa.

Taiwan is not administered by mainland China. If it were, then ToTs from America will drastically decrease as it will lose clearance to many security sensitive technology only available to allies. In other words, it will just turn into another Hong Kong or Singapore. The rehabilitation of South Korea and Taiwan is directed towards NK and m China. There's nothing more to it. Taiwanese don't innovate. So, I don't see your point about how Han is successful anywhere.
I do not buy the tale of Han entering Japan during the Chinese dynasty of Tang in search for the holy elixir.

Whether the holy elixir story is true or not is not important.

What is important is the influence/dominance of early chinese culture/civilisation over japanese culture/civilisation (or lack of it).
You can see the chinese influence in their alphabet, architecture, philosophy, clothing, metallurgy, carpentry, agriculture etc.

The point you made about Japan entering industrialization at an earlier stage illustrates Japanese superiority.

How exactly does that illustrate superiority?

In the end, it's the result that matters. And in our lifetime, the Japanese will always be superior to you guys, hands down.

Superior in what way? How do you judge superiority?

China can send men into space and return them safely - Japan has no such capability. China will likely be the 2nd nation to put a man on the moon - Japan can only dream of such an endeavour.

China has won more sporting medals than Japan ever will.

The Tianhe-I supercomputer in China is the 5th fastest in the world and 1 of 2 that China has in the top 20 - Japan doesn't even have one in the top 30.

Japans economy has been more or less stagnant or shrunk in the last 2 decades, China's economy is surging ahead and didn't even go through a recession.

I could go on, but I think you get the picture.

Japan is good at making cars and tv's though - got to hand that to them.

It irritates me when Hongers/Singaporeans believe they are superior to their Chinese counterpart.

That much is true.


Racism is from blood line, certain people from certain bloodlines are able to create, and have created as an empirical evidence, civilisations relatively more advanced than others (sorry that this statement might not be politically correct). Hence "success" becomes kinda of "shortcut "ex post measure" despite of being severely misleading whenever applied in occasions where drastical sea-changes happen, such as WWI, WWII, spread of communism, etc.

If "success" is the measure you use to identify racism following your logic, then you must also claim that North Koreans are racially inferior to The South Koreans who" in our lifetime, will always be superior (to the former), hands down " ??, and West Germans must be raically superior than the East Germans?...Southern Viets to Northern Viets? etc, etc.. Success is a key ex post explaination, but not the root cause, race is! ( again, pardon me for being non PC)

Mainland China might or might not catch up with Japan on average in our lifetime. That's not important and that proves nothing, because, as a couner argument, at almost all "points" in history where countless Japanese generations had no chance wahtsoever in their lifetimes to catch up with Hans in China on average or in general . Everyone have heard of the immense scientific achievements of Ancient China, but that of Ancient Japan? a 4th wordly cesspol compared with then Imperial China... :lol: How to apply your discete point-based "success" hypothesis then, ao?

That's right - for much of its known 5000 year history China was one of the worlds most advanced nations. That FACT alone should speak volumes.

ao is probably just looking at post-ww2 history though, that is probably why he has the misconception that Japanese are superior.
Success: More Japanese men fuc k Chinese women, than vice versa.

Taiwan is not administered by mainland China.
And your point is?

If it were, then ToTs from America will drastically decrease as it will lose clearance to many security sensitive technology only available to allies.

:rofl: So America's ToT are counted as Taiwan's patents in America and on the world stage :cheesy:

In other words, it will just turn into another Hong Kong or Singapore. The rehabilitation of South Korea and Taiwan is directed towards NK and m China. There's nothing more to it. Taiwanese don't innovate. So, I don't see your point about how Han is successful anywhere.

Taiwanese don't innovate?:lol: Which Ice Age you're from? :hitwall:

Type Taiwan and Innovation in google search, you got 6.5 million hits! Randomly choose the one from the top, "THANKSGIVING SPECIAL-Taiwan: Innovation Island, Monday, November 17, 2003"

Let me quote the first sentense of the article:

" DARREN GERSH, NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT ANCHOR: It`s an island the size of the Maryland with an economy the size of Russia. It`s a world leader in notebook PCs, LCDs and wireless networking. And now it wants the world to take a new look at this mix of high-tech, ancient culture and stunning scenery. It`s Taiwan, an island of innovation."

Having lost an argument is not disgraceful, people do all the time (just ask gambit :azn:) ; but resorting to one-liner comebacks such as who fuc k whom more and "There's nothing more to it" showed your bigotry.:partay:
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Success: More Japanese men fuc k Chinese women, than vice versa.

Taiwan is not administered by mainland China. If it were, then ToTs from America will drastically decrease as it will lose clearance to many security sensitive technology only available to allies. In other words, it will just turn into another Hong Kong or Singapore. The rehabilitation of South Korea and Taiwan is directed towards NK and m China. There's nothing more to it. Taiwanese don't innovate. So, I don't see your point about how Han is successful anywhere.

Are you insane? Taiwan is the highest per-capita innovator in the world for receiving U.S. patents granted. Have you never heard of Taiwan's world-famous Hsinchu Science Park? Where do you think Taiwan's billions of dollars of profits from the semiconductor and electronics industries come from? Thanks to Speeder 2 for catching that most-idiotic of statements.

"Patents granted by the United States for the year 2008. If you normalize by the populations of each country, you get the following in terms of number of people per each issued patent:

1. Taiwan -->2,957 people/patent
2. U.S. --> 3,348
3. Japan --> 3,490
4. South Korea --> 5,498
5. Germany -->8,130
6. Canada -->8,242
7. U.K. -->16,133
8. France --> 17,046
9. Italy --> 31,315
10. China -->712,380"

This table was composed by TruthSeeker. You can find his original post #10 in the following thread, http://www.defence.pk/forums/china-defence/41511-greater-china-outnumbers-german-patents.html.
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