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U.S. Empire in Decline, on Collision Course with China

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"And you need to learn to say you are sorry."

Personally? To you? Don't hold your breath.

"you can kiss your dollar good bye."

DOW is over 10,000 but I guess you don't understand what that means.

"What do you call what you have been doing? socialism?"

We sure as hell aren't reading from Mao's lil' red book. Neither are you. When are you going to break the news to your citizens that you've become just another authoritarian dictatorship wrapped in warm fuzzy proletariat B.S.?

And that they are your captive subjects who shall never see that utopia you've been dangling like a carrot in front of their noses. Nope.

They'll be working in the factories your generals own.:lol:

For peanuts. Whoops! Just like me to bring up your last warlord, ol' Chiang. What goes around, comes around in China.

"Basically stop being a prick."

Polite too I see.

"Let's create a club and screw the rest" ain't in Chinese blood."

Oh really? Maybe you should do a bit of research on your homeland's history if the CCP hasn't removed it from your books. There's a reason it was once called the Middle Kingdom. Looks as though you're eager to see a second coming.

Great chatting with you...

... you godless commie.;)

China has become too prosperous too soon, or so it seems. Confident? Nah!!! Arrogant.....

I do not see any country toppling USA in this century atleast. When we talk about Chinese missiles that can reach US, we forget Americans made them decades back. If at all, US is a free country and China is not.

I wonder when will the Chinese Government give freedom to their own citizens.
US cannot sustain an empire from a debtor's weakening position sooner or later the creditors will pull the plug. That humiliating lesson was learned by Great Britain early in the last century, and the United States faces a similar reckoning ahead.

China's reluctance resembles the American attitude early in the last century, when it was the ascendant economic power but did not wish to become a "Great Power" itself, with responsibility for maintaining world order. Instead, the United States propped up Britain for many years as the failing empire sank into unsustainable debt. British power was fundamentally eclipsed in 1914, but the United States provided the financial nurture to keep it upright but Washington decisively pulled the plug in 1956 and the Brits were finally relieved of their delusions.
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US cannot sustain an empire from a debtor's weakening position sooner or later the creditors will pull the plug. That humiliating lesson was learned by Great Britain early in the last century, and the United States faces a similar reckoning ahead.

China's reluctance resembles the American attitude early in the last century, when it was the ascendant economic power but did not wish to become a "Great Power" itself, with responsibility for maintaining world order. Instead, the United States propped up Britain for many years as the failing empire sank into unsustainable debt. British power was fundamentally eclipsed in 1914, but the United States provided the financial nurture to keep it upright but Washington decisively pulled the plug in 1956 and the Brits were finally relieved of their delusions.

Did the Brit achieve anything after 1956 by utilizing their outstanding diplomatic skills to "convince" the American crooks and bandits? I guess not, right? :lol:
If US takes following corrective actions , they can start paying off their debts

a) Bring back Armies from Afghanistan let Pakistan move in
b) Give big tax hike to all CEO of banks who made millions
c) Sign a peace agreement with Iran and Israel
d) Formation of Palestine , and All Arab states accept Israel
e) Normalization of relation between India and Pakistan

US economy generates few trilions per year, so it should be able to reduce debt in 4-5 years time and bring stability to world economy.

Any delay in brining back army will only drag the US into a same situation Ottoman Empire was when it became weak financially untill it cracked into smaller states.

Again ...:coffee: , but Russia is the New Super Power now
China is the new economic super power.

People in USA are losing trade and businesses to so call protective meassures, try buying something on ebay if you are form middle east

You will have to send your driving licence, your photo id etc do you really think anyone would want to buy any good from you if you plan to steal their identification info , and keep it in CIA record books

Excessive security , Crappy cars and auto sector, stupid war decisions by George W bush , and now illegal invasion of countries are all combining to cause problems for US

Not to forget Russia is piling up its Banks with cash , and revenue

How the tables have turned since 1990 !!!!!!!!! when Russia was weak on its knee its nation broke up and Regan was credited with brining the communist down .....

I never in my wildes dreams thought I would see this day ...
when US is burried in debt:sick:
If US takes following corrective actions , they can start paying off their debts

a) Bring back Armies from Afghanistan let Pakistan move in
b) Give big tax hike to all CEO of banks who made millions
c) Sign a peace agreement with Iran and Israel
d) Formation of Palestine , and All Arab states accept Israel
e) Normalization of relation between India and Pakistan

US economy generates few trilions per year, so it should be able to reduce debt in 4-5 years time and bring stability to world economy.

Any delay in brining back army will only drag the US into a same situation Ottoman Empire was when it became weak financially untill it cracked into smaller states.

Again ...:coffee: , but Russia is the New Super Power now
China is the new economic super power.

