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U.S. assessing Pakistan nukes if Musharraf falls


Jul 25, 2007
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U.S. military intelligence officials are urgently assessing how secure Pakistan's nuclear weapons would be in the event President Gen. Pervez Musharraf were replaced as the nation's leader, CNN has learned.

Analysts wonder how secure Pakistan's nuclear weapons would be if President Pervez Musharraf were replaced.

Key questions in the assessment include who would control Pakistan's nuclear weapons after a shift in power. The United States is pressuring Musharraf, who took control in a 1999 coup, not to declare a state of emergency as he faces growing political opposition.

Three U.S. sources have independently confirmed details of the intelligence review to CNN but would not allow their names to be used because of the sensitivity of the matter.

The sources include military officers and intelligence community analysts.

The assessment is part of a broader review of the military and security situation in Pakistan.

Officials say that Pakistan and its nuclear weapons are always a high intelligence priority for the United States.

The current review is a result of recent developments in that country, including the prospect that Musharraf could still declare a national emergency that would give him sweeping powers.

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Although the Pakistani government ruled out the declaration Thursday, the three sources told CNN that the United States thinks Musharraf may still impose those measures.

Musharraf was elected to president in a 2002 vote that was widely viewed as rigged. His five-year presidential term expires in November and he is seeking to retain his position as president and army chief. Pakistani elections are scheduled sometime around the turn of the year.

U.S. analysts are watching current Pakistani troop movements closely to see whether Musharraf is making any moves that could indicate he is about to impose emergency measures. It appears that in recent weeks a large number of troops left the Kashmir region to go to the tribal regions along the Afghan border, officials say.

Afghan officials have accused Pakistan of allowing Taliban and al Qaeda fighters to regroup and carve out a new safe haven along Pakistan's largely lawless northwestern frontier.

The United States has full knowledge about the location of Pakistan's nuclear weapons, according to the U.S. assessment.

But the key questions, officials say, are what would happen and who would control the weapons in the hours after any change in government in case Musharraf were killed or overthrown.

Musharraf controls the loyalty of the commanders and senior officials in charge of the nuclear program, but those loyalties could shift at any point, officials say.

The United States is not certain who might start controlling nuclear launch codes and weapons if that shift in power were to happen.

There is also a growing understanding according to the U.S. analysis that Musharraf's control over the military remains limited to certain top commanders and units, raising worries about whether he can maintain control over the long term.

The U.S. officials also say one of the key problems for the U.S. military is what restrictions on U.S.-Pakistani military cooperation could be imposed if Musharraf were to impose heavy security restrictions in his country. :pakistan: :china:
Sounds too big to have just leaked out.

I doubt any SPECIAL plans are being made right now. There's always been an American plan to attack Pak Nukes if the worst happens.
Nothing happens when Musharraf goes. Army Strategic Forces Command (ASFC) is responsible for the security of the nuclear weapons. If Musharraf goes, Salahuddin Satti (currently CGS) will take over if Ahsan Saleem hayat decides to opt out (he has declined the offer to extend his term as VCoAS). The ASFC is under Lt Gen Absar Hussain and will continue on as it would under normal circumstances.

It would be something else if the entire higher command of the Army was wiped out but such is not the case. Americans and their concerns are as usual overblown. Pakistan has gone through 5-6 government changes yet the security of the country's strategic weapons remained intact. Not sure what changes now?
i think pakistan need's to start building there armour up and quick,no one is 100% sure america will not attack pakistan. :pakistan: :china: if u cant beat them at least give them a bloody nose.
Pakistan wont loose her nuclear weapons, its not a walk in the park for the americans that they can come in destroy the weapons and get out. All of this BS is going for sometime now and pakistans neclear weapons are now being showed as a threat in the minds of american people so that they can justify another war which otherwise american people are not willing to.

I still am a stonger supporter of pakistan going ICBM, reason isnt that pakistan will strike on US but to always stop an aggressor, needs an aggresive approach. Americans are one of bloody scariest nation of the world if they know pakistan is in the position to strike back to US they wouldnt dare attacking us.
when pakistan loses its nuclear arsenal its good nite muslim ummah thats the last line of deterence all muslim nations have

What exactly are you suggesting here? That the USA will attack and wipe out the Muslim Ummah if Pakistan loses its nukes? If the americans really wanted to do that they would have done it now.Pakistan cannot and will not threaten them with nukes or any other weaponry for the simple reason that it would be suicidal. The pakistani nukes are a deterrent against an Indian attack (which is not going to happen anyway). The other Islamic nations would be living in a fool's paradise if they expect Pakistan to use their nukes to protect them from the americans.
Pakistan might have to put its nuclear weapon on Pakistani International airline's flight, if it has to reach the USA.... i hate kids.
cant china give pakistan ibms? they have given them everything else

I dont think so china can provide icbms to pakistan, it isnt that small that it wouldnt be spotted by american satellite. The only thing they can provide us and have in the past is the knowlege, we have our own expertise in missle development too so we can make ICBMs, its just the matter of time when our government realizes it needs one.
Nothing happens when Musharraf goes. Army Strategic Forces Command (ASFC) is responsible for the security of the nuclear weapons. If Musharraf goes, Salahuddin Satti (currently CGS) will take over if Ahsan Saleem hayat decides to opt out (he has declined the offer to extend his term as VCoAS). The ASFC is under Lt Gen Absar Hussain and will continue on as it would under normal circumstances.

It would be something else if the entire higher command of the Army was wiped out but such is not the case. Americans and their concerns are as usual overblown. Pakistan has gone through 5-6 government changes yet the security of the country's strategic weapons remained intact. Not sure what changes now?

After going nuclear, i think you havnt had to face a similar situation where you have to deal with a power vaccum.
After going nuclear, i think you havnt had to face a similar situation where you have to deal with a power vaccum.

But wasn't that Blain's point? That there would not be a power vacuum unless you wiped out the entire military command?
hey who told u pakistan wont use its nukes to defend other muslim nations if u recall the 1st iraq war in 1990 when saddam was throwing scuds at israel it placed its nukes in the open that evening pakistan primie minister nawaz shariff phoned israels prime minister yitsak shamir and told him that if israel used these weapons against iraq or any other muslim nation it would face the consequences . israel then renmoved these missiles immediately. also believe me when i say if it wernt for pakis nukes israel will have deported all palestinians by now and expanded its borders largely. the us and israel have been planning for years on how to steal these nuke warheads from pakistan i dont know whats their method but it could happen.

This is complete Rubbish.stop spreading Rumors created by Mullahs

Our nukes are for our defense only we have never ever threatened any nation with it.our nuclear programme is of defensive nature not a offensive one.

Oh just for your information Saddam was anti Pakistan and pro India.BUT ummah dream lives on:enjoy:
But wasn't that Blain's point? That there would not be a power vacuum unless you wiped out the entire military command?

You mean there wont be any power struggle, good for us then. We rather have a PA guy and not a MMA chap with his finger on the button.
Shhhh! Don't give them ideas! :taz:


What do you think, who you are. You are talking about ideas, the Al Qaida will give you a run for your money if you are talking about ideas!!
US is trying to pose Pakistan a destablize nation to an extent that it can not safegaurd its own nukes. Its a grand conspiracy of the West to take the nukes out of the Pakistan hands. However the nukes are very much safe and world has seen all this since the first nuclear tests carried out by Pakistan. Govts have changed, many ups and downs have come and gone but the nukes are intact.
However one thing is clear that the west does not want Nukes in Islamic world so that it will be easy to control them easily in any future misadventure and it is their fear that these nukes can spread in case any Khilafa like state comes into being.
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