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U.S. Flies B-52s Through China’s Expanded Air Defense Zone

preserve and use that response when USAF again fly through your ADIZ and shit in your head:rofl:.Again I am sure actual war experience is some thing we cant get through military parade or JV exercises.Nothing can replace real war experience
Oh , 5 Superbowl rings ...the ultimate trophy. you got how many?

You whiners like to dwell in the past. The last time I watched, someone got schooled.

Lets talk about this year. Don't talk about the past accomplishments. You were still in India back then.
You cant prevent 2 B-52 flowing through your so called ADIZ.And you are here to fight with Indians.Man even IAF forced a US commercial airlines carrying US troops when it is fly through our ADIZ.
Except some rare cases due to su-30 ,only mig -21 cause extensive damage to IAF .We will phased out that junk within 2017.We are not China commies CCP opaque country.If there is any incident take place in the Indian armed forces ,we the all Indian citizens can know about that,But chinese citizens only know script written by CCP.
Indian pilots are one of the best pilots in the world.when you talk about quantity ,we only talk about quality,that something you have dont know.
AUSTERLITZ is right.Even Pak airforce is better than you ,PAF and PN have war experience that is failed, and IAF and IN have war experience that is victorious.Even Indian Navy enforce a blockade against China in Indian ocean only for one day,Chinese boasting mighty military ended once and for all.Game over.

:lol: nice try.

Indian airforce has the worst safety record of any major airforce.

These fools don't even know how to operate their fighters and you claim they are one of the best :lol:

They are the best at incompetence. I'll give you that much.

India still needs training from Russians for your aircraft carrier despite operating one for many years.

Indian military is as rag tag as they come.

No wonder indian military didn't do jack sh*t when our army invaded Indian sovereignty in April. Indian military is too scared, they know they will never be a match for the PLA.

We fought against the US in Korea, against the USSR.

Who did you fight? Superpower pakistan?
Even that you didn't win.
Chinese pilots shot down American pilots at a 5-1 ratio in the Mig Alley in the Korean War. Quick, go read up on Indian propaganda to update your air head....I mean brain.
Chinese MIGs were flown by Soviet pilots. :lol:

The PLA's record since the end of the Korean War is so pathetic that the Chinese members here have to make up sh1t.

Statement on the East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone
Freedom of overflight and other internationally lawful uses of sea and airspace are essential to prosperity, stability, and security in the Pacific. We don't support efforts by any State to apply its ADIZ procedures to foreign aircraft not intending to enter its national airspace. The United States does not apply its ADIZ procedures to foreign aircraft not intending to enter U.S. national airspace. We urge China not to implement its threat to take action against aircraft that do not identify themselves or obey orders from Beijing.
International courtesy is a two-way street. Intention to enter national airspace require forecast of flightplan, clear statement of intention, and identification. No intention of entrance of national airspace means the government should make no threat and allow the flight safe passage after identification and intent is acknowledged.
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During Midway, 3 American carriers killed 4 Japanese aircraft carriers, losing only 1 carrier. 1 Chinese carrier would whip 10 American aircraft carriers due to J-15 > F/A-18E. It's not about quantity. It's about quality. American warships lack AESA, which Type 052D has.

As for Japan, when J-20 is operational come 2017, 1 J-20 can destroy 10 F-15s in 1 sortie.
People, ignore this 12 yr old. If you have any bit of intellect, common sense, and critical thinking skill, ignore this 12 yr old.
People, ignore this 12 yr old. If you have any bit of intellect, common sense, and critical thinking skill, ignore this 12 yr old.

The sad thing is, I think he actually believes what he says. Even some of the most hyper-nationalist Chinese members here aren't even close to being as delusional as he is.
The sad thing is, I think he actually believes what he says. Even some of the most hyper-nationalist Chinese members here aren't even close to being as delusional as he is.
Everybody wants allies. No denying that. But it really is pathetic when your allies are intellectual 12 yr olds. Too bad the Chinese members here do not realize that.
"U.S called the bluff" in a very narrow and short term prospective and lost big time already. This is just US frustration using only thing it has left - power of arms. Pivot and TPP all but dead and couple of B-52 will do jack in reality. US has lost financial and diplomatic capability and capability to influence other countries. These types of cowboy attitude took US to cleaner at the first place. Instead of recalibrating itself to compete with others in economic and other sphere, US is still seeing things through colonial mindset and gun power. That attitude has very short expiry date on it.

