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U.S. Empire in Decline, on Collision Course with China

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"Unlike USA where Christianity is the main staple and crusaders can run amuck..."

Uh huh...:coffee:

Don't display your ignorance so. This country was FOUNDED on the quest for religious freedom and the legacy of persecution of christian missionaries and believers in China is notable much less a myriad of Buddhist and other religions, but don't let those facts interfere with your perspectives.

A small link for your enlightenment, Mr. commie mouthpiece...:D

Persecution In China-Persecution. Org

...and another-

U.S. Dept. of State Report On Int'l Religious Freedom (China)-2007

So, umm...:blah::blah::blah: till you acquaint yourself with some realities missing from your persecuted perch in the good ol' repressive U.S.A.

"Unlike USA where Christianity is the main staple and crusaders can run amuck..."

Uh huh...:coffee:

Don't display your ignorance so. This country was FOUNDED on the quest for religious freedom and the legacy of persecution of christian missionaries and believers in China is notable much less a myriad of Buddhist and other religions, but don't let those facts interfere with your perspectives.

A small link for your enlightenment, Mr. commie mouthpiece...:D

Persecution In China-Persecution. Org

...and another-

U.S. Dept. of State Report On Int'l Religious Freedom (China)-2007

So, umm...:blah::blah::blah: till you acquaint yourself with some realities missing from your persecuted perch in the good ol' repressive U.S.A.


It is more so that this country is FOUNDED on shaking off British oppression. This however doesn’t negate the fact that USA oppressed/oppresses other people.

Let me repeat: human rights violation exists in China. But human rights violation in China doesn’t justify crusaders running amuck here and from here to the world.

United States Human Rights

Full Text of Human Rights Record of United States in 2007

BTW, I hope one day US government will have the guts to publish a report on its own human rights violation and religious oppression. Only then, could USA truly boast its advance in humanity development.
I see you've regressed into rant mode.

That's fine.

"It is more so that this country is FOUNDED on shaking off British oppression."

So wrong. We had no intention of such initially. Religious freedom was the desire and the crown had little say if it's loyal subjects practiced their wishes on the edges of the realm. And loyal we were for the next 100-125 years.

Human rights? From religion to that in a blink of the eye, eh? Dissemblance is the tool of the mentally weak. Can't you stay on...oh, what's the point?

Right back at you from Amnesty Internat'l. Spare the kiddies. It's UGLY in the PRC...

Annual Report On Human Rights In China-Amnesty Internat'l 2008

I'll stay away from your so-called Information Council. But using non-partisan groups like the U.N., Amnesty Internat'l, and Human Rights Watch should provide a dispassionate view of conditions within each.

Quit ranting and more importantly, if you must (as S-2 loves a good rant where it fits), at least try to have some semblance of truth behind your venom. Helps.

More to the point though, please quit dissembling and diverting from the topic at hand-particularly when it's YOU whom choose the topic.:lol:

So wrong. We had no intention of such initially. Religious freedom was the desire and the crown had little say if it's loyal subjects practiced their wishes on the edges of the realm. And loyal we were for the next 100-125 years.

actually you're quite wrong in context to his statement, he said the country was founded on shaking off British oppression, which is quite true (oppressive taxes and what not) the colonies however were more closely founded based on what u said.

and yes i'll go ahead and say that yes the PRC's not that great on human rights and much worst that the us at the moment, but as far as im concerned the US is definitively no angel either
"...you're quite wrong in context to his statement, he said the country was founded on shaking off British oppression, which is quite true"

I don't agree. The NATION was founded by defeating our British oppressors. The COUNTRY was founded by those seeking to get out of the way of the Church of England.

However I think that you see the issue more clearly than your friend, gpit.
Geez S-2; you're too oversensitive to criticism of America :whistle:

US joins ranks of Failed States :lol:

The US has every characteristic of a failed state.
The US government’s current operating budget is dependent on foreign financing and money creation.

