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U.S. Flies B-52s Through China’s Expanded Air Defense Zone

I repeat, what the US did does not mean it has the same meaning to us. We said we were monitoring the US plane and did not deem it threaten our national airspace because its intent was not heading toward our national airspace, therefore, our response was masterful, which is to save "oil and energy" and keep mute.

You are mistaken that the US are trying to embarrass us. If they want to embarrass us, then they need to head their aircrafts toward our national airspace, not by purely visiting the zone.

Also, we already know the US sides with Japan because we are not friend alright? The question we want to know is whether the US will directly involved in a war with us over Japan. Do you understand?

We don't need to go to your airspace cause we don't want it. Just the part where the islands are that is owned by Japan. And if you want to test that theory about U.S. not supporting Japan, go right ahead. Land those troops on those islands and see what happens.
We don't need to go to your airspace cause we don't want it. Just the part where the islands are that is owned by Japan. And if you want to test that theory about U.S. not supporting Japan, go right ahead. Land those troops on those islands and see what happens.

He is showing his high iq here... lol.... making him self happy by self conclusions.... hahahaha......... ultra zuper zapper nationalism... Two days ago many chinese members chanting in thread....by keep saying USA is paper tiger...don't have dare etc.... lol stupid kids.... now they changed their colors... trying to go personal over Indians because their butt get kicked by USA....hehehe
I repeat, what the US did does not mean it has the same meaning to us. We said we were monitoring the US plane and did not deem it threaten our national airspace because its intent was not heading toward our national airspace, therefore, our response was masterful, which is to save "oil and energy" and keep mute.

So you saying when the moment of decision came whether to respond to the B-52, "oil and money" was a factor in the decision making process? I hope you realize how ridiculous your premise sounds, hope that was a lame attempt at joke!

You are mistaken that the US are trying to embarrass us. If they want to embarrass us, then they need to head their aircrafts toward our national airspace, not by purely visiting the zone.

US is not stupid. This is a game of one-upmanship, US upped the ante and China decided to stay quiet. Now, you can spin it by calling it a "masterful" response but the whole world knows the truth why Chinese didn't do $hit.

Also, we already know the US sides with Japan because we are not friend alright? The question we want to know is whether the US will directly involved in a war with us over Japan. Do you understand?

US forces are stationed in Japan. You can bet your nuts, in case of a direct conflict with Japan, it will be involved!
You f*cking Indian really don't know the coward USA? If china fight the US and Japan, US will call in their brother NATO, and call in their slave "India, Philippines, vitnam(new word the Low IQ Indian just gave to Vietnam) the Taiwan. Then we will have to use nukes to kill innocent people.
Don't worry except for Pakistan...we don't seek to attack any country. Trust me.

if you poke ur nose in our rivalry we will poke ours into yours. better keep a mutual understanding and stay away...China is not our enemy.
Don't worry except for Pakistan...we don't seek to attack any country. Trust me.

if you poke ur nose in our rivalry we will poke ours into yours. better keep a mutual understanding and stay away...China is not our enemy.

This making me laugh out loud, the American slave like you India want to be a superpOwa country. Your a$$ has stamped US slave since India form a country. india got stamped when British occupied, and now USA stamped on your a$$. Don't worry Pakistan will kill you until 1 Indian man left.
Defying China, U.S. bombers and Japanese planes fly through new air zone

TOKYO/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two unarmed U.S. B-52 bombers flew over disputed islands on a training mission in the East China Sea without informing Beijing
while Japan's main airlines ignored Chinese authorities when their planes passed through a new airspace defense zone on Wednesday.

The defiance from Japan and its ally the United States over China's new identification rules raises the stakes in a territorial standoff between Beijing and Tokyo over the islands and challenges China to make the next move.

China published coordinates for an East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone over the weekend and warned it would take "defensive emergency measures" against aircraft that failed to identify themselves properly. The zone is about two thirds the size of Britain.

"If the United States conducts two or three more flights like this, China will be forced to respond. If China can only respond verbally it would be humiliating," said Sun Zhe, a professor at the Center for U.S.-China Relations at Tsinghua University in Beijing.(Is it .... :coffee:)

"The concept of the paper tiger is very important. All sides face it."