I like your total lack of strategic insight. I really do.
:lol: nice try.

Indian airforce has the worst safety record of any major airforce.

These fools don't even know how to operate their fighters and you claim they are one of the best :lol:

They are the best at incompetence. I'll give you that much.

India still needs training from Russians for your aircraft carrier despite operating one for many years.

Indian military is as rag tag as they come.


It doesn't,it used to be.actually right now PAF does.Also china never publishes its crash record.And the main reason for crashes is maintaining high flight hours with burnt out old machines.
Lol,ur avg pilots have flying hrs of 150-160.Ur best 180-200.
Our avg fly 200+.With sukhoi top guns 230-250.
Even PAF which is actually a professional top class air force unlike ur paper tiger is far better than ur pilots.Ur pilots went to turkey for exercise and were drubbed.
On top of that ur command structure includes commissars,pathetic and unprofessional.
We practice regularly with all world class airforces and i'll take their verdict on whether we are 'incompetent' over chinese internet fanboy.:coffee:
Yep,vikramaditya is a far bigger and better platform and mig-29k is totally different from harrier.We take the training because IN is professional force unlike china hype .
Our army modernization is lagging,but our airforce can give you a dose up ur arse anyday u want to show up across the himalayas.Oh wait,ur Air force is so amateur bulk of its fighters don't even have OBOGS and u talk of attacking us in tibet.:rofl:
Establishing a zone defense - is a check. China thus checked the U.S. commitment to defend Japan and other satelites. I do not think that the Chinese are seriously going to shoot down planes. It is rather a manifestation of the strategic intentions for the future, than the real tactical maneuver of today.
One question :
What did the super power do when the Russians invaded your ADIZ?

No, right now we are flying in what you claimed is your territory by establishing that ADIZ and couldn't do crap. So hence why we did it to prevent it from making it worse by establishing its an international airspace instead of China's airspace. Oh by the way just want to inform you that a carrier battlegroup with Japanese warships are heading there now.

Lol the Indians seems very happy and gay polishing shoes for the Americans.
Finally their masters has something to show for. Lol
But all in all they don't look at their own ADIZ when the Russians violated it left, right and center. Guess who's the bigger paper tiger?
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You whiners like to dwell in the past. The last time I watched, someone got schooled.

Lets talk about this year. Don't talk about the past accomplishments. You were still in India back then.

spoken like a true bandwagon fan... who hops on a temporary hot team without knowing the game. what are you doing following Football anyways, do the chinese follow the game?
:lol: nice try.

Indian airforce has the worst safety record of any major airforce.

These fools don't even know how to operate their fighters and you claim they are one of the best :lol:

They are the best at incompetence. I'll give you that much.

India still needs training from Russians for your aircraft carrier despite operating one for many years.
Red Flag exercise - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Indian military is as rag tag as they come.

No wonder indian military didn't do jack sh*t when our army invaded Indian sovereignty in April. Indian military is too scared, they know they will never be a match for the PLA.

We fought against the US in Korea, against the USSR.

Who did you fight? Superpower pakistan?
Even that you didn't win.

A frog in age old well boast he know all about the Air warfare .pathetic:woot:.
Do you know any thing about RED FLAG exercise?.Indian Air Force pilots performed very well in 2008 Red flag exercise .Even USAF impressed about Indian pilots.On one occasion USAF colonel target
IAF su-30 mki and later apologise.It is sure USAF is 100% better than PLAAF,so their words has some value.
PLAAF nothing but a paper tiger,If your country have guts ,then prevent USAF from entering your ADIZ..Otherwise how can you target Indian Air Force ha ha:rofl:.Again I am sure PLAAF know nothing about real time war experience.Your only idea and news is information passed from Great wall in chinese internet
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