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U.S. Flies B-52s Through China’s Expanded Air Defense Zone

Of course it is spin. And it is spinning badly.

You are no different than the other Chinese on this forum: Failure to perform due diligence in research into any issue.

ADIZ-es and accompanying rules are not unknown and internationally they pretty much match how the US/Canada does it. So if what China did was so benign, then why did the international community, not just Asia, took notice of it? Worse, the new Chinese ADIZ covers disputed territory and this have been noted as the new ADIZ was created solely for the purpose of staking claim, not for genuine defense related concerns. When news reporters can spot the differences on their own, it is spin by the Chinese.

The thing is this -- Neither the US nor the Japanese nor the South Korean governments can order commercial flights to ignore the rules. Commercial flights are free to comply to the Chinese rules and probably they will for safety reasons. Let the governments settle their disagreements. But government flights, read military flights, can and will ignore those rules and more of these flights will be used by each government to demonstrate their resolves, escalating tensions and increasing the odds of actual physical confrontations.

Unlike what the Chinese blowhards here said, the US will not sit idly on this. We will have more military exercises in the area. The South Koreans and others know more are at stake than just a few disputed islands and that ultimately their physical safeties are being threatened by China.

Congratulations on being the next Imperial Japan.

Korean ethnic nationalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Korean nationalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Japan’s minorities yet to find their place in the sun

Caste, Ethnicity and Nationality: Japan Finds Plenty of Space forDiscrimination

American teacher in Japan under fire for lessons on Japan’s history of discrimination

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Japan racism 'deep and profound'

Ethnic issues in Japan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Minority Rights Group International : Japan : Sources and Further Reading

Don't even get me started on how disgustingly racist Vietnamese are.
Please don't compare your incompetent airforce with ours.

It's a great insult to us.

Oh not that oil embargo again :lol:

If our economy collapses, the American economy collapses far worse.

Obviously I wouldn't expect you to understand how the global economy and current financial system works.

Plz,communist pilots.Just compare ur flying hrs to ours.On top of that the ancient commissar system.Even PAF regularly outclasses ur pilots in exercises and word is that turkey did it too.

Yep,the oil embargo.You expect war to go by rules of peace,lol.Once war begins automatically all trade is off,not when oil emabargo hits.So by that time damage will alreday be done but not as much as u think.China exports no critical goods that are essential to usa survival,most are low tech goods.A simple oil blockade will make china helpless.Not a dman thing they can do about it and chinese know it,thats why they have trying so bad to get alternate routes to secure their oil supply.
Plz,communist pilots.Just compare ur flying hrs to ours.On top of that the ancient commissar system.Even PAF regularly outclasses ur pilots in exercises and word is that turkey did it too.

Yep,the oil embargo.You expect war to go by rules of peace,lol.Once war begins automatically all trade is off,not when oil emabargo hits.So by that time damage will alreday be done but not as much as u think.China exports no critical goods that are essential to usa survival,most are low tech goods.A simple oil blockade will make china helpless.Not a dman thing they can do about it and chinese know it,thats why they have trying so bad to get alternate routes to secure their oil supply.

Yeah right, as if China has no strategic oil. :woot:

Germany and Japan had 0 oil production in their own countries, yet they never ran out of oil throughout WW2. And how on earth can China be blockaded. Type 052D destroyers would sink any warship or submarine that comes even NEAR Chinese waters.
Not enough to sustain itself for more than bare minimum time.

Says who? Nothing can even come NEAR China because of Type 052D destroyers and J-10B fighters, which are due to become operational. These are more technologically advanced than their American counterparts.
Strategic petroleum reserve (China) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Says who? Nothing can even come NEAR China because of Type 052D destroyers and J-10B fighters, which are due to become operational. These are more technologically advanced than their American counterparts.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strategic_petroleum_reserve_(China).Just 2.5 month embargo and china has to beg or collapse.