Too politically weak to be able to advance its interests through diplomacy, the US relies on terrorism and military aggression.
Costs are out of control, and priorities are skewed in the interest of rich organized interest groups at the expense of the vast majority of citizens. For example, war at all cost, which enriches the armaments industry, the officer corps and the financial firms that handle the war’s financing, takes precedence over the needs of American citizens. There is no money to provide the uninsured with health care, but Pentagon officials have told the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee in the House that every gallon of gasoline delivered to US troops in Afghanistan costs American taxpayers $400.
“It is a number that we were not aware of and it is worrisome,” said Rep. John Murtha, chairman of the subcommittee.

According to reports, the US Marines in Afghanistan use 800,000 gallons of gasoline per day. At $400 per gallon, that comes to a $320,000,000 daily fuel bill for the Marines alone. Only a country totally out of control would squander resources in this way.
While the US government squanders $400 per gallon of gasoline in order to kill women and children in Afghanistan, many millions of Americans have lost their jobs and their homes and are experiencing the kind of misery that is the daily life of poor Third World peoples. Americans are living in their cars and in public parks. America’s cities, towns, and states are suffering from the costs of economic dislocations and the reduction in tax revenues from the economy’s decline. Yet, Obama has sent more troops to Afghanistan, a country half way around the world that is not a threat to America.
It costs $750,000 per year for each soldier we have in Afghanistan. The soldiers, who are at risk of life and limb, are paid a pittance, but all of the privatized services to the military are rolling in excess profits. One of the great frauds perpetuated on the American people was the privatization of services that the US military traditionally performed for itself. “Our” elected leaders could not resist any opportunity to create at taxpayers’ expense private wealth that could be recycled to politicians in campaign contributions.

Republicans and Democrats on the take from the private insurance companies maintain that the US cannot afford to provide Americans with health care and that cuts must be made even in Social Security and Medicare. So how can the US afford bankrupting wars, much less totally pointless wars that serve no American interest?
The enormous scale of foreign borrowing and money creation necessary to finance Washington’s wars are sending the dollar to historic lows. The dollar has even experienced large declines relative to currencies of third world countries such as Botswana and Brazil. The decline in the dollar’s value reduces the purchasing power of Americans’ already declining incomes.
Despite the lowest level of housing starts in 64 years, the US housing market is flooded with unsold homes, and financial institutions have a huge and rising inventory of foreclosed homes not yet on the market.
Industrial production has collapsed to the level of 1999, wiping out a decade of growth in industrial output.
The enormous bank reserves created by the Federal Reserve are not finding their way into the economy. Instead, the banks are hoarding the reserves as insurance against the fraudulent derivatives that they purchased from the gangster Wall Street investment banks.
The regulatory agencies have been corrupted by private interests. Frontline reports that Alan Greenspan, Robert Rubin, and Larry Summers blocked Brooksley Born, the head of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission from regulating derivatives. President Obama rewarded Larry Summers for his idiocy by appointing him Director of the National Economic Council. What this means is that profits for Wall Street will continue to be leeched from the diminishing blood supply of the American economy.
An unmistakable sign of Third World despotism is a police force that sees the public as the enemy. Thanks to the federal government, our local police forces are now militarized and imbued with hostile attitudes toward the public. SWAT teams have proliferated, and even small towns now have police forces with the firepower of US Special Forces. Summons are increasingly delivered by SWAT teams that tyrannize citizens with broken down doors, a $400 or $500 repair born by the tyrannized resident. Recently a mayor and his family were the recipients of incompetence by the town’s local SWAT team, which mistakenly wrecked the mayor’s home, terrorized his family, and killed the family’s two friendly Labrador dogs.
If a town’s mayor can be treated in this way, what do you think is the fate of the poor white or black? Or the idealistic student who protests his government’s inhumanity?
In any failed state, the greatest threat to the population comes from the government and the police. That is certainly the situation today in the USA. Americans have no greater enemy than their own government. Washington is controlled by interest groups that enrich themselves at the expense of the American people.
The one percent that comprise the superrich are laughing as they say, “let them eat cake.”
I don't agree. The NATION was founded by defeating our British oppressors. The COUNTRY was founded by those seeking to get out of the way of the Church of England.