China's Defense Ministry said it had monitored the entire progress of the U.S. bombers through the zone on Tuesday Asian time. A Pentagon spokesman said the planes had neither been observed nor contacted by Chinese aircraft.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang, when asked how China would respond to future infractions of the zone, said the country would "make an appropriate response" that depended on the "situation and degree of threat".

Qin added that China had informed "relevant countries" before setting up the zone. He would not elaborate.

Following a request from the Japanese government, Japan Airlines and ANA Holdings said they stopped giving flight plans and other information to Chinese authorities on Wednesday. Neither airline had experienced any problems when passing through the zone, they added.

Japan's aviation industry association said it had concluded there was no threat to passenger safety by ignoring the Chinese demands, JAL said. Both JAL and ANA posted notices on their websites informing its passengers of their decision.

The flight by the B-52 bombers was part of a long-planned exercise, a U.S. military official said.

Some experts have said the Chinese move was aimed at chipping away at Tokyo's claim to administrative control over the area, including the tiny uninhabited islands known as the Senkaku in Japan and the Diaoyu in China.

The action might have backfired, said Brad Glosserman, executive director of the Honolulu-based Pacific Forum CSIS.

"This is confirming the darker view of China in Asia," Glosserman said. "The Chinese once again are proving to be their own worst enemy ... driving the U.S. closer to Japan and (South) Korea closer to the position of Tokyo as well."

U.S. Ambassador to Japan Caroline Kennedy, in her first speech since assuming her post earlier this month, criticized China's "unilateral action" as undermining regional security.

Kennedy also said Japan had shown "great restraint this past year" and urged Tokyo to continue to do so. "We encourage Japan to increase communication with its neighbors and continue to respond to regional challenges in a measured way."


The Chinese action was also likely to bolster support in Japan for hawkish Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's agenda to strengthen the military and loosen the limits of the post-war, pacifist constitution on its armed forces.

While Washington does not take a position on sovereignty over the islands, it recognizes that Tokyo has administrative control over them and it is therefore bound by treaty to defend Japan in the event of an armed conflict.
The B-52s, part of the Air Force fleet for more than half a century, are relatively slow compared with today's fighter jets and far easier to spot than stealth aircraft.

"We have conducted operations in the area of the Senkakus. We have continued to follow our normal procedures, which include not filing flight plans, not radioing ahead and not registering our frequencies," Pentagon spokesman Colonel Steve Warren said.

The dispute comes before a planned trip to the region by U.S. Vice-President Joe Biden, who is scheduled to travel to Japan next week and also has stops in China and South Korea.

Annual U.S.-Japan naval exercises are also taking place in waters off the Japanese islands of Okinawa and Kyushu, to the east of China's new zone. The drills, which involve the USS George Washington aircraft carrier, recently taking part in the Philippine typhoon relief effort, were planned before China's announcement of the zone.


The new Chinese rules mean aircraft have to report flight plans to China, maintain radio contact and reply promptly to identification inquiries and bear clear markings of their nationality and registration.

On Monday, civil aviation officials from Hong Kong and Taiwan said their carriers entering the zone must file flight plans. A transport ministry official in Seoul said South Korean planes would do the same.

Qantas Airways Ltd said on Wednesday its pilots would keep China informed of their flights through the area.

The United States and Japan have sharply criticized China's airspace declaration, prompting Beijing to lodge counter protests and warn Washington to stay out of the dispute.

An outspoken retired Chinese military figure, former Major General Luo Yuan, wrote on Tuesday that China should use force in the zone if needed, adding the United States especially had to comply or face the consequences. Some experts, however, questioned whether China had the military assets to fully implement the new measures.

While the zone is outside China's territorial airspace, the Chinese Defense Ministry has said its establishment had a sound legal basis and accorded with common international practices.

Other countries including the United States, Japan and South Korea have similar zones but only require aircraft to file flight plans and identify themselves if those planes intend to pass through national airspace.

In addition, China sent its sole aircraft carrier on a training mission for the first time into the oil- and gas-rich South China Sea on Tuesday, upsetting the Philippines.

China claims almost the entire South China Sea, conflicting with claims from Taiwan, Malaysia, Brunei, the Philippines and Vietnam.

