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U.S. gives China 72 hours to shut Houston consulate as spying charges mount

Shit...this will screw up the stock market today..
not really
Screen Shot 2020-07-22 at 2.02.56 PM.jpg
Vietnamese Americans are one of the poorest Asian American groups so they probably can't afford it.
But will be affordable to us if you are forced to sell within 72h, then you will sell at any price.
China should shut US HK consulate. This is APAC CIA HQ, of thousands of spies.
This is actually a gift to China. If they close US HK consulate, they kill two birds with one stone.
US is getting desperate to contain China and making bonehead move. That's the result of running cards to play.

China must close HK consulate of USA
That would be the best move.
Nest of spies was American embassy that was conquered by Iranian students.

Chinese government was well aware that CIA and American representative to Hong Kong was leading the civil unrest. A minority was destroying public property in HK, but the Western propaganda machines portrayed it as the will of majority of HK people.

China shouldve been the First to kick Americans out of their country. American snakes know how to divert the attention and how invert the Truth showing it upside down.

China will close US consulate in Wuhan. It is what I watched minutes ago from AJ
And people wonder how and why COVID19 appeared from Wuhan. Americans are a cancerous tumor worse than the virus that they spread in China.
So many Chinese boys do not see how this is great for China. All they do is say America has reached a new low. America is evil.

China will close US consulate in Wuhan. It is what I watched minutes ago from AJ
I hope that is not true. Closing HK consulate would be a better move.
Highly undiplomatic move by the US. The US should remember that giving ultimatums can be a two way street.
no matter how hard USA try china should not give them a chance of war and escalation . USA is falling apart as super power and they badly need a war for survive . but this time there should be no war let USA became another UK . china should calm down and laugh .
Quite unnecessary. But I guess someone was caught red handed on Chinese side either in US soil or elsewhere. Chinese burning documents (and not shredding it) is proving something done gone horribly wrong. Whatever it is, we will get to know in few days. But short term American people are going to pay a lot till US firms relocate and find some other place to manufacture. Jobs are not coming to US, however they might shout.
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