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U.S. Aircraft Carrier Enters Zone Near Iranian Oil Route as Tensions Rise

Wrong again. Here re-read what you have posted:

Korean War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
So pls tell me why US troop in SK did nothing when NK shelled SK islands ?? but if NK dare to shell Okinawa, you will se the diffrent action from US troop:coffee:
Obambam said:
It is about being smart. It will affect America's interests but they are powerless to stop it. A strong country needs both a strong economy and a strong army. I feel sorry for you,because your country has neither and it must hurt you to see your favourite lender having such important ties with China
How will it affect America's interests ??or just like how you boast: "Mekong patrol will contain VN's clout in Laos" :lol:

Take back Taiwan first before thinking about Japan islands , dude .
So pls tell me why US troop in SK did nothing when NK shelled SK islands ?? but if NK dare to shell Okinawa, you will se the diffrent action from US troop:coffee:

How will it affect America's interests ??or just like how you boast: "Mekong patrol will contain VN's clout in Laos" :lol:

Take back Taiwan first before thinking about Japan islands , dude .

IDK you have ask the USA on why they didn't do anything when NK shelled South, USA also did not do anything when NK sunk the Cheonan, if North goes for it.
When you're weaker than enemy, you must be patience . Just learn from China, she've lost Taiwan for very long time already, but she still need to wait bcz her forces still weak, can not take it back now.

When China can take back Taiwan, then it's will be the time for Iran to retaliate US.

Taiwan is not the topic, since you love to drag Tiawan in every thread I must point out that Taiwan is militarily insignificant when compared with China's military might. If it was not from the strait of Taiwan Taiwan would have been a province of China again.
Taiwan is not the topic, since you love to drag Tiawan in every thread I must point out that Taiwan is militarily insignificant when compared with China's military might. If it was not from the strait of Taiwan Taiwan would have been a province of China again.
I use Taiwan to prove that : even China with more speed boats, warship than Iran still try to avoid US seven fleet, so it's no shame for Iran to avoid US fleet too. Anything wrong to drag Taiwan in here ??
Hu Songshan said:
IDK you have ask the USA on why they didn't do anything when NK shelled South, USA also did not do anything when NK sunk the Cheonan, if North goes for it.
bcz SK is not US's national interests, so they did Nothing , and it also explan why PLA could "defeat" US forces in Korean war.:coffee:

SK is not US's national interests, so they didn't send their best troop to fight against Soviet-China-NK troops, but Taiwan is diffrent, so China can not take it back untill now.
So pls tell me why US troop in SK did nothing when NK shelled SK islands ?? but if NK dare to shell Okinawa, you will se the diffrent action from US troop:coffee:

There is no need for me to answer you that. It is evident that you are confused with time and got your arguments all mixed up. Next time, pay a bit more attention to what you are reading before you post something.

Here, let me help you.
We were talking about how America failed to turn the entire Korea into democracy which resulted in the birth of North Korea, not whether it is still in their interests to fight another Korean war :lol:

Here re-read what you have posted:

Bcz US didn't care much about N.Korean, so US didn't fight with full forces

Korean War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Factors in US intervention

The Truman Administration was caught at a crossroads. Before the invasion, Korea was not included in the strategic Asian Defense Perimeter outlined by Secretary of State Acheson.[69] Military strategists were more concerned with the security of Europe against the Soviet Union than East Asia. At the same time, the Administration was worried that a war in Korea could quickly widen into another world war should the Chinese or Soviets decide to get involved as well.

How will it affect America's interests ??or just like how you boast: "Mekong patrol will contain VN's clout in Laos" :lol:
:lol: oh dear, looks like someone with no idea about the economy is concerned and is blindly defending daddy America's interests. Don't worry, you will live long enough to see the changes just like how you got to see your alleged brotherly neighbours ditched you behind for China and the rest of ASEAN ignored your lame request to unite against China ;)

Take back Taiwan first before thinking about Japan islands , dude .

Thinking of Japan islands? Thanks but no thanks. Meanwhile, good luck taking back spratly and paracel, we are here to stay :lol:
There is no need for me to answer you that. It is evident that you are confused with time and got your arguments all mixed up. Next time, pay a bit more attention to what you are reading before you post something.