LKol nothing can come NEAR china.
J-10 B vs raptors and f-15E eagles.Plus superhornets from carriers.Where is j-10b going to hide from a raptor.
Type 52d destroyer lol.USA has 3 times number of china's navy,11 supercarriers to turn these to scrap metal.And if u really want to see a modern destroeyr try the zumwalt class.It seems ur CCP masters didn't inform you to the ground realities.
On top of that usa submarine force alone is enough to turn entire PLAN to junk.
And...oh wait.You want to take on the japs as well.
Japan's navy is alone is more powerful than china's.Japan has the most technologically advanced and most powerful navy in asia.
So open your eyes and learn before u post embarrassing stuff.
During Midway, 3 American carriers killed 4 Japanese aircraft carriers, losing only 1 carrier. 1 Chinese carrier would whip 10 American aircraft carriers due to J-15 > F/A-18E. It's not about quantity. It's about quality. American warships lack AESA, which Type 052D has.

As for Japan, when J-20 is operational come 2017, 1 J-20 can destroy 10 F-15s in 1 sortie.
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During Midway, 1 American carrier killed 4 Japanese aircraft carriers. 1 Chinese carrier would whip 10 American aircraft carriers due to J-15 > F/A-18E. It's not about quantity. It's about quality. American warships lack AESA, which Type 052D has.

HA HA HA HA.Fool.What do u think e-2 hawkeye planes are for,or AEGIS cruisers and destroyers.
It has 58 state of the art nuclear submarines[not inclusing the SSBNs],china has 5.All of which are as noisy as 70-80s era soviet subs .
America has 70 years of operating carriers and ur glorious CCCP Carrier crews with 1 year training on ex soviet casino ship will beat them.:rofl:
A american supercarrier is twice the size of chinese training ship and holds 3 times more aircraft.
As for j-15 better than f-18E i can only say plz go back check with some doctors.That plane can't even take of with enough load from ski jump liaoning.And ur comparing with superhornet from catapult carrier.Stop embarrassing yourself now.:coffee:
So? China can put a nuclear battery powered rover on the Moon come early next month. America cannot.

As for E-2D, KJ-2000 is way bigger and has much better range and functionality. Virginia class nuclear attack subs would get sunk by Type 054A frigates and Type 052D destroyers and Type 041 diesel attack subs and Y-8 GX6 maritime patrol planes easily.
So? China can put a nuclear battery powered rover on the Moon come early next month. America cannot.

As for E-2D, KJ-2000 is way bigger and has much better range and functionality. Virginia class nuclear attack subs would get sunk by Type 054A frigates and Type 052D destroyers and Type 041 diesel attack subs and Y-8 GX6 maritime patrol planes easily.

PLz.Plz.Plz.Just stop.What are u going to do when 10 carrier battle groups descend on you?
What are u little frigates going to do against an endless wave of nuclear subs,destroyers and cruisers?
Type 54 and type 52 are just cannon fodder for USN.
And comparing land based AWACS kj-2000 to hawkeye,another noob move.Comapred to e-3 sentry and specialized US surviellence equipment chinese kj-2000 is baby.
As for maritime patrol plane,lolDo u think 10 carriers with huge airplane wings are ther to sit on deck.The carrier alone are enough to wipe china's navy of the face of the planet.
USN is the most powerful navy in human history .At least have some info on what u are about to challenge.
For starters be a good boy-superboy,head over to wikipedia.Search united states navy and then people's liberation navy.Check the list of active ships and then compare.Ur education will get a beginning.Right now u are truly making a joke out of urself with funny and wild comments.
lol at those Indians that are all up in arms when this issue has nothing to do with them. Carry on the circus. I am enjoying it!
With 4 Type 052Ds under construction, the Americans have to be alarmed. The Americans have no warship that can go up against Type 052D. They have no plane except possibly F-22 that can go up against J-10B. They cannot put a rover on the Moon, whereas China is doing that early December.
Next time, send a couple of F-4 fighter jets :woot:
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With 4 Type 052Ds under construction, the Americans have to be alarmed. The Americans have no warship that can go up against Type 052D. They have no plane except possibly F-22 that can go up against J-10B. They cannot put a rover on the Moon, whereas China is doing that early December.

Are u joking?zumwalt class.Carrier alone can sink type 52d like lollipop.F-15s with AESA,f-18s with AESA.F-35s.
Are u joking?zumwalt class.Carrier alone can sink type 52d like lollipop.F-15s with AESA,f-18s with AESA.F-35s.

Zumwalt lacks CIWS and long range SAMs. J-10B fighter jets or Sharp Sword UCAVs armed with YJ-12 can easily sink it.
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