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U.S. Challenges China on Disputed Islands

How can I debate with your logic that doing trade means they trust each other.

flash news; India don't trust you. Us don't trust you , NATO don't trust you - they just do business. I dislike Chinese govt and chinese attitude in these forums and frankly even in the US - but I do go eat Chinese food and give them my business and leave a good tip :)

to make you feel a bit better. Pakistan despises India, hates India as majority of their population probably- but they do - do business with India :)

Rest of your posts I'm sorry to say is paranoia ramblings about media and wiki leaks brother... I'll let you enjoy that state of mind ;)

You can't. Because you won't go to a bank you don't trust, would you?

If India doesn't trust China and if China doesn't trust India, then the trade wouldn't have surpassed the $10 billion mark in 2006. China and India wouldn't have engaged in joint development projects if that was the case. Moreover, China and India wouldn't have engaged in military exercises if that was the case.

Sure, you may not like the Chinese government, but posting wrong facts about it only proves that you are a know-nothing on this matter.

Please note that the word "hate" is extremely naive and immature. India and Pakistan have been separated since 1947, and ever since there have been periods of both peace and tension. "Tension" is a better term in this case.

Historical-backed facts are not "paranoia". And when did I ever mention WikiLeaks in my post? Stop making up facts and get yourself educated.
Wake up, buddy. It's a big world out there.
. .
The "Iron triangle ruling the U.S."? You believe that stuff?
You haven't answered the question--does the US have a "free" media when it is controlled by powerful corporations bent on advancing its own interest at the expense of the public?

Relatively yes. There are any number of sources people are free to get their news from,from Voice of America to Xinhua, to Fox, to Huffington Post,to BBC, to Foreign Policy,to Wikileaks, to Raw data from the UN, to Abovetopsecret. It is possible to find news (or 'news') from many different viewpoints or , if you have the time, to pore over raw data and form your own, something not possible in many other countries. Media isn't just television, its newspapers, it's the internet.

It isn't free and unbiased in the absolutist sense,no, because humans are reporting, and humans are running the company.

The media is free to report without legal interference from the govt' that is a free media.
I am not in a small and fringe minority in the US. Everyone is just afraid to say anything. That Jews control Hollywood/Media isn't even in dispute. I can supply a long list of Jewish people that control Hollywood and US Media, but what's the point? You will believe what you believe. So you are not fringe, its just Americans are afraid to say the 'truth' out loud?:what: You can supply a long list of Jewish people who hold prominent positions in US media, as there are no doubt many who hold prominent positions throughout America's economy, but you cannot post any evidence of any collusion due to their 'jewishness'. They are individuals first, they do not profess loyalty to Judaism as Chinese party bosses to the party.

Alleged Jewish 'Control' of the American Motion Picture Industry

Tim Wise » When Paranoia Meets Prejudice: Debunking the Notion of a Jewish Conspiracy

Sheen and Galliano are only the latest example. Both lost their jobs. There are many other examples over the years. Sheen could beat his wife and threaten her life with a knife. Go on cocaine binges and have tons of prostitutes and still keep his job. The minute he says something remotely anti-semitic, HE'S FIRED. The truth is the truth. At least Chinese people know their media is controlled.

Helen Thomas (an 80 year woman) lost her job for saying the following in the US FREE MEDIA:

Helen Thomas, White House correspondent for Hearst Newspapers, gave an interview to Rabbi David Nesenoff of RabbiLive.com at the White House’s May 27 Jewish Heritage Celebration . Rabbi Nesenoff posted a clip from the video on YouTube. Here’s the transcript:

Nesenoff: Any comments on Israel? We’re asking everybody today–

Thomas: Tell them to get the hell out of Palestine.

Nesenoff: Ooh. Any better comments?

Thomas (chuckling): Remember, these people are occupied, and it’s their land, not German and not Polish.

Nesenoff: So where should they go? What should they do?

Thomas: They should go home.

Nesenoff: Where is home?

Thomas: Poland. Germany.

Nesenoff: So you’re saying the Jews should go back to Poland and Germany?

Thomas: And America, and everywhere else.

They are also fired for racial remarks against blacks, asians, and you name it. Your examples do not provide evidence of an industry wide jewish conspiracy, they provide evidence of political correctness run amok.

As for Helen Thomas...Helen Thomas Gets a New Job - The Daily Beast
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