(Additional reporting by Jeff Mason in California, David Alexander, Matt Spetalnick and Lesley Wroughton in Washington, Kiyoshi Takenaka in Tokyo, Ben Blanchard and Michael Martina in Beijing and Lincoln Feast in Sydney. Editing by Dean Yates and Nick Macfie)

Defying China, U.S. bombers and Japanese planes fly through new air zone - Page 2 - chicagotribune.com

Smaller countries like Vietnam,Philippines bordering china should be careful, these frustrated CCP bots may attack these small regions to divert attention of chinese
This making me laugh out loud, the American slave like you India want to be a superpOwa country. Your a$$ has stamped US slave since India form a country. india got stamped when British occupied, and now USA stamped on your a$$. Don't worry Pakistan will kill you until 1 Indian man left.

somethings never change, for example a small chinese brain and even smaller pakistani brain... god has made u both to stick together
It is not a spin. We already stated what needed to be stated. We have SAID known flights would not need to be report, which is an indication of routine flights that are not heading toward our territorial airspace. And we HAVE cited the US and Japan ADIZ as a case of normal protocol and procedure when we established our ADIZ. Therefore we expect people to follow the same procedure as they do to the US/Japan.

We have set up a question and answer section for media to ask for verification and clarification. Our announcement did not put out the detail on the distinction but it was clear we are talking about the US's ADIZ. Get it?
Of course it is spin. And it is spinning badly.

You are no different than the other Chinese on this forum: Failure to perform due diligence in research into any issue.

ADIZ-es and accompanying rules are not unknown and internationally they pretty much match how the US/Canada does it. So if what China did was so benign, then why did the international community, not just Asia, took notice of it? Worse, the new Chinese ADIZ covers disputed territory and this have been noted as the new ADIZ was created solely for the purpose of staking claim, not for genuine defense related concerns. When news reporters can spot the differences on their own, it is spin by the Chinese.

The thing is this -- Neither the US nor the Japanese nor the South Korean governments can order commercial flights to ignore the rules. Commercial flights are free to comply to the Chinese rules and probably they will for safety reasons. Let the governments settle their disagreements. But government flights, read military flights, can and will ignore those rules and more of these flights will be used by each government to demonstrate their resolves, escalating tensions and increasing the odds of actual physical confrontations.

Unlike what the Chinese blowhards here said, the US will not sit idly on this. We will have more military exercises in the area. The South Koreans and others know more are at stake than just a few disputed islands and that ultimately their physical safeties are being threatened by China.

Congratulations on being the next Imperial Japan.
I don't know if anyone, anywhere in and outside of this has mentioned this particular angle: China is trying to do a Monroe Doctrine in the Pacific Ocean--especially within a few hundred miles of its oceanfront. As 'arrogant' as it may sound we need to establish a context here: United States is blessed with ONLY two land borders and barely any proximity through some sea-front with other countries. And yet, as the Cuban Missile crisis showed, the US administration went crazy when a sovereign country decided to host the Soviet missiles--an almost certain reaction to the Bay of Pigs aggression--all the while the Americans had placed their own missiles in Turkey--right next to Armenia, which was a front line area for the Soviets.
I certainly don't condone China's move to declare the Zone but I think, given what I write in this message, Americans would have been at least as much domineering if the geographical situation was matched with China's.
Wait and watch Indians on this forum becoming cheerleaders for the Yanks.

I have also seen Bharatis cheer leading very very often.

you are making very cheap comments.......no worthy contribution to the thread...only inviting counter attacks....people like you must be downgraded to junior member from your current so called Elite Member!

@mods - FYI...
IMO, US has openly challenged China in its own style...it has proved that, this so called air defense zone created by China is only for Chinese people, US and its allies don’t recognize it....

I think China should shoot down the US aircraft flying over its ADZ, seeing at the confidence and posts of Chinese members on this forum…I think China can take on the US….at least this is how Chinese present their country!
We don't need to go to your airspace cause we don't want it. Just the part where the islands are that is owned by Japan. And if you want to test that theory about U.S. not supporting Japan, go right ahead. Land those troops on those islands and see what happens.

Owned by Japan? Says who?

Deploy a Type 052D destroyer near the island and see who can do anything about it. :chilli:


Gotta say, that was subtle but powerful. ;)

But as you can see from the pic, USAF scrambled its jets and escorted the Russian Bomber out of its ADIZ.

What did China do? :o:

They "monitored". BBC News - China 'monitored' US bombers in new air zone
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