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U.S.-India nuclear deal drifts dangerously

Why American Companies are hesitating is because they want to have the cake and eat it too! As usual, these mega American corporations want to make their millions without any liabilities. Which means paying compensation to the Indians in case of a nuclear reactor disaster. Other countries like France and Russia have readily agreed and have already started construction, but not the Americans.

So, India should just give the Americans the boot and ask them to go hit the breeze. There's a whole world out there waiting and willing to do nuke business with India.

As Clinton once said, "It's the money, stupid!"
Why American Companies are hesitating is because they want to have the cake and eat it too! As usual, these mega American corporations want to make their millions without any liabilities. Which means paying compensation to the Indians in case of a nuclear reactor disaster. Other countries like France and Russia have readily agreed and have already started construction, but not the Americans.

So, India should just give the Americans the boot and ask them to go hit the breeze. There's a whole world out there waiting and willing to do nuke business with India.

As Clinton once said, "It's the money, stupid!"

Thought he said its the economy stupid
No bro, Indian Kashmir is moving into prosperity-- yes we are moving, but pakistan kashmir is still the same as it was in 1947 without any development , no schools, no jobs , just madrasas and training camps, come out of your nut shell, allow others to prosper while you also try to understand the developments around
No bro, Indian Kashmir is moving into prosperity-- yes we are moving, but pakistan kashmir is still the same as it was in 1947 without any development , no schools, no jobs , just madrasas and training camps, come out of your nut shell, allow others to prosper while you also try to understand the developments around

If indian kashmir is doing so well why do you need so many troops there to terrorize the local
Which part of kashmir, the indian bit the pakistani bit or the chinese bit.

Let me brush a few cobwebs in your brain. What part of Kasmir have you been fighting for since 47 ??!! Is it Chinese ?? No, you would gladly give away parts your land to Chinese! Still confused ?!! It is the Kashmir you and your army and your proxy terror groups are fighting for all these years
If indian kashmir is doing so well why do you need so many troops there to terrorize the local

It is to protect the locals from paid stone pelters and other Pakistan sponsored terror groups ! We have to protect our own citizens you see !
If indian kashmir is doing so well why do you need so many troops there to terrorize the local

Or protect them from pests who cross border and terrorize everyone else..Killing arte is good though..Lot of pests getting squashed.
Sort of like how India was boasting about "surgical strikes" in response to the Mumbai attacks?

How many times has Mumbai been attacked now?

Who knew India and China were so similar...That's what you were implying, right? I thought you guys were...better..
Who knew India and China were so similar...That's what you were implying, right? I thought you guys were...better..

Yes in this case we definitely are.

We're not the ones being repeatedly and lethally attacked by foreign militants on our own soil, without having the balls to respond.

Another Mumbai attack will not be tolerated. Again, and again.
Yes in this case we definitely are.

We're not the ones being repeatedly and lethally attacked by foreign militants on our own soil, without having the balls to respond.

Another Mumbai attack will not be tolerated. Again, and again.

PNS Mehran..rings any bells ? Balochistan.rings any bells. ? ;)

Actually we go by the saying of Chanakya much like how you Chinis follow Sun Tzu.

He says - "Never interrupt an enemy, especially while he is making a mistake".

India should not make the mistake of invading Pakistan and uniting that fractured,infighting nation and instead let them peacefully kill one another along sectarian,ethnic lines. Let them contuinue what they are doing.
PNS Mehran..rings any bells ? Balochistan.rings any bells. ? ;)

Actually we go by the saying of Chanakya much like how you Chinis follow Sun Tzu.

He says - "Never interrupt an enemy, especially while he is making a mistake".

India should not make the mistake of invading Pakistan and uniting that fractured,infighting nation and instead let them peacefully kill one another along sectarian,ethnic lines. Let them contuinue what they are doing.

So what you are saying that you encourage terrorist acts on pakistan are you a FXXX idiot encouraging death on innocent people.
There are other hurdles, too. New Delhi has not yet given an assurance to Washington that Indian private companies will not re-transfer American nuclear technology and information to others, a requirement under U.S. law.

And before India can buy American and French reactors, New Delhi also has to sign a nuclear cooperation agreement with Japan. Those reactors use parts and technology from Japan, which cannot be supplied until Japan changes its law to allow nuclear trade with India.

The situation became more complicated last month when the 45-member Nuclear Suppliers Group in the Hague voted to bar access to sensitive uranium enrichment and reprocessing technology which can be used to make atomic bombs to countries that have not signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty.

In 2008, the group gave an exemption to India, but this new decision was seen in New Delhi as a sign it was still not trusted.

If the Indian had not decided to go with the French and the Russian and stuck with the American, issues of "trust" would dissipate - the Americans would see to that, being principled in that way.
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