Here, let me help you.
We were talking about how America failed to turn the entire Korea into democracy which resulted in the birth of North Korea, not whether it is still in their interests to fight another Korean war :lol:

Here re-read what you have posted:

Korean War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

:lol: oh dear, looks like someone with no idea about the economy is concerned and is blindly defending daddy America's interests. Don't worry, you will live long enough to see the changes just like how you got to see your alleged brotherly neighbours ditched you behind for China and the rest of ASEAN ignored your lame request to unite against China ;)

Thinking of Japan islands? Thanks but no thanks. Meanwhile, good luck taking back spratly and paracel, we are here to stay :lol:

talking to Vietnamese, about economy?

If they knew what they were talking about, they would not have 20% inflation.

Vietnamese are welcome to come to China to avoid troubles at home. We only ask for small donations of land when you get here.
talking to Vietnamese, about economy?

If they knew what they were talking about, they would not have 20% inflation.

Vietnamese are welcome to come to China to avoid troubles at home. We only ask for small donations of land when you get here.

Wasn't even bothered. I was simply laughing at his sheer ignorance on the matter. :lol:
I just suggesst Iran to avoid US forces , bcz even China also avoid US forces too .I don't care how you solve your Taiwan problem , but Truth is the Truth : even China also be bullied by US , and can not retaliate now.

US forces still very strong, so psl make a wise decision before attacking US carrier.

Leaders of IRI are not fool. They also don't want to go to war with US. but what China and Russains would do if US sanctions them like Iran. Sanctioning their natural resources exports???

If someone crosses the limits every nation has right to defend it self by every means. even the enemy is stronger you have to draw a red line.
As in a neighborhood we should not allowed a third person with noting common with us fighting our neigbours. I bet if countries in this region stands up USA will run away like a dog.
Leaders of IRI are not fool. They also don't want to go to war with US. but what China and Russains would do if US sanctions them like Iran. Sanctioning their natural resources exports???

If someone crosses the limits every nation has right to defend it self by every means. even the enemy is stronger you have to draw a red line.
Did Iran lose any island to US's hand like China lost Taiwan ? China-VietNam got US sanctions too, but we can find out the way to negotiate with US, so Iran can do the same , right ??

Go to war just bcz of US sanctions is not a wise idea , negotiation is the best way to solve this problem.
Did Iran lose any island to US's hand like China lost Taiwan ? China-VietNam got US sanctions too, but we can find out the way to negotiate with US, so Iran can do the same , right ??

Go to war just bcz of US sanctions is not a wise idea , negotiation is the best way to solve this problem.
Apparently, the U.S. is a bad negotiator these days. Even on the issues between Israel and Palestine.
Obambam said:
Here, let me help you.
We were talking about how America failed to turn the entire Korea into democracy which resulted in the birth of North Korea, not whether it is still in their interests to fight another Korean war

Here re-read what you have posted:
Dude, before Korean war happen, US troop already withdrawed from Korea , they didn't care if Korea peninsula had "Democracy" or not.
Wasn't even bothered. I was simply laughing at his sheer ignorance on the matter. :lol:
So tell me when can China-Japan kick US out of Okinawa and take Taiwan back ??
Huan said:
Apparently, the U.S. is a bad negotiator these days. Even on the issue between Israel and Palestine.
So , let think about another ways, like China try to strengthen her economic influent to counter US, go to war against US is bad idea too.
So , let think another ways, like China try to strengthen her economic influent to counter US, go to war against US is bad idea too.
China is not strong enough yet to directly challenge the U.S. navy. That can wait for consideration for about 10 more years or so. Right now, China's best interest is in development and building up in economic and military terms. Best bet right now is to discourage rivals from making any big moves.
China is not strong enough yet to directly challenge the U.S. navy. That can wait for consideration for about 10 more years or so. Right now, China's best interest is in development and building up in economic and military terms. Best bet right now is to discourage rivals from making any big moves.
That's good way , Iran can counter US by this way too . If China really wanna help Iran, China must help Iran to develop their economy , not incite Iran to war against US :coffee:
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