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U.S. Flies B-52s Through China’s Expanded Air Defense Zone

Why would we have to cheer lead Yanks to piss off Chinese, we are doing it all the time and Now we are about to Drill in SCS in Higher number of Blocks.

The fault lies in Chinese attitude of claiming every thing they see.

Pakistanis cheer lead quite often.

We all know that if the roles were reversed, and it was China that did something to supposedly violate US ADIZ, some Pakistanis would be flooding into this thread and cheerlead for China. Of course, that would be their right to have opinions about it. Just dont be hypocritical about it.
Any accident can result in situation getting spiral out of control.
What do you suppose we should do? Hand it over to them?

The US also tried to stop your Nuclear program, this is the same deal, as if we become the most powerful force in east Asia, or if India has the bomb the world will end. Why didn't you guys stop?

Well as it turns out India having the bomb didn't result in anything other than no more wars, and what might you think China being the dominate force in East Asia will result? More tension and conflicts?

I think I am mistaken.. What i was saying is that Chinese Air force should have shoot it down since its your air zone and its your rules ...
Any accident can result in situation getting spiral out of control.
The Idea is to show the strength of China and make Japan agree the terms of China. Chinese always do that fighting the war with out going for actual fighting(using Bullying techniques).

But this time around Chinese CCP will become joke since that area is used by Korea, Taiwan, Japan and USA. And no country will accede to the rules of china.
Each time an aircraft fails to identify, chinese can do nothing these nor they can shoot the plane. Chinese will be in catch 22 situation here.
Oh U.S. is in serious trouble . No more sweatshop work for their Companies .

Go Middle Kingdom !!

Or in retrospect freedoms and democracy is coming to china ;)
The US has flown two B-52 bombers over disputed islands in the East China Sea in defiance of new Chinese air defence rules, officials say.

China set up its "air defence identification zone" on Saturday insisting that aircraft obey its rules or face "emergency defensive measures".

A Pentagon spokesman said the planes had followed "normal procedures".

The islands, known as Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China, are a source of rising tension between the two nations.

Japan has dismissed the Chinese defence zone as "not valid at all" and two of its biggest airlines announced on Tuesday they would heed a request from the government in Tokyo not to implement the new rules.

'Normal procedures'

US Colonel Steve Warren at the Pentagon said Washington had "conducted operations in the area of the Senkakus".

"We have continued to follow our normal procedures, which include not filing flight plans, not radioing ahead and not registering our frequencies," he said.

There had been no response from China, he added.

The aircraft, which were unarmed, had taken off from Guam on Monday and the flight was part of a regular exercise in the area, US defence officials said. Both planes later returned to Guam.

The US - which has more than 70,000 troops in Japan and South Korea - had previously said it would not abide by the Chinese-imposed zone.

US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel called it a "destabilising attempt to alter the status quo in the region".

Japan has already lodged a strong protest over what it said was an "escalation" by China.

Taiwan, which also claims the islands, expressed regret at the Chinese move and promised that the military would take measure to protect national security.

In a statement announcing the air defence zone, the Chinese defence ministry said aircraft must report a flight plan, "maintain two-way radio communications", and "respond in a timely and accurate manner" to identification inquiries.

"China's armed forces will adopt defensive emergency measures to respond to aircraft that do not co-operate in the identification or refuse to follow the instructions," the statement said.

BBC News - US B-52 bombers challenge disputed China air zone
Bunch of retards here. First learn what ADIZ means. It's never claimed as one country's air zone.

I think China has achieved its strategic goal. I am pretty sure the Chinese government has predicted such scenario before it declared this ADIZ. Also it's quite childish for the U.S. to immediately play such an act. What did the U.S. expect? Waiting for China to shoot down the planes and escalate into wars?
I am just very confused and I am sure there are smarter people working for each government's think tanks.
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