I take issue what that statement, i happen to be a holder of a Pakistani documents and not once in my three trips to the US, have i been stopped for longer than necessary. I am always travelling to random places in the world and never faced issues because of my travel documents.
My cousemate was stopped once when we were in UK, but that was because he fit the "profile" so i agree with Asim that certain skin tones and features meet their "profile".
Also what does this have to do with the topic at hand. Back to topic, believe me with operations like care and care and Cpt. Ali Zaidi, and the old mech plant in I-10 and G4 logistics, the US Special forces walking around with weapons in Khosar market etc... There is no wonder people in the Pak press are edgy.
Sorry for that, did not mean it as an offence. I read somewhere that Pak will be closely watched in US airports, thats why i said. Also it could be the brown skin that we all have and maybe the Islamic name (no offence again), which is what causes them to 'randomly' check