And America was founded when the "exported europeans" killed off the native indian people of the continent... :rolleyes:

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"Geez S-2; you're too oversensitive to criticism of America:whistle:"

Sure you couldn't find any sources more out in left field?:lol:

Oh well, manifest destiny spoketh and we doth verily heareth! Thus the nation you see today was born upon the backs of those whom came before us.

It's that way for everybody and it'll be that way for us too...

...in a couple thousand years or so.:eek:

Sure you couldn't find any sources more out in left field?:lol:

Oh well, manifest destiny spoketh and we doth verily heareth! Thus the nation you see today was born upon the backs of those whom came before us.

It's that way for everybody and it'll be that way for us too...

...in a couple thousand years or so.:eek:


You're a tough nut to crack. I like your style :cheers:
And America was founded when the "exported europeans" killed off the native indian people of the continent... :rolleyes:

history of America by Michael Moore[/url]

Why not? I came in a boat armed with a gun, replaced bible with another gun, collected two dozen Indian ears, and I solemnly declare: This is my land, and you left over Indians too, if you believe it. :lol:
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Geez S-2; you're too oversensitive to criticism of America :whistle:

US joins ranks of Failed States :lol:

The US has every characteristic of a failed state.
The US government’s current operating budget is dependent on foreign financing and money creation.

Too politically weak to be able to advance its interests through diplomacy, the US relies on terrorism and military aggression.
Costs are out of control, and priorities are skewed in the interest of rich organized interest groups at the expense of the vast majority of citizens. For example, war at all cost, which enriches the armaments industry, the officer corps and the financial firms that handle the war’s financing, takes precedence over the needs of American citizens. There is no money to provide the uninsured with health care, but Pentagon officials have told the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee in the House that every gallon of gasoline delivered to US troops in Afghanistan costs American taxpayers $400.
“It is a number that we were not aware of and it is worrisome,” said Rep. John Murtha, chairman of the subcommittee.

According to reports, the US Marines in Afghanistan use 800,000 gallons of gasoline per day. At $400 per gallon, that comes to a $320,000,000 daily fuel bill for the Marines alone. Only a country totally out of control would squander resources in this way.
While the US government squanders $400 per gallon of gasoline in order to kill women and children in Afghanistan, many millions of Americans have lost their jobs and their homes and are experiencing the kind of misery that is the daily life of poor Third World peoples. Americans are living in their cars and in public parks. America’s cities, towns, and states are suffering from the costs of economic dislocations and the reduction in tax revenues from the economy’s decline. Yet, Obama has sent more troops to Afghanistan, a country half way around the world that is not a threat to America.
It costs $750,000 per year for each soldier we have in Afghanistan. The soldiers, who are at risk of life and limb, are paid a pittance, but all of the privatized services to the military are rolling in excess profits. One of the great frauds perpetuated on the American people was the privatization of services that the US military traditionally performed for itself. “Our” elected leaders could not resist any opportunity to create at taxpayers’ expense private wealth that could be recycled to politicians in campaign contributions.

