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U.S. Intel Says Russia Is Preparing 175,000 Troops For Ukraine Offensive - Forbes

If Russia is indeed invading Ukraine then may it be over quickly, without much destruction and loss of innocent life. My best wishes to Russia and to the people in Ukraine who wish for alliance with Russia.
Anyways, Biden is RUNNING SCARED Shi.t and is having a virtual meeting with Putin on Tuesday. Putin would be extremely Stupid to believe in anything Biden says. If I were Putin, I would INVADE Ukraine RIGHT NOW. Now is the time to do it !!

Biden, Putin set video call Tuesday as Ukraine tensions grow
Anyways, Biden is RUNNING SCARED Shi.t and is having a virtual meeting with Putin on Tuesday. Putin would be extremely Stupid to believe in anything Biden says. If I were Putin, I would INVADE Ukraine RIGHT NOW. Now is the time to do it !!

Biden, Putin set video call Tuesday as Ukraine tensions grow

If Russia wanted to invade the Ukraine Russia would had invade in 2014. The problem is that alter 30 years of Western influence the Ukraine become the poorest country in Europe. Why would Russia prop up the Ukraine ? Invading and seizing the Ukraine would be easy, but what after that ? Funnel money to the Ukraine ? Let the West prop up the Ukraine. The West made the Ukraine poor. The West organized coup against democratically elected president Yanukovich. Why would Russia fix something the West broken ?

The West would be very happy if Russia invade. Then the Ukraine will be a problem for Russia not for the West.
My prediction. Next month we will see another such Western propaganda "news" - "Russian hordes on the eve of the attack on civilization".
lol chances of this happening is close to... uhh nil.
Further division and annexation of Ukraine is a strong possibility. Russia's objective would be to ensure that Ukraine is unable to undermine Russia's security in any way. However if Russia blunders then it could be a worse disaster than Chechnya and Afghanistan. If Russia loses then the federation could end up being broken with troublesome states spinning off into full independence.

I dont see how annexing Ukraine or part of Ukraine helps Russia's security - as the problem them moves to the country next to the one you have just invaded ?!

If Russia does invade - overall - it will undermine both economic and military security for Russia as the "west" has to draw a "red line" following the annexation of terrorities by Russia in the last 2 decades.

Ukraine will be that red line i reckon.
I dont see how annexing Ukraine or part of Ukraine helps Russia's security - as the problem them moves to the country next to the one you have just invaded ?!

If Russia does invade - overall - it will undermine both economic and military security for Russia as the "west" has to draw a "red line" following the annexation of terrorities by Russia in the last 2 decades.

Ukraine will be that red line i reckon.
Well it will be one less enemy for the Russians to deal with and a smaller fish has smaller teeth. If NATO gets a foothold in Ukraine then RUSSIA will have a thorn in it's backside. Best for them to deal with it now then later. It's a race against time to arm Ukraine to defend itself against Russian prep to subdue it.
British army is training inside the Arctic as we speak

Nato is not dumb enough to go to war with Russia right when they are facing historic inflation. Any retaliatory measures will be material or monetary. No country will drop their forces against Russians. As a matter of fact enforcing financial and trade penalties on Russia is much more viable than confronting them with Armed force. No Nato nation has appetite to loose soldiers but same is not the case with Russians. Russian have called this direct confrontation bluff one too many times.
It does look very serious! Let's see what comes out of tomorrow's talk between Biden and Putin.
I wouldn't be too surprised Biden guarantees Ukraine not joining NATO for some years at least to calm things down? But if the threat of cutting Russia from the international financial system is carried out then won't that be really bad for Russia? Or some big-power behind the scene deal would be made to let Russia grab the eastern part of Ukraine?
How will we know what would they decide? When will we know?

President Biden is expected to offer some diplomatic alternatives to military action in Ukraine when he speaks to Vladimir V. Putin of Russia in a video meeting on Tuesday, but will warn him that if he orders his forces to invade Ukraine, Western allies may move to cut Russia off from the international financial system, administration officials said.

The meeting, Mr. Biden’s most critical — and most likely his highest-stakes — leader-to-leader conversation since he took office more than 10 months ago, may set the course for Ukraine’s fate as a fully independent nation..."
If Russia invades in Winters, I don't think its a good idea for America or any other country to interfere, I hope that countries learn something from the history is that don't fight with Russians in Winters.
You don’t want to challenge the 10th Mtn Div. They live for these extremes and combat environment.
Without the West Russia would end up being a Chinese vassal and we all know how that will end up for them.
Without the West Russia would end up being a Chinese vassal and we all know how that will end up for them.

Yeah because China is the one sanctioning Russia, taking Russian territory, threatening Russia...

Oh wait. China has a 74% approval rate in Russia, higher than Putin himself (65%).

Yeah because China is the one sanctioning Russia, taking Russian territory, threatening Russia...

Oh wait. China has a 74% approval rate in Russia, higher than Putin himself (65%).

If only real world pilitics is driven by opinion polls.
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