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U.S. Flies B-52s Through China’s Expanded Air Defense Zone

This is what world thinks of 'mighty' dragon now.:haha:

And just imagine how weak India looked when our army invaded India in April. We entered Indian sovereignty, yes sovereignty but the Indian army was too acted to do a damn thing. We are experts at humiliating India, it's our specialty :D

Your leaders were crying to our leaders to tell the PLA to stop it. Tell them to stop mommy :lol:

We made a mockery of Indian sovereignty on the 50th anniversary of 1962 :lol:
And just imagine how weak India looked when our army invaded India in April. We entered Indian sovereignty, yes sovereignty but the Indian army was too acted to do a damn thing. We are experts at humiliating India, it's our specialty :D

Your leaders were crying to our leaders to tell the PLA to stop it. Tell them to stop mommy :lol:

We made a mockery of Indian sovereignty on the 50th anniversary of 1962 :lol:

Oh really,then why did u run back.Why did your leader come to india to talk peace and stability?Why did u hurry to sign border pact.LOL.fail.
Oh really,then why did u run back.Why did your leader come to india to talk peace and stability?Why did u hurry to sign border pact.LOL.fail.

We came, we partied, we got concessions and we left like a boss on our own terms.

I just liked the fact that we invaded India like its nothing and your military couldn't do jack sh*t :lol:

You think if Pakistani army did that your military would not shoot. The fact that it was the PLA opened up old wounds that have yet to heal.

We treated India like how we always treat you....dirt.

We have always looked down on Indians as people that have missed a stage in the evolutionary cycle.

I'm off to sleep, will be back after my beauty sleep in my big bed.
Don't run away bum boy, I quite enjoy messing with you. Humiliating Indians is one of our specialties.

Oh really,then why did u run back.Why did your leader come to india to talk peace and stability?Why did u hurry to sign border pact.LOL.fail.
There is one other thing that no country in the entire world can out do Indians.
If this was a sport and included in the Olympics, Indians would get a clean sweep.
Now go figure what other thing I am talking about.
We came, we partied, we got concessions and we left like a boss on our own terms.

I just liked the fact that we invaded India like its nothing and your military couldn't do jack sh*t :lol:

You think if Pakistani army did that your military would not shoot. The fact that it was the PLA opened up old wounds that have yet to heal.

We treated India like how we always treat you....dirt.

We have always looked down on Indians as people that have missed a stage in the evolutionary cycle.

I'm off to sleep, will be back after my beauty sleep in my big bed.
Don't run away bum boy, I quite enjoy messing with you. Humiliating Indians is one of our specialties.


Like a boss lol.And no you got zero concessions.No freeze on troop levels or infrastructure development.You were eager to make the border pact so u could concentrate on SCS.As for dirt,rest assured the view is mutual-china has after 1949 become a state of low mental cowards to us.:coffee:
Now i'm off to other things as well.:sleep:
I've been watching football since the early 80s. Maybe the 9ers were good back then. But time is now different. I've been a fan of the hawks since I moved up here, so its not that I suddenly like this team. Also, I won't blame you for liking football. Its a much better game than what you get in India.

You are a bandwagon fan LOL. I am been a 9er fan for over 3 decades now. I don't move and choose another team. Obviously you don't get that where the ultimate goal is winning the superbowl , your inability to even make one is laughable. Niners won superbowl in 80's and 90's and we were in it last year.

Cricket is far more popular than chinese checkers...:lol:
You are a bandwagon fan LOL. I am been a 9er fan for over 3 decades now. I don't move and choose another team. Obviously you don't get that where the ultimate goal is winning the superbowl , your inability to even make one is laughable. Niners won superbowl in 80's and 90's and we were in it last year.

Cricket is far more popular than chinese checkers...:lol:

And how did 9ers do in superpower last year. Can you share the score with me?

I have been a hawks fan since I moved here. Since I'm from LA, we don't have a team down there. And when I moved up here, hawks sucked. But I still supported them. Now we are good and we'll stump down the whiner and win the whole thing this year.

As for you whiners, you can talk about how many superbowl you guys won. And it will stay at that number after this year.
Is China a toothless paper tiger?

TOKYO — To use an old Asian expression, is China just a toothless paper tiger?

Beijing threatened “emergency defensive measures” early this week against any aircraft, civilian or military, whose pilots had not received advance clearance from its aviation authorities to overfly islands and reefs that Beijing suddenly has claimed as part of an “air defence identification zone,” although the islands have have been under Japanese, South Korean and American (fairly briefly) administrative control since the 19th century.

The U.S. air force mocked China’s bellicosity by almost immediately flying a pair of lumbering, unarmed B-52 heavy bombers into the “protected air space.” After a moment’s hesitation, the country’s two major carriers, All Nippon Airways and Japan Airlines (JAL), acceded to a request by their government to continue flying in the area without informing the Chinese in advance. I flew directly over the Senkaku Islands (or Diaoyu Islands as China calls them) on a JAL flight on Thursday without a hint of trouble.

