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U.S. gives Mumbai police equipment to fight terror

I don't have any interest in living I am only living so I first hunt down lot of Indian Forces before dying I lost interest in living long ago life for me lost value long ago I just live so I can kill my beloved neighbor
Please do cum......we do have an unmarked grave redy for your comfort. :)

United States foreign aid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Only country in S.Asia in the top 25 is Pakistan in the 4th position.

From the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD):


If you count the payment of using our ports,highways n other WOT expenses than sure.. look at the USAID to india now..
"The big winner was Pakistan which is now on course to become the biggest recipient of British foreign aid – some £450 million per year by 2015."
Why are we giving aid to Pakistan? – Telegraph Blogs

indai....UKAID stand at... 2010-2015: £1.6bn
At last, Britain axes aid to India (but the country rich enough to have its own space programme will STILL get £1.6bn handout) | Mail Online

Here is some from EU:

Here is a figure from 2012:


Ethiopia the largest UK aid reciever..india second... Pak at 6th no..

2013.. Japan gives 2.32 billion in aid to india:
Japan to grant India $2.32 bln aid - The Hindu

Do i need to post more?
(btw UK aid to India will stop in 2015 even though the GoI asked for it to b estopped many years ago but the UKG literally begged them to continue taking it).

LMAO.. really? hahah.. it was UK papers tht were questioning UK giving AID to india not the other way around ...

Even the world bank disagrees with you:

Net official development assistance and official aid received (current US$) | Data | Table

Whoever told you that India is the largest recipient of international aid in S.Asia was flat out LIEING.

Thank you Mr Google :enjoy:

Oh forkin great did you even read tht or just google n got the link ? :lol:

Net official development assistance (ODA) consists of disbursements of loans made on concessional terms (net of repayments of principal)....................???

Another fact till the 90s india was the WORLDS LARGEST AID RECIPIENT..

@DESERT FIGHTER where did you go??

Now thts a happy couple.. aint it.. :lol:
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It will take time.... Threat perceptions are changing..... From the days of Lathi, and 303, now Police is getting assault rifles, automatic weapons.... It wont happen over night.... There is progress, but is it adequate??? "NO".....

From what i know, The Police force capabilities can be divided in two .... Before 26/11 and After 26/11.... Mumbai attack gave a rude shock to entire police force of India.....There was panic and there were swift actions.... but over a period of time the progress has slow down.... May be another shock will awaken them again......

From sticks to .303 to automatic assault rifles.. you call that progress?In my opinion, changes in reverse order will be progress.
If you count the payment of using our ports,highways n other WOT expenses than sure.. look at the USAID to india now..

indai....UKAID stand at... 2010-2015: £1.6bn
At last, Britain axes aid to India (but the country rich enough to have its own space programme will STILL get £1.6bn handout) | Mail Online

Utter BS argument again.... none of the money goes to the Indian Government, but to domestic and foreign NGO`s. The GOI does no needs any financial help, nor does it accept any.... not even during the devastating 2004 tsunami.

Usual BS crying by the British media who cannot stand the fact that the UK needs India more than the other way around. Indian companies are among of the top investors in the UK and employ a significant amount of British people.

The visits of British leaders accompanied by the largest ever British trade delegations into India are more than proof enough for this.
10 million $ actually.. and not the first time..

P.S: India is the largest AID recipient in S.A... Gets more aid than all of south asian countries combined..

I asked you , regardless of your India is the highest AID receiver false claim. what does it make you that gets billions in aid?
I asked you , regardless of your India is the highest AID receiver false claim. what does it make you that gets billions in aid?

Lol... i quoted valid sources didnt i? what does tht make "shiny india" ?
Lol... i quoted valid sources didnt i? what does tht make "shiny india" ?

what valid sources? you have snippets of what folks give to NGO's ... where is the proof that it gets the highest all aid sources given?

all aid received by countries

List of countries by foreign aid received - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I still ask you again what does it make Pakistan which also gets more aid from the US compared to India? If india is " a slave" of the US --- are you the US's biatch ?
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