Republicans and Democrats on the take from the private insurance companies maintain that the US cannot afford to provide Americans with health care and that cuts must be made even in Social Security and Medicare. So how can the US afford bankrupting wars, much less totally pointless wars that serve no American interest?
The enormous scale of foreign borrowing and money creation necessary to finance Washington’s wars are sending the dollar to historic lows. The dollar has even experienced large declines relative to currencies of third world countries such as Botswana and Brazil. The decline in the dollar’s value reduces the purchasing power of Americans’ already declining incomes.
Despite the lowest level of housing starts in 64 years, the US housing market is flooded with unsold homes, and financial institutions have a huge and rising inventory of foreclosed homes not yet on the market.
Industrial production has collapsed to the level of 1999, wiping out a decade of growth in industrial output.
The enormous bank reserves created by the Federal Reserve are not finding their way into the economy. Instead, the banks are hoarding the reserves as insurance against the fraudulent derivatives that they purchased from the gangster Wall Street investment banks.
The regulatory agencies have been corrupted by private interests. Frontline reports that Alan Greenspan, Robert Rubin, and Larry Summers blocked Brooksley Born, the head of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission from regulating derivatives. President Obama rewarded Larry Summers for his idiocy by appointing him Director of the National Economic Council. What this means is that profits for Wall Street will continue to be leeched from the diminishing blood supply of the American economy.
An unmistakable sign of Third World despotism is a police force that sees the public as the enemy. Thanks to the federal government, our local police forces are now militarized and imbued with hostile attitudes toward the public. SWAT teams have proliferated, and even small towns now have police forces with the firepower of US Special Forces. Summons are increasingly delivered by SWAT teams that tyrannize citizens with broken down doors, a $400 or $500 repair born by the tyrannized resident. Recently a mayor and his family were the recipients of incompetence by the town’s local SWAT team, which mistakenly wrecked the mayor’s home, terrorized his family, and killed the family’s two friendly Labrador dogs.
If a town’s mayor can be treated in this way, what do you think is the fate of the poor white or black? Or the idealistic student who protests his government’s inhumanity?
In any failed state, the greatest threat to the population comes from the government and the police. That is certainly the situation today in the USA. Americans have no greater enemy than their own government. Washington is controlled by interest groups that enrich themselves at the expense of the American people.
The one percent that comprise the superrich are laughing as they say, “let them eat cake.”
From infowars?


Nothing but a bunch of ******** there.
First time I read this poem there were a huge empire called USSR controlled half the world.

Time, You Old Gypsy Man

TIME, you old gipsy man,
Will you not stay,
Put up your caravan
Just for one day?

All things I'll give you
Will you be my guest,
Bells for your jennet
Of silver the best,
Goldsmiths shall beat you
A great golden ring,
Peacocks shall bow to you,
Little boys sing.
Oh, and sweet girls will
Festoon you with may,
Time, you old gipsy,
Why hasten away?

Last week in Babylon,
Last night in Rome,
Morning, and in the crush
Under Paul's dome;
Under Pauls' dial
You tighten your rein --
Only a moment,
And off once again;
Off to some city
Now blind in the womb,
Off to another
Ere that's in the tomb.

Time, you old gipsy man,
Will you not stay,
Put up your caravan
Just for one day?
I see you've regressed into rant mode.


Rant? Who brought in the issue of godless/godful in a thread of secular economy? Please respect your god to leave HIM in your divine domain.

Had classic/neo crusaders not have abused their faith, Islam and Christianity would probably co-exist in a much amicable ambience.

So am I liking rant occasionally. Right that initially Puritans on Mayflower were just want to escape religious oppression(oppression!), and still loyal to King James. Nonetheless, the Great Britain was insatiable in profiting from every thing.

British oppression was economic, political, and religious, in nearly all fronts. They didn’t even allow mill technology to be passed across the Atlantic, for fear of the competition from the New World.

So, if back to the topic, USA in some aspect does look like old Britain. But to say it is dying is too pre-mature, as people like me are still tolerated and bigotries like you are not prevailing. It is the time for USA to die only if it is surrounded by palavers/wishful thinkers/crusaders, and can’t tolerate independently thinking persons.

PS. Just to shake you awake that I’m my own mouthpiece. :usflag:
"...as people like me are still tolerated..."

We do that for ANY soft, cuddly defenseless and innocent...

just before they meet their demise...:lol:

Glad to have you in America. Seems you're learning at least a couple of things about us.:agree:


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