Also on Thursday, Japan and South Korea sent military aircraft on uncontested patrols through China’s air defence zone without seeking permission.

For all its fierce rhetoric, China reacted to the American bomber run and what it regards as unsanctioned overflights by Japanese and South Korean military and civilian aircraft by doing absolutely nothing. However, it claimed that it was aware that the U.S. bombers had been there.

Tensions have been growing since China’s dictatorship began asserting sweeping territorial claims over most of the South China Sea a few years ago. These assertions have also caused growing tensions with Taiwan, Malaysia, Vietnam, Brunei and, especially, the Philippines. China also has a toxic land dispute with India. In fact, the whole neighbourhood has been in high dudgeon over China’s expansive interpretation of what it owns, with the exceptions of Cambodia and Kim Jong-un’s North Korea.

Japan’s Shinzo Abe wrote late last year that China considered the South China Sea to be “Lake Beijing.” More provocatively, the right-wing politician wrote that nations such as India, Australia and the U.S. should form a “security diamond” to hem in China and keep the Indian and Pacific oceans open for unfettered maritime commerce.

China’s official media reported this week that in declaring an air defence zone, Beijing was behaving no differently than Canada. What it did not report was that although Canada and the U.S. jointly co-ordinate the North American “air defense identification zone,” which requires foreign aircraft to file a flight plan, it was not established above disputed territory.

This rough patch for China is jarring because everything had been going its way recently. Chinese President Xi Jinping was the beneficiary when U.S. President Barack Obama — who has made a lot of noise about a strategic pivot to Asia — postponed a four-nation tour of Asia in early October in order to try to untangle the budgetary fiasco with Congress.

Overplaying its hand by declaring a protected zone nearly the size of the British Isles has particularly soured China’s warming ties with South Korea, which has its own bitter historic differences with Japan. Nor was this China’s first international miscalculation this month. It also erred in its niggardly response to the typhoon disaster in the Philippines.

While much of the world, and especially the U.S., rushed to help Manila, China initially chose to do little to assist its neighbour. China did eventually send a hospital ship to Tacloban. But the vessel did not arrive until 16 days after typhoon Haiyan did.

With the Philippines still reeling from that monster killer storm, China made yet another aggressive move this week. Its new aircraft carrier, the Liaoning (actually an old, refurbished Ukrainian flat top) left its home port in northeastern China for the first time to begin deep water training manoeuvres with four guided missile ships near islets that the beleaguered Filipinos have long regarded as theirs. The battle group may sail these politically sensitive waters for several months, according to official Chinese media.

Most Asian nations, and Canada, have held their noses in recent years over China’s human rights record in order to trade with it. It’s a policy the Harper government — without specifically naming China — officially enshrined as “economic diplomacy” in a report released Wednesday by the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development.

The latest countries to happily shake China’s hand have been Serbia, Romania and Hungary. Their leaders sealed a deal with a triumphant Premier Li Keqiang in Bucharest on Monday to build a high-speed rail link between the eastern European countries.

A complicating factor that is feeding the verbal skirmishes over the Western Pacific today is that the vast waters that China claims are, unsurprisingly, believed to be above large pools of oil and natural gas.

To prove that it’s more than a paper tiger, China is spending huge amounts of money on its armed forces. To protect their positions, India, South Korea and Japan have joined the Asian arms race, too.

The battle for hegemony in Asia is only beginning.

Is China a toothless paper tiger?
And how did 9ers do in superpower last year. Can you share the score with me?

I have been a hawks fan since I moved here. Since I'm from LA, we don't have a team down there. And when I moved up here, hawks sucked. But I still supported them. Now we are good and we'll stump down the whiner and win the whole thing this year.

As for you whiners, you can talk about how many superbowl you guys won. And it will stay at that number after this year.

LOL bandwagon fan ... with 0 to show.
China sends jets into air zone as Japan, South Korea defy it

Beijing: China sent fighter jets and an early warning aircraft into its newly declared air defence zone, state media said Friday, as Japan and South Korea stated they had defied the zone with military overflights.

The Chinese planes had conducted normal air patrols on Thursday as "a defensive measure and in line with international common practices," said Shen Jinke, spokesman for the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Air Force, according to state news agency Xinhua.

Shen said China's air force would remain on high alert and take measures to protect the security of the country's airspace, Xinhua reported.

Japan and South Korea said Thursday they had defied the air defence identification zone (ADIZ) declared by Beijing last weekend, showing a united front after US B-52 bombers did the same.

