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U.S. gives China 72 hours to shut Houston consulate as spying charges mount

The head of the Chinese Consulate in Houston won’t commit to closing the office — a direct threat of defiance to the State Department’s demand that it be shut down by Friday.

In a wide-ranging interview with POLITICO, Cai Wei, the Chinese Consul General in Houston, said China is protesting the closure order and his office will remain open “until further notice.”

Are chinese serious?
If they refuse to leave the FBI can begin to cut off water and food supply.
Chinese can’t eat US foods (too fat, not tasty) they rely on chinese food imports. After a week without rice, pork and chinese sausages they will give up.
Are chinese serious?
If they refuse to leave the FBI can begin to cut off water and food supply.
Chinese can’t eat US foods (too fat, not tasty) they rely on chinese food imports. After a week without rice, pork and chinese sausages they will give up.
And you think we can't do it in Chengdu?
It's foolish of Vietnamese and Indians to cheer on the US. Especially the Vietnamese were bombed to the stone age and cheering the same fellows??
The US is a proxy for the European who don't want any race/ religion to equal or surpass them in fair or unfair ways. They don't want equality, period.
They compelled the Japan into waging war before they were ready and castrated them. Today they are trying their best to drag China into a war before she becomes too strong.
Meaning , Imperial Japan/ today's China are stand-ins for the entire non-Euro world including India, Africa,Iran, Latin America, Asia, Muslim world. If China is castrated I don't see anyone breaking the white yoke for the next thousand years , not even close.
So as an Indian I will cheer for India on the border. But I will cheer for China when she is being hounded by the Anglo bullies because she represents the rest of the world, even if she doesn't mean to..
It's foolish of Vietnamese and Indians to cheer on the US. Especially the Vietnamese were bombed to the stone age and cheering the same fellows??
The US is a proxy for the European who don't want any race/ religion to equal or surpass them in fair or unfair ways. They don't want equality, period.
They compelled the Japan into waging war before they were ready and castrated them. Today they are trying their best to drag China into a war before she becomes too strong.
Meaning , Imperial Japan/ today's China are stand-ins for the entire non-Euro world including India, Africa,Iran, Latin America, Asia, Muslim world. If China is castrated I don't see anyone breaking the white yoke for the next thousand years , not even close.
So as an Indian I will cheer for India on the border. But I will cheer for China when she is being hounded by the Anglo bullies because she represents the rest of the world, even if she doesn't mean to..
This is same mindset that led to 1962 war

Nehru considered China to be fellow victim of Western imperialism and extensively supported Chinese diplomatically during Korean war and earned the title of Communist appeaser from the West

Result of that was 1962

Truth is this is China's own making

They have a civilization pattern of looking down on non-han and getting their *** handed by them

There was perverted glee among Chinese how USA was powerless victim of Chinese cyber espionage and China would face no consequnces

Anger in USA was simmering and Chinese are getting shown their own place

This is same mindset that led to 1962 war

Nehru considered China to be fellow victim of Western imperialism and extensively supported Chinese diplomatically during Korean war and earned the title of Communist appeaser from the West

Result of that was 1962

Truth is this is China's own making

They have a civilization pattern of looking down on non-han and getting their *** handed by them

There was perverted glee among Chinese how USA was powerless victim of Chinese cyber espionage and China would face no consequnces

Anger in USA was simmering and Chinese are getting shown their own place

The border was undemarcated in 62. For both India and China it was a case of claiming territories that were not theirs. Tibet is not Han. And Ladakh and AP were never a part of India, for AP not even British India.
The Chinese recognised that they got free territory and were willing to exchange AC for AP. But Indian politics prevented Nehru from accepting this , rather compelled him to the Forward Policy. That led to a chain of events where the prepared party won.
It is time to solve the border , it will take courage and sacrifice

All consulate and embassy mission includes intelligence gathering. US consulates are overloaded with espionage and surveillance equipment to the point that their staff complain of headache from supposed sonic weapon. More than intelligence gathering however, US embassies actively engage in subversion of foreign governments all over the world. To hear a 5 eye country complaining about spying is literally having a thief calling theft.

Immature and stupid move as expected from a moron like trump. China will do the same to a US consulate, whats the puepose of it?

The purpose is US election. As Trump is losing in the polls, his administration will result to more and more desperate measures. Expect this to escalate further as election nears.
There are still five US embassies in China vs four Chinese embassies in US. Will China force US to close another one Md make it four and four?
It's foolish of Vietnamese and Indians to cheer on the US. Especially the Vietnamese were bombed to the stone age and cheering the same fellows??
The US is a proxy for the European who don't want any race/ religion to equal or surpass them in fair or unfair ways. They don't want equality, period.
They compelled the Japan into waging war before they were ready and castrated them. Today they are trying their best to drag China into a war before she becomes too strong.
Meaning , Imperial Japan/ today's China are stand-ins for the entire non-Euro world including India, Africa,Iran, Latin America, Asia, Muslim world. If China is castrated I don't see anyone breaking the white yoke for the next thousand years , not even close.
So as an Indian I will cheer for India on the border. But I will cheer for China when she is being hounded by the Anglo bullies because she represents the rest of the world, even if she doesn't mean to..
china is controlled opposition dude, don't dream about it they are challenger to the west, it's like li keqiang say don't look at gdp # but the proxy indicator, in this case look what chinese do not what they say and their action showed they are well heeled lap dog for whiteman capitalist, china = enemy of non white
He will most likely win.
if u bet money on that you will lose. screenshot and remember this. His mishandling of COVID sealed his fate. Americans in general now know he isnt competent enough to be president, but between the handling of COVID, lack of economic stimulus payments to Americans, RACISM from govt and govt officials during BLM protests, TRUMP IS DONE. BUt when some people say "Trump will win" what they really mean to say is "I hope Trump wins.."..hope thats not you.
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