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U.S. Challenges China on Disputed Islands

as i said in a couple posts :), Sam will do the same to any BIG country that is rising and challenging it's power, no matter it's democratic or not.
say, if India, a democratic nation, in the furture is strong enough like Soviet Union which was not democratic, Sam will come to China and say "we are allies, let's challenge Idia and restrain its power as possible as we can, they might become Iran one day. you're close to them, so you do first, we'll cancel all sanctions against you and sell you advanced weapons. we count on you, go, real man". LOL
that's it.

They did the same thing against the USSR during the Cold War.

America went into a partnership with China against the Soviet Union (which was our common enemy at the time, due to the Sino-Soviet split.)

They will side with anybody if they need to, democratic ideals or not.
Have those politicians ever wondered how would they feel if China stepped into the Arctic dispute between the US and Canada?
The issue here is really very simply -

If china controls it- it won't allow maritime access to all, if other countries (note: Us won't) controls it- then everybody gets to enjoy maritime access , even china.

Problem is: China threatens countries too much - look at the noble prize threats. Yeah , get mad but to threaten sanctions like they did? there is no Grey here with them - it's black or white. The world cannot afford such absolutist

God bless the USA
Have those politicians ever wondered how would they feel if China stepped into the Arctic dispute between the US and Canada?

The difference is US and Canada are great friends- while the other countries here hate china and want the US to step in against the bully.
The issue here is really very simply -

If china controls it- it won't allow maritime access to all, if other countries (note: Us won't) controls it- then everybody gets to enjoy maritime access , even china.

Problem is: China threatens countries too much - look at the noble prize threats. Yeah , get mad but to threaten sanctions like they did? there is no Grey here with them - it's black or white. The world cannot afford such absolutist

God bless the USA

God must be blind, since the Wall Street regime is the greatest thief and terrorist in the world. It even cruelly starved 7 million of its own citizens to death, of course nothing compared to the holocaust occuring in some certain country bordering both the Indian Ocean and Tibet.

The difference is US and Canada are great friends- while the other countries here hate china and want the US to step in against the bully.

Speak for India alone lol. I can't wait until the Royal Navy comes back to reclaim the renegade province of India. 5000 British > 200 million Indians.
And the US blames China for creating instability in the Asia region... :disagree:
God must be blind, since the Wall Street regime is the greatest thief and terrorist in the world. It even cruelly starved 7 million of its own citizens to death, of course nothing compared to the holocaust occuring in some certain country bordering both the Indian Ocean and Tibet.

Speak for India alone lol. I can't wait until the Royal Navy comes back to reclaim the renegade province of India. 5000 British > 200 million Indians.

I so get to you :D . You are too easy...
And the US blames China for creating instability in the Asia region... :disagree:

you just have to look at the topics in the last 72 hrs. china pissed of Philippines , china pissed of japan again, china pissed off Vietnam.. China pisses off india, china pisses off....
The difference is US and Canada are great friends- while the other countries here hate china and want the US to step in against the bully.

Study some current politics first, buddy.

China's biggest trading partners are in Asia, and for those countries, China is most likely their #1 or #2 trading partner.

Most major countries (Indonesia, Singapore, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Australia, New Zealand, etc) in the region have close ties to China, not only economically, but militarily as well. In fact, China has engaged in military exercises with these countries. Try reading some news and keeping up with national events.

And if you really think China is a bully, then you are terribly gullible to US media or Indian online blogs.

China has never sent its military on missions abroad and never has interfered with other countries' domestic affairs. That's why you never see the term "China" when reading about foreign incidents.

Do some basic research, please.
Chinese, British leaders affirm ties in Beijing - Hurriyet Daily News and Economic Review

5000 British and 5000 Chinese can split administration between us. 200 British can probably administer Bombay, 200 more can administer Calcutta, and we'll just take New Delhi. Except for Kerala the rest of India can become low wage slaves working on British plantations.

you know the British don't recognize Tibet as belonging to china or even Taiwan and think you guys support terrorist nations ?:) who are you fooling by such article - 80% of the world does business with you perhaps , but 99% of them despise your govt ...:P
you just have to look at the topics in the last 72 hrs. china pissed of Philippines , china pissed of japan again, china pissed off Vietnam.. China pisses off india, china pisses off....

What has China done to "piss off" Philippines? Name one thing.

Japan sent their own military destroyers into disputed areas. Use your great logic and tell me who's provoking who.

Vietnam? We just agreed to increase cooperation with them, both militarily and economically.

India? It wasn't our fault that India's government decided to send troops to forcefully occupy disputed territory, which led to the Sino-Indian War.
The issue here is really very simply -

If china controls it- it won't allow maritime access to all, if other countries (note: Us won't) controls it- then everybody gets to enjoy maritime access , even china.

Problem is: China threatens countries too much - look at the noble prize threats. Yeah , get mad but to threaten sanctions like they did? there is no Grey here with them - it's black or white. The world cannot afford such absolutist

God bless the USA

China has a peaceful development doctrine, which promises that it won't interfere with other peoples' affairs, unlike India's claim to the whole Indian Ocean.

China has never used its military abroad. China has never forced a policy on any other nation. China has never reached beyond Asia. China has never forced sanctions on anyone. Those are historical facts. Try learning them.

Speaking of the Nobel Prize, perhaps you should note that it was the US that award the Prize to a Chinese criminal, a clear attempt to assert itself into the center of China's domestic affairs.

Hopefully God blesses your researching abilities first, because it's not really up to quality as of now.
Study some current politics first, buddy.

China's biggest trading partners are in Asia, and for those countries, China is most likely their #1 or #2 trading partner.

Most major countries (Indonesia, Singapore, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Australia, New Zealand, etc) in the region have close ties to China, not only economically, but militarily as well. In fact, China has engaged in military exercises with these countries. Try reading some news and keeping up with national events.

And if you really think China is a bully, then you are terribly gullible to US media or Indian online blogs.

China has never sent its military on missions abroad and never has interfered with other countries' domestic affairs. That's why you never see the term "China" when reading about foreign incidents.

Do some basic research, please.

Doing Business and being liked or respected is another. Pakistan does business with India too. There is no made up US media ( you see we have a FREE MEDIA) rather China media ( Propoganda machine for the govt.), wrote about the govt who threatened sanctions on countries if they attended the Nobel peace prize ceremony . don't you think that's taking it a bit far? lodge a protest but threaten sanctions makes them a bully...thats why countries can't wait to dump chain as no 1 trading partner. India is going after it strong...a recent article even spoke to that strategy .
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