Chinese authorities are coming under domestic pressure to toughen their response to incursions into the zone that includes disputed islands claimed by China, which knows them as the Diaoyus, but controlled by Japan, which calls them the Senkakus.

The move triggered US and Japanese accusations of provocation as global concerns grew.

China's ADIZ requires aircraft to provide their flight plan, declare their nationality and maintain two-way radio communication - or face "defensive emergency measures".

But Tokyo said its coastguard and air force had flown unopposed in the zone without complying with Beijing's rules.

"We have been operating normal warning and patrol activities in the East China Sea including that area," said Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga. "We have no intention of changing this."

South Korea's military said it encountered no resistance when one of its planes entered the area -- which also overlaps Seoul's ADIZ - unannounced on Tuesday.

A day earlier two giant US Stratofortress bombers flew into the zone, an unmistakable message from Washington before a pre-planned visit to the region by Vice President Joe Biden.

China's defence ministry issued a statement 11 hours after the US announcement saying its military "monitored the entire process" of the B-52 flights, without expressing regret or anger or threatening direct action.

The Global Times, which is close to China's ruling Communist Party and often takes a nationalist tone, criticised the reaction as "too slow" in an editorial Thursday.

"We failed in offering a timely and ideal response," it said, adding that Chinese officials needed to react to "psychological battles" by the US.

Asked about the South Korean flight, China's foreign ministry spokesman Qin Gang said: "China identifies any aircraft within the ADIZ and must have noted the relevant situation you have mentioned."

He reiterated criticism of US and Japanese responses to the zone, urging both countries to "immediately correct their mistakes and stop their irresponsible accusations against China".

The Communist Party seeks to drum up popular support by tapping into deep-seated resentment of Japan for its brutal invasion of China in the 1930s.

Nationalist passions easily aroused

Such nationalist passions are easily aroused, and Chinese social media users called for Beijing to retaliate against Washington.

Senior administration officials in Washington said Wednesday that Biden will raise Washington's concerns about the zone while in Beijing.

China's relations with South Korea have recently improved but the zone covers a disputed South Korean-controlled rock that has long been a source of tensions between them.

South Korea's Vice Defence Minister Baek Seung-Joo expressed "strong regret" at China's ADIZ announcement, which he said was "heightening military tension in the region."

Australia on Thursday refused to back down from criticism of the air zone after summoning China's ambassador earlier this week and prompting an angry response from Beijing.

The Philippines voiced concern that China may extend control of air space over disputed areas of the South China Sea, where the two nations have a separate territorial dispute.

Japanese passenger airlines said after government pressure they will not obey Beijing's rules, while the State Department has taken an ambiguous position, saying it was advising US carriers "to take all steps they consider necessary to operate safely in the... region".

Thai Airways said Thursday it will comply with Beijing's directive.

China for its part has accused the US and Japan - which both have ADIZs - of double standards, saying the real provocateur is Tokyo.

Defence ministry spokesman Yang Yujun said in a statement Thursday that Japan established its ADIZ in 1969, so Tokyo had "no right to make irresponsible remarks" about China's.

"If there are to be demands for a withdrawal, then we invite the Japanese side to first withdraw its air defence identification zone, and China may reconsider after 44 years," he said.

The islands dispute lay dormant for decades but flared in September 2012 when Tokyo purchased three of the uninhabited outcrops from private owners.

Beijing accused Tokyo of changing the status quo and has since sent surveillance ships and aircraft to the area, prompting Japan to scramble fighter jets 386 times in the 12 months to September.

The manoeuvres have raised fears of an accidental clash.
They called the Bluff, eventually South korea and Japan did it.
We have the confirmation from their foreign Minister that they wont extend or do an AIRSPACE thing over INDIA!
So much for China and Pakistani Fanboys!:victory::closed:
Jab gaand phatti, toh aaye doosti karne!
Like a boss lol.And no you got zero concessions.No freeze on troop levels or infrastructure development.You were eager to make the border pact so u could concentrate on SCS.As for dirt,rest assured the view is mutual-china has after 1949 become a state of low mental cowards to us.:coffee:
Now i'm off to other things as well.:sleep:

:lol: we got plenty of concessions

Is China a toothless paper tiger?

Chinese fighter jets and AWACS are in the ADIZ.

I told you to wait a few days before we give our reaction.

We always do things gradually.
Send the new J-10B jets to the ADIZ. These jets will scare the heck out of the Japanese and the Americans.
One question :
What did the super power do when the Russians invaded your ADIZ?

Lol the Indians seems very happy and gay polishing shoes for the Americans.
Finally their masters has something to show for. Lol
But all in all they don't look at their own ADIZ when the Russians violated it left, right and center. Guess who's the bigger paper tiger?

Still ignoring American and Japanese planes, not to mention Korea heading there now. Where is that claim of territory? Paper tiger indeed. So much for protecting your new territory.
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