People in USA are losing trade and businesses to so call protective meassures, try buying something on ebay if you are form middle east

You will have to send your driving licence, your photo id etc do you really think anyone would want to buy any good from you if you plan to steal their identification info , and keep it in CIA record books

Excessive security , Crappy cars and auto sector, stupid war decisions by George W bush , and now illegal invasion of countries are all combining to cause problems for US

Not to forget Russia is piling up its Banks with cash , and revenue

How the tables have turned since 1990 !!!!!!!!! when Russia was weak on its knee its nation broke up and Regan was credited with brining the communist down .....

I never in my wildes dreams thought I would see this day ...
when US is burried in debt:sick:

US bank failures passes 100 mark for 2009, only part of bank woes
REUTERS 24 October 2009, 05:20am IST

WASHINGTON: The number of US bank failures this year reached 103 on Friday, when regulators closed four more small banks, marking the highest
annual level of failed institutions since the savings and loan crisis.

That number is expected to continue rising as the industry tries to get a handle on commercial real estate loans that will continue to deteriorate as more strip malls go vacant and condo developments remain stalled.

The four banks that were shuttered on Friday all had assets under $200 million. The largest bank failure in the current crisis was that of Washington Mutual, which had assets of $307 billion when it was shuttered in September 2008.

Federal Deposit Insurance Corp said the banks that were closed on Friday were Partners Bank in Florida, American United Bank in Georgia, Hillcrest Bank Florida and Flagship Naitonal Bank in Florida.

Those failures brought the number of closings past 100 for the year. There were 25 bank failures in 2008, up from three in 2007.

Banks are still cleaning up their balance sheets from the recent credit boom that fueled banks' appetite to extend loans, many with poor underwriting and triggers that caused borrowers' payments to spike to unaffordable levels.

Community banks, especially, built up high concentrations of commercial real estate loans for developments that have failed to attract tenants or have become vacant.

FDIC Chairman Sheila Bair has said the banking industry's recovery is expected to lag the improvement in the overall economy.

"Some banks continue to face serious challenges but the overwhelming majority will weather this economic storm," Bair said in a video message posted on the agency's website on Friday evening.

Bair told Reuters Washington Summit this week, "Obviously, the pace of bank failures has picked up and it's going to continue into and through next year. But I think it's not nearly where we were during the S&L days." At the peak of the S&L crisis in 1989 534 banks closed.

The four failures are expected to cost the FDIC's insurance fund $176.6 million.
If US takes following corrective actions , they can start paying off their debts

a) Bring back Armies from Afghanistan let Pakistan move in
b) Give big tax hike to all CEO of banks who made millions
c) Sign a peace agreement with Iran and Israel
d) Formation of Palestine , and All Arab states accept Israel
e) Normalization of relation between India and Pakistan

US economy generates few trilions per year, so it should be able to reduce debt in 4-5 years time and bring stability to world economy.

Any delay in brining back army will only drag the US into a same situation Ottoman Empire was when it became weak financially untill it cracked into smaller states.

Again ...:coffee: , but Russia is the New Super Power now
China is the new economic super power.

People in USA are losing trade and businesses to so call protective meassures, try buying something on ebay if you are form middle east

You will have to send your driving licence, your photo id etc do you really think anyone would want to buy any good from you if you plan to steal their identification info , and keep it in CIA record books

Excessive security , Crappy cars and auto sector, stupid war decisions by George W bush , and now illegal invasion of countries are all combining to cause problems for US

Not to forget Russia is piling up its Banks with cash , and revenue

How the tables have turned since 1990 !!!!!!!!! when Russia was weak on its knee its nation broke up and Regan was credited with brining the communist down .....

I never in my wildes dreams thought I would see this day ...
when US is burried in debt:sick:

those trillions generated by the us economy isn't all gonna go toward debt....so more than a few years is needed.

and Russia, new super power? lol what part other than nukes does Russia resemble a super power? money?, no, army? formidable but no it is far behind US and getting older day by day, air? no playing 3rd after USAF AND USN(by that i mean its airforce is at best 3rd)
navy? dont make me laugh trying to compare it to USN. the only thing they got other than nukes is they have Europe by the balls in gas oil delivery.
well that and exporting their military to nations that can afford them.

china new economic power? its on its way but no, not yet. the dollar is still the top reserve currency despite talk of replacing it. us gdp is still 14 trillion, in a league all by it self. the problem is debt, perhaps in a few years china will give the usa a run for its money(literally) but for now USA is definitely top military/economic power.

russian banks piling up on cash, lol ever since the oil bust Russia have been in a bit of a pickle. even now the military complains its has the tech but not the cash. and thats for desperately needed upgrades.(chinese piling up with cash is a different story however)

the only real problem the us has right now is the debt, i do agree however that if it continues to carry on with such deficit spending it will lead to the end of the usa. militarily speaking the usa will be safely on top for decades more until the next most likely to catch up(china) does so in many years from now.
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